• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

⫸STICKY⫷ Featured Forum: Best of Bluelight


Indefinite break from BL - contact other admin
Feb 22, 2000

We have been around since 1999-ish, and as such, we have collected over time some epic threads - some timeliness, some capturing the moment exceptionally well. We take these most awesome threads from the various forums and put them in a special place we call Best of Bluelight. For November we will be featuring some of this forum's most popular threads. Who knows, maybe someday one of your threads will be there as well!

We will highlight other gems here in the feature forum thread.

Let's start off with one of the most well known topics of the drug-related internet: Can you fax acid?
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Sex, Love, and Relationships, a Bluelight community forum that can lead to intimate discussions and stunning revelations.
One such sharing led to a #BestOf discussion about how She's been saving my semen
Lots of gold down there folks, do check some out for a lulz or two ;)

We have been around since 1999-ish,
Memory sounds like it's getting a little foggy
Let's start off with one of the most well known topics of the drug-related internet: Can you fax acid?
What frivolity. @AutoTripper will have some words for this thread which really has to prove itself with something better than that clickbait. If anyone missed out on the news re @AutoTripper here's a summary. He has a full 2 year endorsement deal with Sandoz raving team in Hasle, a small rural town + Province not named for David Hasselhoff.

Ea month he gets a box of a hundred 100 microgram ampules which are convenient for sack lunches and handing out as party favors.
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Petition to add the Alisha Jean Miller thread to best of bluelight
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Regarding the whole faxing of LSD I do actually envisage a time where psychoactive experiences will be delivered via 5G or some digital telecom network or VR type.

Downloaded to the consciousness just like a Netflix movie except you have your option of upgrading your trip after 23 hours with a one hour text notice to say it will be terminated at midnight or you can purchase another 900 µg for half price LOL.

Also you can cancel the initial 700 µg within the first five hours for a 50% discount if it's gone a bit sour lol!

Not quite there yet. Don't rule it out though.
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As you'd expect, using drugs can lead to some weird imaginings. Here we have a collection of some of the more popular stories shared by some of our members. Do you have anything to add from your own experiences?
Meth-psychosis stories.... you know you have one..

Only been awake since Wednesday and working on this happening.