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Candyflipping: What do you prefer to start with and what are your timings?


Jul 26, 2017
Just want people opinions on whether you prefer to start with LSD or MDMA first and why? And what are your timings?

I'm fairly new to lsd bit very experienced with mdma so I personally prefer to have the lsd to make the rolling experience from the mdma, breathtaking
It's all on your body chemistry and timing, personally, I dont like to redose MDMA because the more I take, the ballsier I get with the dosages so I stay low on that. Usually when I candyflip I take my preferred LSD dosage (usually 2-300mics since I only candyflip st festivals) and 45 minutes to an hour later when I start to feel the first definite effects of the acid I take my preferred MDMA dose, usually around 150mg. Keep in mind my doses are for me and it's always best to start out low, I'd rather an underwhelming experience over an overwhelming one any day of the week :)
Depends on the dose but ime the ideal experience is LSD first and you flip with the MDMA as the LSD comes off the peak. You lose your ego, and then the MDMA brings back you 2.0, which is incredibly beautiful and special.

The other methods tend to be ways of taking the edge off the acid. By its nature this will never be as rewarding because you're not getting a huge pay off for going in so deep.

It's like spending a few hours in the kitchen prepping some beautiful food as opposed to just making a pot noodle.
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There's quite a lot of information on this as well as many varied opinions. I personally think the best way is to take the LSD, then 45-60min later start on the mdma.

I find the first few hours of an LSD experience will often shape how the rest of the trip goes. So even if/when the mdma where's off your still in a really good head space.

If your looking to more compliment the mdma, take a light to medium dosage of lsd and a normal dosage of mdma.

That's my educated opinion on the matter..

This is soo... individual, you have no idea. Let's break it down.

LSD starts hitting you around 45 minutes, but peaks in 90 to 120 minutes.
MDMA hits you in 45 minutes, but the intensity stays around the same for 1-2 hours and then sinks.

If you're a person who get anxious and paranoid on MDMA, then... bad news. If you take the MDMA -45 + 45 minutes around the LSD peak, you're facing the possibility of a horrible mindset. It could be wonderful too, if you're lacking any bad headspace from MDMA.

If you want to play safe, 80ug LSD(like real dosage) and you wait for the peak and in 20-30 min you take 100-120mg MDMA, this way you'll minimize the negative effects of potential collision between the two. Your trip will be subtle and enjoyable.

Respect MDMA, space 3 months at the least and you can experiment with other timing and doses later in time. btw.... F*ck MDMA, if you don't have PTSD or you just take it recreationally it's not worth it.
Merged a few posts from OPs identical MED thread, if people are wondering where they came from. :)
LSD first cause L last way longer then after you feel comfortable with the L wait Atlesst a hour to hour and a half then dose ur Molly ??
General consensus is LSD first. I'd usually take the LSD during the day or in the evening, and when it has fully peaked and begun to level off. Not come down, but at the point where I'm comfortable and I can tell I'm not getting any trippier past that point (which is usually ~2-4 hours in), I'll take the MDMA.

To me it just doesn't make sense to take the MDMA first, cause LSD can take hours to fully come-up, but MDMA hits relatively quickly. So even if you took the LSD literally 5 minutes after eating your MDMA, you'd be coming off of the MDMA as the LSD fully kicks in.

This is my all time favorite combo, no competition. They synergize perfectly. LSD adds this profound psychedelic aspect to the MDMA experience. Not to mention they're both quite euphoric, the ultimate combo for music.

