• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

New UK member, hey!


Oct 18, 2018
Hi all,

Long time user but not abuser of anything but IV drugs. I've know about Bluelight for years now, heard some amazing stories about it and figured it's about time to sign up as I'm getting older and I'd love to know more about what I take besides the "it makes me feel this and this" part.
Apart from that, 23 year old medical student and I'm expecting that the Hive mind's experiences will definitely help me in giving advice to my future open-minded patients.

Have an amazing day,
Hi, UK too here. For UK related debauchery type stuff you might like EADD: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/forums/19-European-amp-African-Drug-Discussion

I went to Wales a grand total of once, to Gower. My ex gf's family had a nice little seasonal holiday home down there on the beach. I think probably my best ever mushroom trip was there, actually. We happened upon a field with liberty caps quite randomly, and spent the night sitting on a bench with "2012 love" encarved into it, in love, on mushrooms, in 2012.The forest was so enchanted that night, I called to a moth to land on my hand and it did. We were quite deep inside and you could feel the age of the place.

Damn, good times.

Welcome to BL.
Hi sovv95,

I really respect your desire to spread knowledge to future patients. And what better place to learn than Bluelight. Well, welcome here!
