Mental Health Do panic attacks + psychosis permanently scar you?


Jun 17, 2017
Ever since I experienced these panic attacks from ssri's and amphetamine (rushed to the hospital, hyperventilating) last april things have been all downhill, I doubt it's PTSD but I sometimes get kind of anxious/worried and it reminds me of the panic attacks I had last year.

Because I was under severe levels of stress, my adrenaline levels were too high, the panic I experienced had these weird feelings that I was going to die, the emotions I felt were weird, it's kind of like a regret and sorrow.

After this I started to get these delusions of persecution and sense of doom for months, it was fucking with my head, was very scary. After this I've kind of been unable to express emotion, I kind of feel fear/insecurity about emotions. I kind of feel unable to let go because of this.

Like even when sitting down at home I'm experiencing similar emotions to what I had last year.

Since this point on I've been depressed. L-tyrosine definitely helps.
I can only urge that you don't self-medicate, and see a doctor about these issues. They sound severe enough to warrant outside help, from my standpoint.

I think that those whom don't take measures to improve their health, could have these symptoms (which sound terribly painful) for a long time indeed.

I think that the sooner you reach out to a therapist and doctor, you will recover sooner and most fully.

Anxiety, panic, delusions, this type of depression, numbness, insecurity, and these flashbacks of a year ago, all would piece together advice not to take tyrosine, which more than likely activates and promotes significant symptoms if one is in this state you describe.

Please see a doc...and let us know how your recovery is heading from there! Keep us updated. We can offer support, not medical advice, but advice to get in touch with people who can provide professional medical care. We can offer our own productive habits, hobbies, and coping mechanisms (not substances) that have helped us, or that have helped others in a significant manner. In sum though, we are laymen.

Again, keep in touch!
I don't know about scar but for me having a panic attack would leave a mark on my subconscious and if I ever got in a similar situation it could trigger a panic attack, which looking at it objectively was my ego trying to protect me from a dangerous situation where there was no real threat.

I had panic disorder and could not eat food in public for almost a decade after having a panic attack in the middle of a Ex's family dinner. Every time I got in the same situation of eating in public my mind would trigger anxiety and it would lead to panic and I would have to flee. only once i faced it consciously over and over did it stop and I can eat in public no problem now.

Ho Chi Minh is absolutely right. Get some professional help for these issues you are having.

When one has a panic attack, because they are so terrifying, you usually are constantly afraid you will have another one at any time and are always on guard cause you never know when the next one will happen. Not a good place to be, since that can often precipitate more attacks and avoidance of people, places and things that surrounded your first and subsequent attacks. One will then more than likely have more attacks and it becomes a circular pattern and will be hard to get yourself out of by yourself. As you are finding, you can often begin to have other psychological problems to cope, which sounds like what you may be experiencing now.

Good luck with this. And, yes, let us know how things turn out.
Although you've not specifically said so, I suspect you might have combined weed with the other drugs you took. Unfortunately, the continued use of weed, even on its own, can sustain or even intensify the symptoms you describe. So you might want to stop smoking weed entirely, until you are much, much better. Weed is like a wildcard - you never know what it might do, in combination with other drugs.

peace and love,
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