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Shady's Fox

Jul 12, 2017
Hi, my name is Winter. I thought about this yesterday but didn't have time because I was busy, anyway I thought to write down the reality. Directly, but before that just want to say that we are all equal for one reason > justification, the need to say something, so no one's different at all.

Music & Drugs = Same thing, both great world to discover and lose yourself, but something make them to seem a little bit different. Drugs can lead to closing/boring and monotony life at one point or another( you can recover when you have an addiction), music on the other side is something that is inside yourself and just can't escape, like a thing you we're born with.

Internet & People = I will try my best to make it simple. In my opinion nowadays people are connected too often or permanently to it and forget about what's a real life situation/live in real world. Most of them use it to meet people and normally it would be to go outside and create relationships. They use the internet to discover themself and find out who they really are and not the standard way( reading books, travelling, make an adventure, experiences, talking with their real friends, wrong education tho but they forget what it's like to have a real friend. The millennials also took this over from the Z generation and mostly it's just drama if we talk about social media or dating because isn't a social media anymore since 99.9% of them are basically dating sites under a different form, where people open up to strangers and try to make a diary of their lives, secrets exposed, memories, so their account is full of strangers and maybe 1/2 friends but wait don't judge, maybe they prefer the golden ones and not too much on head, personally if I would have an account on facebook/instagram, etc, it would be only with people that I know and met. In other ideas for example, you see pages where people post images about piercings, cities, tattoos, etc, These.. idk how tho call them, share that image because want's that to happen, not because a passion with like it so in that way hoping for a text and maybe a future from someone. You can even see a person personality without even interact with them first based on what they share/like. Most of them are depressed for idiotic reasons like relationships and not real life reasons( bills, problems, etc), most of them want to kill themself because they can't be with someone, most of them are sad because their parents make them a hard life and find the social media as refugee and place where they can be themselves to say their issues, most of them feel down with the self-esteem if the post that was shared doesn't get comments/likes, now we got stupid words invented like bae > bathroom, living room. Long short story, they forgot what's like to live a real life and have a knowledge of yourself. Girls have a easier life than boys if they are beautiful and doesn't need to work only to open up the legs and that's it, also their only role on this world it's to give a kiss & make a kid, most of them want to live like for e.g with someone that it's a hidden( a dealer), so mostly they don't want simply things, these are the teens, now womens pretty much the same tho the difference is that they are looking for a simplier & quiet one. Boys on the other side have a rough life because they need to work and to support the family in situations > like streets it's more harder/uglier than girls, as I said because of that vagina they can escape almost anything, but not always.
Well I do agree with some of your assertions about the Internet/social media, at least for some people. I agree that a lot of people, especially young people, substitute social media "connections" for real relationships. I think for some, it leads to a high level of disconnection from the world, while believing the opposite. However, the Internet is just another tool and it can be used to create meaningful relationships. I've been using Bluelight as a way to share my experiences with others since 2006... at the time I was having profound experiences that I needed to talk about, but there was no one in my life I could find to talk about it with. My friends thought I was crazy, my girlfriend at the time did not accept that there was validity to my experiences, and I needed to share. Through the Internet, I was able to share. In the process I made some friends I talked to every day, and years later a few of them and I ended up in the same town and they're family to me now, some of the people I'm the closest to and who play the biggest friendship roles in my life. I likely would not have met them without the Internet. I would have made other friends, but the point is that I found some like-minded people using the Internet as a tool, and it only increased my level of connection and happiness.

I also used an online dating site when my ex-wife and I broke up, because I find it easier to make an initial connection that way than I do going to a bar or something. I think online dating sites are a great way to meet people if you're honest with and about yourself. It allows you to find people who you know are looking for someone, which eliminates awkwardness and fear. I met 3 people from it in total, one of whom is still a friend, and the third one is my girlfriend of almost 4 years. It's by far the best relationship I've ever had, and it's very unlikely I would have met her had we not both gone on there. She actually just went on as a sort of joke because she's really not into that kind of stuff in general but it worked out for both of us. Again, I would have eventually met someone else, but I am certainly very thankful I used the site because I love my girlfriend very much and it's amazing how well it works with her.

Despite using the Internet as a social tool sometimes, I am out in the world all the time, I play music and I go to a lot of shows and festivals and I make friends and acquaintances in real life easily and always have. I see the Internet as just another tool at my disposal, not only to find information, but to find and connect with people.

I don't really like Facebook and am not active with it anymore. I find it rather insidious but I also know people who use social media in a way that seems positive. Personally I don't like the herd mentality that happens on there and the "like culture". I do use it to promote my band and get more shows, and I used to use it to promote my art when I was active in that. Again, the Internet can be a useful tool.

