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Tryptamines Psilocybin Micro Dose + MAOI


Oct 21, 2017
This is a long story that I'll try and keep short. Male, successful, around 40, married with kids.

I have had lifelong mental illness. A general sense of unease is with me 24x7. It manifested as severe anxiety when younger, and bouts of depression (1-2 years long) as I've matured.

This has led me I to the arms of drugs. Alcohol and Heroin being the two I settled on (in that order; not concurrently). I'm on Suboxone now and drinking has lost its magic for me, so I'm now at a loss and plagued by negativity.

I have tried basically every treatment (pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical) except for ECT and ketamine. Where I live there are no ketamine studies (and my drug history likely precludes me). I will NOT have ECT.

So at somewhat of a loss I did a lot of reading and came across micro dosing psilocybin. I am strongly considering trying it. I'm not ready for a full on trip which is why I've chosen micro dosing.

The problem I have is that I take Parnate, an old-school MAOI antidepressant. I'm worried that if I stop taking it I'll relapse into the abyss. From what I've read it's not exactly compatible with shrooms.

Some of what I've read said it prolongs the experience, while others say it profoundly changes it. They all agree you should reduce your dose of psilocybin when mixed.

Has anyone dosed shrooms while on a pharmaceutical MAOI? If I halved my micro dose would it be ok?

Or do I need to wean off; taking the risks that come with that?
Hey dude welcome. I am going through somewhat of the same problems as you. I hadn?t had a drink in 3 years, then I got addicted to heroine. When I quit, the doctor told me to take two &mg sub strips a day. This of course got me addicted to the sub. I decided to make one 8mg sub strip last for a week. I was withdrawing like a mother fucker but it kept me functioning at at least 30% (still worked full time etc.) once the sub was gone I stated dosing one heaping teaspoon of kratom a day (you can still buy it online for ?soap making?) now I have been three days off of kratom and still experiencing the minor effects a of withdrawal, watery eyes, yawning, restless legs, cold chills and sweats. The worst part of it all is my chronic pain and depression/anxiety are back full fledged. So I started eating mushroom chocolates yesterday. I ate about 0.5 yesterday and the same today. My body feel 100% better and I feel a sense of hope. It?s encouraging for something like this to work. I would tell you to go seek the same! The body high adjustment was enough to keep me goin and have some gratitude for my life. Hope this helps! Hit me back! I?m new here and need friends lol.