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Worst public pukes


May 14, 2017
What's the sickest you have been , where were you sick , what from , what were the circumstances ?
All drug or drink related I hope.
Have you ever had to vomit and crap at the same time?
I'd like to share my best public puke. I was on mushrooms at 6 flags, the only time in my life when I was strewing vomit everywhere while laughing , like it was the funniest thing in the world , which at the time it was....
I got pretty dopesick at an eyehategod show (timed things badly). ended up puking all over the floor. then, to answer your question, I had a great time shitting and puking like crazy in the club bathroom. It was a high point for me.
Fortunately I've never puked and shit at the same time but I've been damn close to doing so but it was from being in opioid withdrawal.

How does that work out anyways? Do you sit on the toilet while taking a shit while attempting to aim the vomit between your legs? Seems like it could get messy real fast, lmao.
^well.... I've never thought of aiming the vomit between my legs , and I would not recommend it ! It's like ... really a horrible experience having diarrhea fly out one end while vomit flies out the other.
I grabbed the trash can .
Sometimes the bag wasn't in it ....
Not good times !!!!
I remember being really strung out on meth, went to work while sort of coming down, was waiting till after lunch to redose the meth, so I swallowed about 12 5mg vicodin... then went to eat lunch... long story short I projectile vomited on my boss while I was talking to him... got sent home with pay lol
This happened when I was 17 or so I think. I was at a party, double wide trailer with probably 30 people in it and more than that outside. There was a friend there I hadn't seen in a long time and he had a ton of weed and a 5 pack of white grape white owls. Anyway we just sat there at the table next to the kitchen and talked and smoked that whole box. He had better shit than what I was used to, so I was way too fucked up and it was still early. And... It was a high school party so there was tons of cheap liquor (Burnett's strawberry vodka... 99 bananas...Bacardi 151...etc), Smirnoff ice, Natty light, etc.

I was not fully out at the time and there was this girl that had been following me around all night. We sat up on the washer and dryer (right next to the kitchen) and talked. I felt the vomit coming so I jumped down and lifted the lid on the washer...and...well it seemed like a good option at the time. I think I figured I could do it without anyone noticing. To be fair the only other option would have been directly on the girl or in the middle of the floor in front of us where everyone was standing.

spoilers: people noticed. Lol. The guy that lived there was really cool. He let me scoop what I could out, wipe it down, then I filled it up with water and bleach and let it run through the cycle. Embarrassing but funny and could have been a lot worse.
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I dont recall having a public spew at all in the many years of shennannigans and am loving the spew stories, a dainty spew a mate did into my corona bottle with her head turned away from the guy she was with one minute then getting with him the next minute made my stomach churn hard though.

Nodding hard made the crawl to the toilet hard but yeah never anywhere but the toilet or a spew bag. :(
I have never uncontrollably puked. I can always make it to a bathroom or a bush. I don't get people who just up and puke in someone's living room.
Yea usually I can make it somewhere adequate too but sometimes the need to puke comes on so quickly and so urgently that you have no control. Its not about willpower or control those times, it's simply involuntary at that point.
I've puked probably 10 times in the last 8 years, only the one was in public... I was so fucked up I didn't even realize I was about to puke.
Here's a slight variation on the thread:
I used to take a ton of fiber (Metamucil powder) to help opiate constipation. Not sure if it really worked or not.

The problem was when I got to the end of my pills and was waiting to score I'd take less or not use for 8/12 hours and it was incredible how quickly the opiate constipation went away. And when you haven't gone in a while AND you've been taking a lot of fiber you suddenly find yourself with about 5-10 minutes to find a bathroom.

Once I crapped in my pants in the car with my kids in the back. Once I just stopped my car on Lexington Ave in Harlem on the way home from scoring in Washington Heights and sprinted into a Chinese restaurant and paid a guy who worked there $20 to use his bathroom. When I came out the guy gave me my twenty bucks back because there were two cops standing by my car directing traffic which had ground to a halt as my car was blocking one of two lanes. I told them I had to take a crap and they left me alone.

I could go on and on.
Me and my bro had two drunk thots in the back seat. One of them puked ON us.
I almost shared my story, until I remembered this is a public forum, and that I've become a bit of a known quantity IRL on here :(

RIP my anonymity on BL. Perhaps it's for the best...
Strangely I have a very high puking tolerance. The last time I puked was after getting admitted to the ER after doing LSD and drinking so hard I slipped and hit my head. But I guess the puking was more due to the concussion I suffered. I did land a few good pukes around the gurney though.

Apart from that, I guess the "funniest" of the last several years is chugging a few beers in under 10 minutes, then drinking a codeine CWE, puking in my mouth and swallowing the lot because who wastes good codeine right? Codeine solutions make me very nauseous for some reason.

Also, I really LOL'ed at the crapping one's pants in the car with the kids one.
I remember being really strung out on meth, went to work while sort of coming down, was waiting till after lunch to redose the meth, so I swallowed about 12 5mg vicodin... then went to eat lunch... long story short I projectile vomited on my boss while I was talking to him... got sent home with pay lol
Right on the boss huh?? Lmao. That's terrible lol.

Ill never forget I brought a space bag to my buddies house . You know the Carla Rossi boxed wine . (Probably spelled that wrong)
Anyway , both of them projectile vomiting together , after doing bong loads of it . Lol haha , I bet they never tried that again.!! I still laugh about it.