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Do you enjoy alcohol?


Jun 29, 2017
Alcohol for me is a funny one. It's a "shit drug" in comparison to opiates however after I'm tired and hungry, it's like the best thing in the world.

What really irks me about the alcohol culture is that I'm an addict because I drink one or two beers in the evening ever day but someone gulpin down a noggin on vodka to the point of vomiting on themselves and getting the ER called is okay?? I don't judge but again, the hypocrisy of anti-drug people never ceases to amaze me.

But I think with alcohol, It's always great if benzos are mixed in.
I think most outsiders would consider my alcohol usage problematic. I tend to have a few beers most nights and have been doing so for like 15 years. Whenever I do drink a lot and get drunk I am usually alone because I don't like being around other people. Getting drunk is a rare thing, though, the hangover is just not worth the high.

So some people would consider my alcohol use problematic but I don't. I'm an addict and have had problematic relationships with many many substances. I've never had a problem recognizing this problematic relationship - denial has never been a problem for me.

I suppose I could be wrong but I don't think I am. Alcohol has been the one substance I can take or leave. It's the one substance I don't think about or obssese about all the time. I don't plan my day around it. I don't care if I don't have any one night. I've never had withdrawals. Alcohol just really is no big deal for me... I just can't say the same thing for virtually every other substance I've used.
What really irks me about the alcohol culture is that I'm an addict because I drink one or two beers in the evening ever day
This doesn't sound like problem drinking to me, but it begs the question: who is calling you an addict? And why is it getting under your skin?

cowardescent said:
but someone gulpin down a noggin on vodka to the point of vomiting on themselves and getting the ER called is okay??
This is how I drank for about a decade and it's never "okay" and I don't think anyone would agree it is.

cowardescent said:
But I think with alcohol, It's always great if benzos are mixed in.
This downright reckless. In 25 years of heavy drinking, and the thousands of times I drove when I shouldn't have, the only time I got a DUI was when I was both high on benzos and drunk. I also nearly burned down a motel room smoking in bed while high on benzos and drunk. And this isn't even counting the countless times I've woken up in the morning with black eyes and unexplained cuts and bruises from falls I don't remember. In the interests of harm reduction, I have to counter your claim that alcohol "is always great with benzos." It ultimately almost always leads to bad things, if not now, certainly later.

But yeah, to answer the OP's question, yeah I love alcohol. I love it too much. But I hate the consequences, whether it was legal problems or withdrawals bad enough to warrant hospitalization (if you haven't experienced it, I highly recommend you don't let it get to that point).
I have to agree with aihfl... benzos are NOT "great" with alcohol. Definitely not fun to wake up in the hospital without the slightest clue as to how you got there, or in a town an hour away driving in the middle of the night. It's nothing to play with.

But yes, I do love alcohol. I also hate it.
Don't like alcohol...makes me dysphoric like other GABAergics do, honestly.

Having a beer or two w/ a friend is OK, but that's about my limit and I CAN'T STAND being "drunk"...it's basically the opposite of a fun experience for me at this point in my life.
Funny how I flew from Dublin to Los Angeles airport popping diazepam like candy along with the white wine served on the flight. I didn't remember anything until I got to my uncles house. Passed through airport security without remembering lol...
No not really. Getting drunk is expensive for me also. Ironically I do it a decent amount, there's always booze available here in my house (as well as everywhere in general of course). I sometimes have like 2 or 3 beers at dinner time and occasionally drink hard alcohol if I've had a long day.

If I have vodka it's over though. I drink it straight, either shots or just from a glass lol. During a time when I drank a stupid unhealthy amount daily I drank 16 shots in one sitting over roughly 2 hours with no issue. That's when I knew I needed to make some...adjustments.
Never was a drinker. Just not the type of feeling I like whatsoever and my family has a pretty gnarly history with it.
Yes, I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it but I don't drink to get drunk. I'll drink around 3 beers a night over a 3-4 hour period. I'm a pothead and kratom addict not a drunk. ;)
Sometimes i go through periods where i drink 8 or 10 beers a day for a few weeks. Then towards the end of the binge i will throw shots of hard liquor in the mix and go overboard. Get real hungover and take a break for a bit.

But i do love alcohol, its been apart of my life a longtime. I've learned to gain some more control and not blackout anymore. I used to be a pretty serious alcoholic in my 20's, seemed to have snapped out of that to an extent.

