Abnormally tired from suboxone, anyone with similar experiences?


Apr 2, 2017
Hi. I'm sorry for posting in here but I can't figure out how to start my own thread. Hello. I have been on suboxone for 9 months now. I take the pills, not the strips. I've noticed since ive been on suboxone that I am REDICULOUSLY tired all the time. Even if I go to bed early, I cannot wake up until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I am on 16mg a day. I told my doctor this recently, because I thought it was a normal side effect, and he said that is not normal. So he put me on Requip, saying it's a dopamine antagonist, and releasing dopamine might make me less tired. I haven't taken it yet for one reason. I read the insert and it said Requip can make you extremely tired. Like people were reporting they would be in the middle of having a conversation with someone or be in the middle of driving and just pass out. That's fucking scary man. If I'm already so tired from suboxone and I have low blood pressure, I'm afraid to take anything else like I'm afraid I just won't wake up again (which trust me I wouldnt mind I just don't want my mom to find me dead). Has anyone experienced this with Requip? Or has anyone been overly tired with suboxone?

I moved your post into its own thread. :) Sorry about the chilly reception you got in the other thread, normally people here are very kind and helpful so I hope it doesn't put you off at all.
Brittany you are on way to high of a dose. 16 mg is for someone coming off a 2-3 gram heroin habit. I’m sure you have read up on this as I did. You should be at 4 mg or under by now and tapering every week. But if you need to stay please lower your dose, shit is for real.
I agree with it being way too high of a dose. Just my personal experience but I've been on around 1.5g a day of very good dope and needed less than half a strip to hold me at induction and had no problem going down to 1/2mg in a few days. Bupe is extremely powerful stuff and most people including doctors are not fully aware esp w micro dosing to get the norbupe. Just my exp fwiw