first cycle test-e pct?


Jul 14, 2018
So I made another post asking for advice on what to run as my first cycle and have decided on keeping it simple with 8 weeks of test E at 250 mg/week.what is the general consensus for PCT? Everywhere I look I seem combinations of Nolva, Clomid, HCG, Aromasin?
So for those who didn?t read my other thread. I?m 50 yrs old.

Please recommend me a PCT. Seems like by researching so much i?ve confused myself.
my cycle is:wk1-3 250mg test-e
wk6-7 : 500 mg test-e
wk8 250mg test-e
wk9-10: off
wk11-14 PCT?nolva? or nolva & clomid?

i am on 7.week

Personally I think PCT is most prudent in terms of harm reduction although others have different viewpoints.

At your age though it was suggested you considering staying on the hormones since there isn't much natural production to recover, especially after hormones. This would mean dropping your dose to 100-200mg per week and staying there for a while and getting check up blood work after a few weeks/months
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)]what about 40mg everyday for 2 weeks and 20mg of Nolvadex for the third week?[/COLOR]
If it were me and I was doing a PCT then I would do a longer one. Your levels are going to crash though after you get off the nolva though so I would skip the PCT and stay on testosterone
So I made another post asking for advice on what to run as my first cycle and have decided on keeping it simple with 8 weeks of test E at 250 mg/week.what is the general consensus for PCT? Everywhere I look I seem combinations of Nolva, Clomid, HCG, Aromasin?
So for those who didn?t read my other thread. I?m 50 yrs old.

Please recommend me a PCT. Seems like by researching so much i?ve confused myself.
my cycle is:wk1-3 250mg test-e
wk6-7 : 500 mg test-e
wk8 250mg test-e
wk9-10: off
wk11-14 PCT?nolva? or nolva & clomid?

i am on 7.week

Keep to 250mg/week, taper off, you don't need PCT..
Nolva is terrible at raising test levels. Doesn't act as decent estrogen at the pituitary
Clomid is superior at raising test.
my testosteron level was very high before starting i do not want to stay on testosterone.

(English is not very good ,it is difficult to understand.sorry)
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