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Canada - Liberals approve first saliva screening roadside test for marijuana


Bluelight Crew
Jan 22, 2011
Liberals approve first saliva screening roadside test for marijuana
August 27th, 2018

Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould is giving the green light to a new roadside test to check for drugs.

On Monday, Wilson-Raybould approved the Drager DrugTest 5000 as the first saliva screening equipment to be used by law enforcement to test for THC, the main psychoactive agent in cannabis.

The equipment will now be made available to police forces across the country, but the government says it will still be up to police forces to decide what testing equipment they want to use.

Manufacturers have told the government that they could meet demand for roadside saliva testing equipment within four to six weeks.

Read the full story here.
Is there any data showing the test can distinguish between someone who smoked hours before the test vs days before the test?
Is there any data showing the test can distinguish between someone who smoked hours before the test vs days before the test?

I've been wondering that myself. Not sure how this is supposed to work as the new laws put in place have set guidelines for THC blood content as a measure of impairment.
I'm guessing it works in a similar way to alcohol breathaliser tests.
Would the saliva test for marijuana ingestion be prone to false positives because THC is fat-soluble?
They say this test can distinguish different digs? Can anyone substantiate this?
They giveth and take away. Before it was legal myself and others were pulled over stinking of weed and worse case they search for trafficking. But usually just scold you, no DUI.
Saliva tests only determine the presence of THC whether its still in your system.It dosent indicate how much you have smoked ate stuck up your arse.And yes they can produce false positives.
Is there any data showing the test can distinguish between someone who smoked hours before the test vs days before the test?
The million dollar question. I would like to know the science and logic behind this. This type stuff causes all the lawyers to come out in the US so it better be perfected before rolled out here. Unless the saliva test just shows you just smoked. Then ok. Good luck with that.

The powers that be really should leave this stuff alone. The guy that owns the cannabis shop in town is saying some people in NY want to do away with carts and gummys. No THC Just flower. Which is ironic because when medical rolled out our govenor, his heiness Cuomo, felt we should not have flower. Only carts and edibles. It was a total rip off before legalization. What the states do not understand is the toothpaste is out of the tube. Nothing restricts every again so they will spin their wheels. One state tries to restrict, just get it mailed from another. I guess the post offices are up to speed on this these days too. The guy in town with the shop gets stuff mailed from Vermont and California. NY still very behind 2 years later.

This legalization really has caused all the power freaks in government to come out and try one last time. Again good luck with that. Cannabis is flowing out of every corner.
The million dollar question. I would like to know the science and logic behind this. This type stuff causes all the lawyers to come out in the US so it better be perfected before rolled out here. Unless the saliva test just shows you just smoked. Then ok. Good luck with that.

The powers that be really should leave this stuff alone. The guy that owns the cannabis shop in town is saying some people in NY want to do away with carts and gummys. No THC Just flower. Which is ironic because when medical rolled out our govenor, his heiness Cuomo, felt we should not have flower. Only carts and edibles. It was a total rip off before legalization. What the states do not understand is the toothpaste is out of the tube. Nothing restricts every again so they will spin their wheels. One state tries to restrict, just get it mailed from another. I guess the post offices are up to speed on this these days too. The guy in town with the shop gets stuff mailed from Vermont and California. NY still very behind 2 years later.

This legalization really has caused all the power freaks in government to come out and try one last time. Again good luck with that. Cannabis is flowing out of every corner.
Recreational is going to be on the Florida ballot this year but our attorney general is trying to block it by arguing that it would go against federal law when so many other states did the exact same thing.
The million dollar question. I would like to know the science and logic behind this. This type stuff causes all the lawyers to come out in the US so it better be perfected before rolled out here. Unless the saliva test just shows you just smoked. Then ok. Good luck with that.

The powers that be really should leave this stuff alone. The guy that owns the cannabis shop in town is saying some people in NY want to do away with carts and gummys. No THC Just flower. Which is ironic because when medical rolled out our govenor, his heiness Cuomo, felt we should not have flower. Only carts and edibles. It was a total rip off before legalization. What the states do not understand is the toothpaste is out of the tube. Nothing restricts every again so they will spin their wheels. One state tries to restrict, just get it mailed from another. I guess the post offices are up to speed on this these days too. The guy in town with the shop gets stuff mailed from Vermont and California. NY still very behind 2 years later.