The MDMA comeup can be very intense on LSD, I always dread it, but you just gotta tell yourself it'll be over soon. It's just a shitty ~20 minutes, best way to deal with it I've found is to excuse myself (or not) from whatever situation I'm in, and just start doing laps walking or even jogging. It's worth it.
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If you're not very experienced with LSD then I would suggest you don't try it in combination with MDMA. I've only tried acid 3 times but I'm experienced with MDMA, too, and I can tell you for certain that I wouldn't feel comfortable with doing acid and MD in the slightest. There's some bags of mandy you'll get that just fuck your head up from the moment it kicks in and if I was tripping while that was happening I'd go into a bad trip. Having amphetamine psychosis while on acid would probably drive me to suicide or at least leave me requiring medication until the trip was over. I feel sick just thinking about the MDMA psychosis on it's own, I think if I experienced it while on acid I'd never be able to do either drug again. You can always wait until you're more experienced with acid so you can control your trip better.
In my teens I had one of the longest, and frankly best, trips of my life mixing it with mdma, must have been around 17 years old. Took lsd by itself round a half-dozen times in the years after, early-mid 1990s - had some great experiences. I remember microdots were a lot more common then - they seem to have all but vanished these days. Most of my experiences back then were microdots of varying colours (gold and purple spring to mind)

Curiously, having rediscovered LSD last summer, after a gap of almost 20 years, I found that if I took mdma and then took lsd a few hours in, I really didn't get that much from the lsd - it was strong, mild visual distortions - but very noticeable, pleasant, Aztec forms, that kind of thing - but not super strong overall. There wasn't a whole heap of mental separation. It certainly wasn't as deep as I know lsd can be.

After taking a three month break from everything (weed, pills, etc), one sunday earlier this the year I decided to take the same lsd but this time without mdma. Something I hadn't done since my late teens. Speaking for me personally, I've come to the conclusion that mdma really stamps all over lsd quite a bit - it takes a huge part of it away - the plus side is there's far less chance of having a bad trip (the mdma base makes sure of that) but the difference between taking lsd with a clear mind, fresh and awake, was a world apart from taking it with mdma.

On the other hand, as a teenager I found they worked together in incredible harmony - I never hallucinated that comfortably, but more importantly for that long when I tried lsd and mdma together for the first time.

I don't think it's about strength, tolerance, etc. I just think it hits the right notes a lot more when you're a teenager/early 20s and the brain is still growing.
If you're not very experienced with LSD then I would suggest you don't try it in combination with MDMA. I've only tried acid 3 times but I'm experienced with MDMA, too, and I can tell you for certain that I wouldn't feel comfortable with doing acid and MD in the slightest. There's some bags of mandy you'll get that just fuck your head up from the moment it kicks in and if I was tripping while that was happening I'd go into a bad trip. Having amphetamine psychosis while on acid would probably drive me to suicide or at least leave me requiring medication until the trip was over. I feel sick just thinking about the MDMA psychosis on it's own, I think if I experienced it while on acid I'd never be able to do either drug again. You can always wait until you're more experienced with acid so you can control your trip better.

Most definitely make sure you have access clean, real MDMA before you attempt to candy flip, or take MDMA period. Taking what you think is MDMA during an acid trip and realizing its not MDMA is a quite alarming situation to be in. Proper MDMA at a standard dose is not going to give anyone amphetamine psychosis.

And thats another great part about taking the LSD first, you can wait until the trip has reached a comfortable plateau to take the MDMA, or maybe the LSD is quite enough and you decide you don't even want to take the MDMA.
Personally I think the M kills any anxiety or thoughts of a bad trip, but that's just me. I've never had a candyflip go south. Usually the only time my trips do is when I smoke large amounts of green
Never had a bad flip but it's something I do _very_ rarely. I've been taking both drugs for almost 20 years now but I've only combined them a handful of times.

I start with LSD and wait 2-3 hours before I take a pre-dosed capsule of MDMA/MDA. I stress the pre-dosed part of that a lot because like someone else said once I've dropped MDMA I'll get ballsy with it if I don't watch myself. Anyway I like to be up on the peak before I even think about dosing something with it because I love that part of the experience so much. When the MDMA starts to kick in it becomes less of a trip for me and more of an MDMA experience. By that I mean I go from being introspective to thinking about other people and being social. I like to mix in a bit of MDA when I flip but I've never taken it by itself on a flip. I wouldn't suggest adding MDA for the first time.

