Diet/fitness advice


Sep 1, 2017
Well guys I?ve reached my bulking goal but I need to start cutting now so I can prepare for my possible cycle 2 !!

Any advice on losing bodyfat the best way?
I was going to go keto again but I feel like that makes me lose too much energy / muscle.

I?m more focused on diet advice rather than excercise.

I?m also open to clen use since I have some!
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Personally, high protein, high carb, low/moderate fat with a ~500cal caloric deficit but if you're asking how to lose fat then you really have no business using gear IMO.

Ultimately all you need is muscle stimulus, moderate-high protein intake, and a deficit....
lol , I know how. I usually just do high protein and fat with no carbs. 500 cal deficit and 4 hours of fasted cardio a week. This would make me lose a lot of energy though. Fast results though. I?ve never tried high protein high carb before and was hoping someone would vouch for it.
I'd sit at your end weight for a bit before dieting down. I too prefer a high protein high carb diet at the beginning, slowly bringing carbs down and fats up as calories drop then carb cycle later to really dial it in.
Total calories really drive body composition and once protein is fixed, it seems to be personal preference over splitting up fats and carbs. With that said, high carb is better for strength-training, so consider this if progressive overload is your main tool.
Stupid question here. Is it worth taking separate BCAAs other than what?s found in your protein to keep from burning muscle when on a calorie deficient diet?
Personally I love BCAAs and they're a staple for me all the time as I've found they help mostly with recovery in general aside from holding LBM in deficits. If I use them though, I use a lot of them to see the benefits I want to see - usually 30-50g a day. Especially makes a huge difference when you start to get really lean IMO
I?ve found that HIIT training works best for me. Also, fasted cardio. Doesn?t even need to be morning if you have no time. As long as for the 3-4hrs prior to doing said cardio, youstay fasted. That?s what my fianc? does. I haven?t found a difference in results from morning or evening fasted. But don?t take my word on some research. There?s plenty of nutrition and fitness forums out there :)