I also disagree with your assessment of the role of women in society and with what most women want from life, but that's a whole other conversation that didn't seem very related to the rest of your post. I also think you're making a LOT of assumptions on peoples' motivations for things they post... you can't and don't know why people do things they do, especially when you don't know them.
That is one doozy of a post. First off, we are not all equal it is the exact opposite. We are all different and this is due to our experiences here and how they shape us as an individual. This is not to say one is greater than the other, no. This is to say that we all have recognizable differences and discrete attributes. Saying music and drugs are the same is a false equivalency. They might both have interesting influences upon the mind but music is not nearly as powerful or as consuming as a drug addiction. The net is like a super tricked out hammer. The difference is when your done with your hammer it goes back in your tool kit. The internet is seen less and less as the actual tool it is and more as a form of entertainment. In fact, one of the most tasteless mediums for entertainment I have ever seen. Ethics and morality has took a super duper hit thanks to the rise of literally whatever just a click away. I find that the people who obsessively spend time with social media are some really lonely and insecure folks, it makes me sad. As for the blatant sexism at the end, yeah...wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.
I would absolutely love to push a button and eliminat all modern technology wipe out bank accounts and see humans react to how humans lived X time ago... LoL

and wipe out all modern social media then see every single one of these people probably jump off a building because they are indeed missing half their life on a screen watching someone else live a life which usually is fake.

I I also think you're making a LOT of assumptions on peoples' motivations for things they post... you can't and don't know why people do things they do, especially when you don't know them.

How could you do this even if you did know them Lol sadly sometimes.

2 agreements (don miguel ruiz)

1)never make asssumptions
2)never take anything personal; few in this world is centered enough to realize its individuals projecting out.

the problem is few realize how heavily programmed not only their conscious mind is but SUBCONCIOUS mind is by believing anyting anyone says or whats in a book;

Humans are all seeking "happiness" overall i would tend theorize for (fun?) When happiness is fleeting and temporary completely; All exernal pleasures eventually pass then when you continusually seek them even with a billion dollars your left with a state of complete dissasifacton with your life because ultimately it gets boring fast and not the way to lasting inner peace.

At the en of the day no extenal thing money sex or experience will give huamns ultimately what they are searching from because its all a cosmic joke.

How can you tap into something beyond Happiness that will sustain you witha sense of inner peace without beliving your MIND is actually real and you are who you think you are? Is this possible? Well its called the concsioucness of a baby; All these issues are brought upon by propganda and extreme subliginual programmming in order for the people with all the money to be greedy assholes when over night based on like 1% on what they made in 2017 alone could eliminate hunger to starvings of million children;

Which is why in my direct experience with many millionaires most are miserable.

Its all messed up 2018 is a wracket America is by far the most lost country as far as this goes.

My prediction American is at the end of their greatness or bull shit dream and will completely collapse within 200 years or less followed by more wars which if i recall throughout recorded history them seem to repeat themselves;

But i tend to agree more with Tolles theory its either an elaborate viritual reality game going on or humans have forgotten their role an connection to the earth and Universe and Life.

Maybe a complete world war 3 reset would ge the best thing ever also considering this is a dream world and playground from my experience.

Ultimately im just playing around theorizing I know nothing. sorry to get off topic and rant

But this world is sickening as far as social medial and the new generations... they have a long time of suffering upon them perhaps...

This is fucking 2018 clearly there is enough money to end world poverty but the whole world's GREATEST hackers should just literally steal all money from the worlds top 1% and donate it to children who dont have fucking food or water daily.

sorry for going so ranting maybe make it a seperate post.
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I used to wish for modern civilization to collapse so we could all live off the land. Then I lost power in the dead of winter with almost 2 feet of snow on the ground in the mountains. By the end of it, it was 34 degrees inside. I had little food. I went to a really dark place, actually ran out of candles on the 3rd night and it was just pitch dark for a long time for the next couple of nights. I shed a tear when the power came back on.

Now of course, if there had never been modern civilization for us, we'd know how to survive. But even then it would be hard. Civilization came out of the fact that life off the land, as the other animals do, is hard. It totally makes sense that people strove to build something against that. Medicine, shelter, transportation, heat, cooling, specialization in tasks so we can have more things than we could possibly produce with our own hands.