I dose a flip like this because I like my night to go something like: LSD come-up -> LSD peak for about 2 hours -> MDMA comeup -> peak of both together -> LSD finishing off peak effects when the MDMA is coming down. If timed right I won't feel the MDMA come down as much and it'll leave me in a great afterglow.

Also the best advice I can give you about flipping is a quote from my friend: "There isn't really a _wrong_ way to do it".
^^^Ah there is nothing better than MDMA, LSD with a little MDA thrown in too.

I forgot there's one more reason I like to dose as I described above. Especially if you have MDA in the mix, both the LSD and the MDXX come on at the same time. I know a lot of people don't like that but for me it's a rush that gives me a taste of the old days without the horrible addiction.

If I take a good hit of LSD then 45-60min later take 100mg MDMA 25mg MDA, my eyes will go cross on the come up and I'll pace around while telling my life story. I never get anxiety just an intense rushing sensation, I love it ha.

Also Hilo you beat me to it.. Mdma is the last drug that "gets my head all fucked up" in a bad way where it'd be bad with L. It's the complete opposite, it makes sure nothing goes wrong. It takes all those potentially dark thought tangents into a better happier light. Always research and test your product, know all you can about what you take.

I also have to disagree that the mdma dulls the LSD, it alters the experience but definitely doesn't detract from the richness and depth. Although everyone's different I suppose.

^^^Ah there is nothing better than MDMA, LSD with a little MDA thrown in too.

I forgot there's one more reason I like to dose as I described above. Especially if you have MDA in the mix, both the LSD and the MDXX come on at the same time. I know a lot of people don't like that but for me it's a rush that gives me a taste of the old days without the horrible addiction.

If I take a good hit of LSD then 45-60min later take 100mg MDMA 25mg MDA, my eyes will go cross on the come up and I'll pace around while telling my life story. I never get anxiety just an intense rushing sensation, I love it ha.

Also Hilo you beat me to it.. Mdma is the last drug that "gets my head all fucked up" in a bad way where it'd be bad with L. It's the complete opposite, it makes sure nothing goes wrong. It takes all those potentially dark thought tangents into a better happier light. Always research and test your product, know all you can about what you take.

I also have to disagree that the mdma dulls the LSD, it alters the experience but definitely doesn't detract from the richness and depth. Although everyone's different I suppose.


I almost had a "bad trip" on LSD+MDA. We were running a bit late at this festival, dosed the LSD a bit later than we anticipated, so "yolly-o-clock" rolled around a bit sooner (kinda the eh, its now or its gonna be too late in the night), so we took the MDA as the LSD was still reaching its peak. Basically, the MDA started hitting me like a ton of bricks right as the LSD was peaking, visuals were getting VERY intense and was having a difficult time seeing what was going on (middle of the forest, at night, people everywhere, crazy loud music and lights, etc.), and I was getting that MDxx comeup "fight or flight" anxiety/panic that I always get but amplified with a bit more psychedelic effects (MDA come-up also seems more intense than MDMA to me).

I remember thinking "holy shit I just got here and gobbled down some really powerful drugs really fast, what was I thinking, idiot! I gotta get the fuck outta here!!". I longed for a well lit, quiet, open space and started to panic a little realizing that place won't exist until the morning. So I just grabbed my girlfriends hand and kinda ran, squeezing through crowds of people, visually I could hardly tell where I was going, FINALLY get out of the forest, full on expecting this whole thing to go south and have a bad trip... But, just like that as MDA/MDMA always is, the storm broke and I was in la-la land after a few deep breaths, drink of water and peace and quiet. Needless to say I was back in the forest dancing like a mad man within 10 minutes lol!

