• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Finally Started Posting


Jan 12, 2017
Hey Everyone,

First off, thank you to everyone who has kept BlueLight going for so long. I've used this site for information for nearly 15 years. It's helped me make choices I don't regret and probably saved me from a few I would have.

I'm a 30 year old military spec-ops veteran, now software engineer from Birmingham, Alabama. I'm unfortunately an expert on Benzodiazepines and Opiates/opiods. I have tried a lot of different treatments for PTSD such as MDMA, Ketamine, LSD, Psilocybin, and a ton of prescriptions. I'm physically dependent on Alprazolam (I literally can't go a day without a minimum of 4mg a day and a usual dose of 8mg daily) and Buprenorphine(Down to 4mg 1x daily, getting lower as been a lot harder than I thought) currently. The Buprenorphine I am tapering off of pain management from injuries sustained from military service, but I also face addiction which is why I stay on the Suboxone since it keeps me from being as tempted with other opiates/opioids. I believe freebasing cocaine is the only thing I haven't done and I've only tried IV usage twice with Heroin, once with Ketamine, twice with Oxycodone and once with Oxymorphone.

I have always been a person that prefers to help anyone I can, even to a fault. I have a harder time admitting when I need help.

I'm here to share the knowledge that has very possibly saved my life over the years and return the favor.

I'm glad to be a member of this community.
Welcome aboard, mate. :) I'm sure your wealth of experience may be useful in helping other users. . .
Hey fs, its cool to see another bluelighter from Birmingham. Thats where I lived up until I turned 18, and really havn't been back much(when i say much i mean for longer than a month)

Glad to have ya with us!
Just wanted to say Welcome and it's great having your experience in Other Drugs. Your Benzo knowledge is also most welcome and the story in the Benzo Info Data Dose Megatable was insane, glad you made it through that a free man. Having been a lurker for awhile is also a big help as you have been around . Hope to see around often fs. %)
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