But yeah, our society is fucked up right now. But I don't think it would be better if it collapsed... it would in all likelihood be far worse, as people started to band together and the strong survived. We'd return to roving warlords raping and pillaging. Killing would probably be common. As much as you're railing against civilization, you're communicating with people on the Internet. It's not all bad; in fact, I bet any one of us would miss it if it collapsed after a while. Not to say things don't need to change, because they do. And living off the land is more challenging in some ways, but there's less mindfuck, less existential worries. But if we suddenly had to do it, as a civilization... it would be a catastrophe. We're not ready for that. Even if you are, most people aren't and the result would be pandemonium.
It would be better from all views, not much philosophy but the internet destroyed everything.
I had a lot of thoughts going around my mind like thunderstorm clouds so here we go...

All suffering comes from holding on too much. To our dear life, our possessions, jobs, positions, connections. Why are we holding on to it? One answer - survival instinct. Animals have it too and for all we know they may have just the same amount of suffering, or maybe even more.

If we look at Life in all it's vastness, if we look at the whole Universe, everything comes to an end, or otherwise nothing would be able to be created again. There is a constant flow of live, constant cycle of death and birth.

I was watching Planet Earth 2 recently and it struck me how relentless the Life is - every specie is trying to make a living and seems like only about 50% of all new offsprings will make it alive. And the perceived length of the lifetime is directly related to the size of the creature and the creature's metabolism. Its amazing to realize that there are numerous living beings having absolutely different time in relation to us, humans.

Everything we have, everything we sense - it is all just for each one of us to get better at whatever we can get better at. That constant flow of change is TIME. Rippling, ever increasing.

And look at it! The time is passing by as you read this line!
Everything is here to remind us that the time is extremely limited and we MUST choose what we want to be, and choose quickly, accept the consequences and move on.

As humans we possess an unique opportunity to be aware of ourselves, our actions and our minds, to be able to get on a journey of discovering who is there actually watching everything, where is that place where your thoughts come from?
The answer is - nowhere. Pure atemporal emptiness. We reflect the same things over and over between each other, reverberating the same knowledge again and again. Why? Because we cannot accept it, we think we are smart but we are stuck up species, we are terribly stuck up with the fact that we have internal world we can be aware of, we think we are gods, no less. But that world must come from somewhere - it comes from our senses, from billions of receptors on our bodies, cells, that make us into a single body. Then the mind stitches up the story together that we call "our life".

How is that we are so sure there are no other beings out there that we cannot simply even imagine? Every decade scientists find more and more evidence for stuff like dark matter and apparently its everywhere. But what is it? We can easily observe the duality of everything: no light without the dark, no object without the background, no life without death. So everything seem to matter just as much as everything else.
Maybe the DMT funny busy looking elves are indeed out there, watching our every move, every emotion, every thought that is arising. Maybe thats them playing some cosmic basketball and we think we have so much "drama" going on. Funny, isnt it?..

We should stop trying to change one another. We should stop procrastination, when we know something needs to be done. We should not complain when things arent going our ways. We should not be afraid of things that do not present immediate danger and so we should stop cultivating fear. We should learn to accept the fact that each life is important and suffering affects us all, no matter who we are, no matter how healthy we are.
So please don't say things like "Internet destroyed everything". Please don't. Because it didnt. It simply is being another tool to tell the same story over and over to us. Why dont we see that? Everything repeats itself. All suffering is the result of our ignorance.
And we directly suffer if we cannot love, because this way we cannot receive love either. Might as well be dead we think. We must keep trying to learn to love! This is what its all about!

How many schools are out there that teach kids what love is and how to cultivate such feeling? I havent heard of such things. But how many schools are out there to teach our kids how to kill and how to fear and hate? Way too may, military budget is overblown in every country with "developed economy". WTF is wrong with all of us? Why are we resisting life??

The reality is just what we make of it. Theres nothing else to it. It may be a fun game or a deathly boredom or just non-stop suffering. At every given moment we have an opportunity to choose and every choice we make contributes to what we become and what becomes of our reality.

When I was a little kid I was not afraid of anything, even when I was put in a hospital with hepatitis. I had no fear of death.
IMO and IME we, as adults, are extremely scared and stuck up on fear of dying so we teach it to our children. What should we expect with the new generation then?

Remember the monk who set himself on fire back in the 60s?

Peace to all.
Sorry OP but I think your post is mostly just whiny, meaningless bullshit... and I fundamentally disagree with the general sentiment.

Also, cire113, you have neatly sidestepped any need to defend or own your ridiculous statements by quite accurately asserting that you know nothing, but if you are being serious that...
cire113 said:
I would absolutely love to push a button and eliminat all modern technology wipe out bank accounts and see humans react to how humans lived X time ago... LoL
...then I am genuinely sorry that you feel such anger and contempt for the rest of the human species.