Awesome night. Great combo, but still think I prefer MDMA+LSD if I'm going to use up a serotoken. MDA leaves me a bit more "worn out", is more intense but doesn't last as long, has a bit of an abrupt crash I find where MDMA just slowly wanes til I have the best sleep of my life. I also NEVER sweat on MDMA, its fucking awesome, but MDA on the other hand I get drenched.
Awesome night. Great combo, but still think I prefer MDMA+LSD if I'm going to use up a serotoken. MDA leaves me a bit more "worn out", is more intense but doesn't last as long, has a bit of an abrupt crash I find where MDMA just slowly wanes til I have the best sleep of my life. I also NEVER sweat on MDMA, its fucking awesome, but MDA on the other hand I get drenched.

MDMA should mix better with other psychedelics. MDA already has an affinity for 5HT2a, and in my experience it is much heavier and longer than MDMA.
I made a 150mg MDA + 20mg 2c-b combo and it was overwhelming in many ways, I would not repeat it again.

MDMA should mix better with other psychedelics. MDA already has an affinity for 5HT2a, and in my experience it is much heavier and longer than MDMA.
I made a 150mg MDA + 20mg 2c-b combo and it was overwhelming in many ways, I would not repeat it again.


The affinity for 5ht2a just means it has a psychedelic aspect right? I've certainly combined 2c-b and LSD just fine, and combining psychs doens't seem to uncommon. But yeah, very intense in a lot of ways for the come-up. The fleeting/panicked thoughts of my MDxx come-ups+very intense visuals of LSD peaking with MDA+huge bodyload was quite a lot to handle. Heavier indeed, I found myself wanting to just lean up against things/lay down and melt into the earth rather than dance.

MDA is still a fantastic drug, but I think I'll stick to MDMA+LSD since I've kind of gotta just choose one since they're both so serotonergic.

150mg of MDA is lot too! I remember its more potent by weight than MDMA.
Yea 150mg MDA alone can kick you in the teeth pretty hard on the come up. I don't think it's the 5-ht2a agonism so much as it is MDA's grab-you-by-the-balls-and-won't-let-go come up.

Also 2c's generally have a rougher bodyload than other psychedelics, I could see that combo being a bit much but I also see it as an outlier.

I can relate to that come up feeling though when your at a music event and all the sudden you can't be there anymore. Funny enough I've only had that happen a few times on MDMA but never anything too rough with MDA. I find a massage and/or lightshow will usually sort me out quick. That or I just sit down with my head down for 15min and let it ride, I don't get anxiety during this but the stimulation from everything around me feels far too much. But as you said Hilo, it all drifts away into a beautiful bliss.

The affinity for 5ht2a just means it has a psychedelic aspect right? I've certainly combined 2c-b and LSD just fine, and combining psychs doens't seem to uncommon. But yeah, very intense in a lot of ways for the come-up. The fleeting/panicked thoughts of my MDxx come-ups+very intense visuals of LSD peaking with MDA+huge bodyload was quite a lot to handle. Heavier indeed, I found myself wanting to just lean up against things/lay down and melt into the earth rather than dance.

MDA is still a fantastic drug, but I think I'll stick to MDMA+LSD since I've kind of gotta just choose one since they're both so serotonergic.

150mg of MDA is lot too! I remember its more potent by weight than MDMA.

Yes, I just wanted to say that MDA itself is already psychedelic due to its 5-HT2a agonism, and one can enjoy good visuals by taking MDA, but it is evident that people mix psychedelics constantly.

In this experience I made two mistakes:

1. 150mg of MDA goleparon like a freight train. The euphoria was epic and very powerful. But this is a dose that does not lend itself to be taken with other psychedelics. 75-100mg would have been a better option.

2. I took 2c-b too late, MDA was already very worn out. Result? I was hit by a strange dissociative / psychedelic sensation due to 2c-b but totally lacked any euphoria. I was very tired and MDA's "slump" feelings were already present. It was not fun and I would not do it again, but I do not regret it.