This legalization really has caused all the power freaks in government to come out and try one last time. Again good luck with that. Cannabis is flowing out of every corner.
I worked as purely a chemist in a toxicology lab for quite a few years. What I learned and verified from the scientific literature was that blood and plasma are the only bodily fluids where we can estimate the dosage and time the drug was taken accurately. And even within blood there was a lot of variation.

Other bodily fluids were worthless for this need…although saliva never specifically came up during my time there
They giveth and take away. Before it was legal myself and others were pulled over stinking of weed and worse case they search for trafficking. But usually just scold you, no DUI.

That was my thought too. It seems each time we are “given” something we then have to fork over more personal rights. Now if these tests were damn near 100% accurate for testing cannabis within 3hrs of use, I’d be all for it. But I don’t even have to research them extensively to tell you they aren’t.

T Now if these tests were damn near 100% accurate for testing cannabis within 3hrs of use, I’d be all for it. But I don’t even have to research them extensively to tell you they aren’t.

I would not be for it. There are many people that have more experience driving stoned than non stoned.

There are people that fly planes and probably do fucking brain surgery while stoned and get away with it their whole careers.

I don’t feel like a heavy weed smoker of decades that is barely affected by weed should be prosecuted in the same way that a 17 year that took their first hit of weed in life and it’s 40% infused weed and is basically tripping balls….when each decides to get behind the wheel. These are two different things and would be treated the same under such a test result.

Weed isn’t alcohol. I’m aware it slows reaction time a bit but nobody every talks about the positive effects on driving. Usually once ppl take a hit they realize they aren’t in a big hurry and chill out and take the slow lane…..but then you have that young kid that it’s his first time smoking…or someone who rarely smokes took a 100mg edible..they shouldn’t drive.

But we can’t treat weed the same as alcohol in regards to driving it is such a different drug.

I think a special field sobriety test for thc and body cams filming it is the best thing. It shouldn’t be about whether there is thc in the system…it should be about whether the person is impaired or not
I would not be for it. There are many people that have more experience driving stoned than non stoned.

There are people that fly planes and probably do fucking brain surgery while stoned and get away with it their whole careers.

I don’t feel like a heavy weed smoker of decades that is barely affected by weed should be prosecuted in the same way that a 17 year that took their first hit of weed in life and it’s 40% infused weed and is basically tripping balls….when each decides to get behind the wheel. These are two different things and would be treated the same under such a test result.

Weed isn’t alcohol. I’m aware it slows reaction time a bit but nobody every talks about the positive effects on driving. Usually once ppl take a hit they realize they aren’t in a big hurry and chill out and take the slow lane…..but then you have that young kid that it’s his first time smoking…or someone who rarely smokes took a 100mg edible..they shouldn’t drive.

But we can’t treat weed the same as alcohol in regards to driving it is such a different drug.

I think a special field sobriety test for thc and body cams filming it is the best thing. It shouldn’t be about whether there is thc in the system…it should be about whether the person is impaired or not

I’m one of those people.. I been smoking every day since I was 15yrs young. I even smoke hits every couple hours through the night. The few times I been pulled over for other unrelated traffic offenses you can bet I was high, did they know?.. No.

But just cuz I can handle it doesn’t mean others can too. I do agree though if there was a better way to judge these delicate nuances I’d be all for it. How do we know if someone “can handle it” or not? What would be the criteria and cut off? Maybe one day we can have that figured out.

The same thing needs to be said about drugs like anti anxiety meds where the individual will obviously be driving while on them regardless of what the bottle says. Most of the time it’s ok, but sometimes it isn’t and results can be catastrophic. How do we differentiate once again who can handle it and who can’t..

I’m one of those people.. I been smoking every day since I was 15yrs young. I even smoke hits every couple hours through the night. The few times I been pulled over for other unrelated traffic offenses you can bet I was high, did they know?.. No.

But just cuz I can handle it doesn’t mean others can too. I do agree though if there was a better way to judge these delicate nuances I’d be all for it. How do we know if someone “can handle it” or not? What would be the criteria and cut off? Maybe one day we can have that figured out.