My first two drinks feel wonderful. Going out to the bar with my girlfriend on Friday, catch a nice buzz. Then take the subway home and drink some more. Good times :)
one of the best drugs if you manage it correctly.

sometimes the hangover makes me feel like it's not worth it though but rarely do i ever get hungover.
I drink everyday usually at night while watching sports (like right now). I'm getting worried about the amount of consumption everyday now though. The last thing I need is a dependency on a GABA-ergic.

So I do enjoy it but I'm not exactly sure why.
Alcohol is a funny one, that's for sure. I personally used to binge drink way too often as a replacement for opiates and stimulants and dissociatives and benzos and phenibut and.. you get the picture. It worked but it fucked my body up and only these last few months have I been able to regulate it at all. Currently working on doing a CT of 100ml a day vodka and cannabis. I've been tapering down for months ..

I personally don't like how it makes me feel. It used to make me happy and carefree now it makes me sad and I get anxious and overstimulated from it. Plus I don't like how it affects me emotionally (not gonna lie I am pretty damn bipolar from years of meth use and alcohol exacerbates it) and nowadays physiologically. Causes bloating, fucks up digestion, slows the immune system. That's with daily drinking of even 100ml 40% but I was abusing so much shit for so long that I'm basically oversensitized to it. Any fitness goals go out the window as soon as I take a drink, and in my opinion it's bullshit that "one is too many, 100 is never enough". One was never too many for me. 10 wasn't too many either, nor was 20. It wasn't until it stopped working and the side effects we're exacerbated that I experienced any negative effects from it, and at that point I was too psychologically addicted to stop without making major changes i.e. a paradigm shift. It wasn't always enough but it was okay as long as I had pot. Perhaps I've always used it to self medicate. But obsessing about that one drink, scheduling my life around when I would be able to take it without consequences and smoke cannabis, drink coffee and vape while playing video games and be "care free" is a thing of the past for me. The only thing that cures my anxiety nowadays is being productive and eating right and even then I find myself getting way too stressed and falling back into old habits.
used to not be crazy about it, nowadays i'm an alcoholic? go figure. I blame cocaine.
I don't even know if I enjoy alcohol anymore. I'm not sure I ever did.

I used to enjoy the feeling I'd get after still being awake at 8 in the morning after having drank since noon the day before, but I don't get to that point anymore.
The problem is that I binge drink like it's my job. Never drink during the week. Usually only maybe 3 times a month, but when we do (I say we, because my whole friend crew is a bunch of binge drinking nutters), we drink it all....and for hours. 10 hour pub sessions aren't out of the norm. Which just goes to show you the tolerance levels involved if you're still being served because you're able to function and aren't causing a scene.

My hangovers have become actual hangovers ever since a four day binge in Cuba 6 years ago (the after-effects of having left a terrible relationship) left me unable to put anything down and led to terrible withdrawal with shakes like an earthquake and mini-seizures? or brain zaps?....not sure what the hell that was but it kept me up til 5am after having been sent to bed by my friends around 9 in the evening (every time I was about to doze off, my brain would get a zap lasting about 3-5s which would jolt me the hell awake...thought I was going to die at a hotel in Cuba).
That incident ruined alcohol for me forever in that my body doesn't handle it as well as it used to.

I take a hiatus at least once a year where I don't drink a sip for like 3 months or so. This does nothing for my tolerance, unfortunately and once birthday season is back, it's back to the usual drink it all technique with the crew.

It's weird, because I can easily not drink but have a hard time moderating drinking when I do imbibe in certain situations. If I'm out alone for a meal at a pub or restaurant, then one or two drinks is achievable, but if it's out on a Friday or Saturday with friends, then I think a 20 drink minimum is in effect, usually.

I also do truly enjoy the taste of certain wines and cocktails.

I've decided to try and make non-alcoholic cocktails infused with psilocybin extract and slowly drink myself into psilocybin highs instead.

Problem is, one can't just buy psilocybin extract at the nearest pharmacy or supermarket, and pubs don't serve psilocybin infused drinks.

It's a weird one. Forever quitting meth was easy. Forever quitting K was easy. Forever quitting coke was easy. Forever quitting alcohol? Maybe if this psilocybin cocktail technique works out.

I don't ever think about drinking when I'm not drinking. Like right now, I have a bottle of gin, a beer, and a bottle of wine sitting in my kitchen. It can go on sitting there til the appropriate time. I don't feel dependent on it. Not sure what the reason for the extreme binge drinking is.

So, in short, do I enjoy alcohol? I have no idea.