• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Education Does nearly everyone end up succeeding after high school?


Jun 29, 2017
I'm wondering this. My parents (behind my back) and the police have told me that cases like mine are tragic. The latter told me I'd either end up homeless or in prison and that I'd be one of the rare few young people they've met that follws this path. My parents, in particular my mother also said she feels a bit of shame because most of the Kenyan families as well as my cousins are succeeding, while I'm still repeating high school doing poorly.

This makes me feel a bit bad to be honest but I'm wondering, is there something seriously wrong with me or have I just taken a wrong turn? I failed and got 0 points in my HS exams last in 2017, went to a further education course but didn't complete that, and now I'm here. This year was pretty low as my mother stopped talking to me completely for a period of time and the little people I knew on facebook from my older school also blocked me.

Is this normal? Do most people young people have encounters with law enforcement?
Well as an answer to your question, my senior class in high school was 127 people, 68 graduated, I think 30 went to college, and about 15 are dead... alot of the rest are junkies... that's definitely an outlier, but it's all the same.
No, they don't. That's just bullshit propagated by the few that are successful - who are incapable of understanding why everyone aren't such amazing human beings as they are. Just because you don't do well at school, college or university doesn't mean you can't do well at life.
Cops have a technique where they try to make you feel bad to "scare you straight"... I wouldn't put much stock in what they said. As for your parents, that's unfortunate that they (and other people you know) have basically shunned you for poor school performance. But doing poorly at school and getting into trouble in NO WAY means you're a failure at life. Einstein did poorly in school and he's one of the smartest people anyone can think of, and of course, he went on to become immensely successful (both professionally and as a kind, good-hearted human being). School isn't for everyone, and even if that's not the case for you, everyone learns differently, and if you decide to pursue higher education for something you really love, you might find school a very different experience. You should just try to think about what you love doing, and pursue that. It doesn't matter what it is, people work the best and are the happiest when they pursue what they love and are good at. Sometimes our families and communities try to tell us what we should be, and even though it usually comes from a good place (they probably just have a narrow idea of what "success" is and want you to have it so you live a "better life"), it can be really damaging if you don't fit into their mold. Part of growing up is putting aside what everyone else expects of you and finding out what YOU expect of you, and then growing into the person YOU want to be... not the person THEY want you to be. Ultimately I'm sure your parents just want you to grow up into a happy adult and they're probably scared. If you go off and do your own thing and come back and show them that you're happy and successful doing your thing, they'll be happy for you. :) And if they're not... well, only you can make you happy.

And the idea that "nearly everyone" succeeds at life who graduates high school is laughable, absolutely untrue. I love my life and my parents are proud of me, I support myself and do things I love, yet I got in trouble when I was 17, and more over the next couple of years. It doesn't make me a bad person, and it doesn't make you a bad person either. <3
Cowardescent, are you still a juvenile? My son got arrested a few times for possession of drugs as a teenager. The last time he was aged 17, that was considered an adult here in Michigan so the outcome could have been much worse. I wouldn't go as far to say it's a common thing but when drugs are involved, the likelihood of getting in trouble increases.

My advice to you is to concentrate on finishing your high school education. I'm sure that your parents want you to succeed and maybe your mother isn't trying to make you feel bad deliberately, just frustrated. It's hard to study being high so if you have to, cut down on that. Can you get help from a tutor? Without a high school diploma, your career options are limited so give it your best effort. You're still young and don't worry- there's nothing wrong with you!