The same thing needs to be said about drugs like anti anxiety meds where the individual will obviously be driving while on them regardless of what the bottle says. Most of the time it’s ok, but sometimes it isn’t and results can be catastrophic. How do we differentiate once again who can handle it and who can’t..


How do we? The same thing we do with alcohol. Wait until someone actually witnesses them driving fucked up. It’s not a perfect system but I can’t think of any other way.

But I LOLed at you waking up to smoke. What do you do wake up in the middle of the night hit a pipe on your nightstand and roll over to go back to sleep?

I will say that I never drive anymore after having smoked actual weed where a smell could exist on me of weed. Even with edibles that don’t smell I plan my high around driving. It not because I am not confident but it’s more in the event that there is a car accident (which would’ve happened anyways dead sober) nobody legal authority can touch me.

I still have total confidence driving stoned but I just gain more and more fear of drug consequences deserved or not at this age
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I used to be in the same boat as GC, I would smoke nearly every day multiple times and eventually I started just dosing edibles 2-3 times per day so I didn't have to smoke all the time. It was way more efficient and it helped me sleep better through the night but lately I only smoke when I'm rolling otherwise I just get anxious and paranoid. There were times I did drive while stoned as well and it just slowed me down because I was a habitual user.

I don't know if it should be prosecuted the same way as alcohol because there may not be the same type of dose dependent effects on reaction time and awareness, I don't know how thoroughly that's been studied.
How do we? The same thing we do with alcohol. Wait until someone actually witnesses them driving fucked up. It’s not a perfect system but I can’t think of any other way.

But I LOLed at you waking up to smoke. What do you do wake up in the middle of the night hit a pipe on your nightstand and roll over to go back to sleep?

I will say that I never drive anymore after having smoked actual weed where a smell could exist on me of weed. Even with edibles that don’t smell I plan my high around driving. It not because I am not confident but it’s more in the event that there is a car accident (which would’ve happened anyways dead sober) nobody legal authority can touch me.

I still have total confidence driving stoned but I just gain more and more fear of drug consequences deserved or not at this age

Yes lol. I piss often cuz I’ve done way too many drugs on some already fucked up kidneys, and each time I get up to piss I’ll take a hit then pass right back out. If I don’t, I’ll lay awake. I’d say on average 6 hits a night maybe 5.. But sometimes 8-9 if I’m having a particularly restless night. I know it’s a problem 😂

Yes lol. I piss often cuz I’ve done way too many drugs on some already fucked up kidneys, and each time I get up to piss I’ll take a hit then pass right back out. If I don’t, I’ll lay awake. I’d say on average 6 hits a night maybe 5.. But sometimes 8-9 if I’m having a particularly restless night. I know it’s a problem 😂


Weird if I smoke in the middle of sleep like that I’m more likely to stay awake high than if I didn’t smoke.

Do you piss a lot during the day too? Idk if you’re familiar with my sticky in PD but I’ve got my own pissing issues from abuse too…although mine is my bladder and I’ve been told my kidneys are perfectly fine.

Weird if I smoke in the middle of sleep like that I’m more likely to stay awake high than if I didn’t smoke.

Do you piss a lot during the day too? Idk if you’re familiar with my sticky in PD but I’ve got my own pissing issues from abuse too…although mine is my bladder and I’ve been told my kidneys are perfectly fine.

Yea my body is very strange with cannabis. I always felt I had an endocannabinoid deficiency cuz I grew up with horrible asthma and nausea/appetite problems. Soon as I began smoking my asthma went away never to return and I could finally eat normal foods, not only that but began to experiment with healthier foods out of curiosity. The asthma disappearing was huge tho.

It varies for me. I have seen that thread and think I’ve posted in there cuz I’ve had some symptoms from minor use over the years. Like really minor use, then my urethra feels like it’s on fire or my frequency gets all weird. Strangely my use hasn’t changed much but the symptoms have gotten much better, besides the frequency. I think some of the batches befire had an impurity causing me those symptoms.

But I’ve had this level of frequency even before trying K. I think it has to do with my cannabis and opiate use effecting hormones.

It’s all likely combined to give me what I deal with today.