I mean, seriously... what about people who depend on technology to live a relatively normal life? People with prosthetic limbs, people in wheelchairs, people who would have died as children without modern medicine? You want to suddenly deprive them of their ability to live a relatively comfortable life, just so you can punish those who won the lottery of birth (by which I mean, are wealthy enough to access the internet and have enough free time to use social media), for... what exactly? For indulging in pastimes that you deem without value?

OP, since you are clearly also aboard this tired social-media-bashing bandwagon - genuinely, how much relative value to the world do you think your hobbies of using drugs, and listening to music bring, compared to someone else who likes to post frequently on social media? Presumably you do think these things have more value... but I am really struggling to see why.

The internet on the whole solves a bunch more problems than it creates. If you don't like social media (or any other aspect of the internet really) then there is a simple solution, stop reading it, and stop reading OR THINKING, about it. I cannot for the life of me understand why people who rage against social media as the cause of all of society's ills even know enough about it to complain in the first place. There is so much more that you could be doing online than even taking the time to care about all the irrelevant bullshit you mentioned, some of which really is so irrelevant it's not even worth complaining about (slang words? really? I'm guessing you are quite young but when you complain about this you sound like somebody's grandpa).

How about you spend your time online learning a new skill, or researching some places you want to go, or things you want to do in order to have some "REAL EXPERIENCES" and make sure you live "REAL LIFE SITUATIONS", whatever the fuck that means.

shadybraindamage said:
Girls have a easier life than boys if they are beautiful and doesn't need to work only to open up the legs and that's it, also their only role on this world it's to give a kiss & make a kid, most of them want to live like for e.g with someone that it's a hidden( a dealer), so mostly they don't want simply things, these are the teens, now womens pretty much the same tho the difference is that they are looking for a simplier & quiet one. Boys on the other side have a rough life because they need to work and to support the family in situations > like streets it's more harder/uglier than girls, as I said because of that vagina they can escape almost anything, but not always.
LOL. Now you are just trolling, surely. 8(
kido I think you have a problem and it's with yourself, why you try to be smart or bright us all? Social media is dating media first of all, people forgot to live because of it, people almost share their entire fuckin life there, I don't know why they don't share the bills for these months and when they washed the laundry, etc. I don't know why you writed those things, it's a waste of time and also meaningless shit beside that thing with modern technology which I agree with it and how about spending some time outside in a fuckin forest or do something because this life's short man, live those ~REAL LIFE SITUATIONS/EXPERIENCES~
I think the problem is yours, my dude. You're projecting hard.

Just spent my whole day in the forest, swimming in a river. Now I'm back home and I'm *gasp* on the THE INTERNET! Oh no! Now I'm a part of the problem! Surely you, when replying to me, aren't using The Internet, are you? If so, then you're part of the problem too.

Look, I get what you're saying, some people take social media too far. But it's not like the world is ending because of it. For most people it's just one small aspect of their life, a way to keep connected to people they might otherwise never have contact with again.

I think the problem has more to do with your mindset than it does with the state of technology.
Nah man, you tryin to be something you are not, accept the fuckin truth and reality, give it peace and stop living in a fantasy
Explain to me how I'm trying to be something I'm not...? You're using the Internet too, dude. My point is that the Internet can be a really powerful and useful tool. Yes, when people are constantly connected to it and ignoring the world around them, that's a problem. But even though I moderate an Internet forum, most of my time is spent with my girlfriend and/or group of close friends, doing stuff like hiking and camping, playing music with my band, going to shows, music festivals, hanging out, and so on. In my life, the Internet has only been a positive thing that has helped me to find more people. For example, two of my best friends I first met on Bluelight and we got together when we all ended up living in the same town. I met my girlfriend on a dating site. These are all important people in my life who I love. Explain to me how this is a bad thing, and why I need to "stop living in a fantasy"?

Like any tool, the Internet can be misused, but it isn't itself a bad thing.
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Xorkoth, you have the patience of a saint.

Shady, I don't think you even know what you are angry at really, only that you're pissed off about something and, surely, it couldn't be because of anything you're doing! The problem must be with everyone else. 8)

Like it or not, the internet and social media are part of reality today. If you can't find a way to accept this then you're the one living in a fantasy world.
I had a lot of thoughts going around my mind like thunderstorm clouds so here we go...

All suffering comes from holding on too much. To our dear life, our possessions, jobs, positions, connections. Why are we holding on to it? One answer - survival instinct. Animals have it too and for all we know they may have just the same amount of suffering, or maybe even more.

If we look at Life in all it's vastness, if we look at the whole Universe, everything comes to an end, or otherwise nothing would be able to be created again. There is a constant flow of live, constant cycle of death and birth.

I was watching Planet Earth 2 recently and it struck me how relentless the Life is - every specie is trying to make a living and seems like only about 50% of all new offsprings will make it alive. And the perceived length of the lifetime is directly related to the size of the creature and the creature's metabolism. Its amazing to realize that there are numerous living beings having absolutely different time in relation to us, humans.

Everything we have, everything we sense - it is all just for each one of us to get better at whatever we can get better at. That constant flow of change is TIME. Rippling, ever increasing.

And look at it! The time is passing by as you read this line!
Everything is here to remind us that the time is extremely limited and we MUST choose what we want to be, and choose quickly, accept the consequences and move on.

As humans we possess an unique opportunity to be aware of ourselves, our actions and our minds, to be able to get on a journey of discovering who is there actually watching everything, where is that place where your thoughts come from?
The answer is - nowhere. Pure atemporal emptiness. We reflect the same things over and over between each other, reverberating the same knowledge again and again. Why? Because we cannot accept it, we think we are smart but we are stuck up species, we are terribly stuck up with the fact that we have internal world we can be aware of, we think we are gods, no less. But that world must come from somewhere - it comes from our senses, from billions of receptors on our bodies, cells, that make us into a single body. Then the mind stitches up the story together that we call "our life".

How is that we are so sure there are no other beings out there that we cannot simply even imagine? Every decade scientists find more and more evidence for stuff like dark matter and apparently its everywhere. But what is it? We can easily observe the duality of everything: no light without the dark, no object without the background, no life without death. So everything seem to matter just as much as everything else.
Maybe the DMT funny busy looking elves are indeed out there, watching our every move, every emotion, every thought that is arising. Maybe thats them playing some cosmic basketball and we think we have so much "drama" going on. Funny, isnt it?..

We should stop trying to change one another. We should stop procrastination, when we know something needs to be done. We should not complain when things arent going our ways. We should not be afraid of things that do not present immediate danger and so we should stop cultivating fear. We should learn to accept the fact that each life is important and suffering affects us all, no matter who we are, no matter how healthy we are.
So please don't say things like "Internet destroyed everything". Please don't. Because it didnt. It simply is being another tool to tell the same story over and over to us. Why dont we see that? Everything repeats itself. All suffering is the result of our ignorance.
And we directly suffer if we cannot love, because this way we cannot receive love either. Might as well be dead we think. We must keep trying to learn to love! This is what its all about!

How many schools are out there that teach kids what love is and how to cultivate such feeling? I havent heard of such things. But how many schools are out there to teach our kids how to kill and how to fear and hate? Way too may, military budget is overblown in every country with "developed economy". WTF is wrong with all of us? Why are we resisting life??

The reality is just what we make of it. Theres nothing else to it. It may be a fun game or a deathly boredom or just non-stop suffering. At every given moment we have an opportunity to choose and every choice we make contributes to what we become and what becomes of our reality.

When I was a little kid I was not afraid of anything, even when I was put in a hospital with hepatitis. I had no fear of death.
IMO and IME we, as adults, are extremely scared and stuck up on fear of dying so we teach it to our children. What should we expect with the new generation then?

Remember the monk who set himself on fire back in the 60s?

Peace to all.

This is really good Volsam.

I try to look at things like the internet as amazing tools that have helped me shape my life. Despite a bad reputation, the internet, is full of people being honestly themselves, most are doing it under a false name. The anonymous nature of the internet has allowed people to experiment with being themselves.

The internet has reduced the perceived risk of taking opinions and positions that you may feel very strongly about but have never had a platform to begin from.

The most amazing side effect of the internet is still the interaction I can have with people who are far more intelligent with a better world view.

The challenge is to make the real life around you exciting enough to make people put down their phones.
^^ It's also full of people pretending to be who they aren't. The anonymous nature of the internet has allowed people to be cruel, abusive and judgemental.

Look at the way social media can jump on a person and destroy their lives. Take a look at the truly sick posts and tweets by people who happen to disagree or dislike someone.

Trolls have be born and become influential in our lives all because of this "wonderful" technology.

I'm not saying there aren't benefits, but I would gladly push the button to destroy the internet if there was such a button.
I would gladly push the button to destroy the internet if there was such a button.
Would you also push a button to destroy all motor vehicles, because of how often people die in road traffic accidents?

In fact, how about mains electricity? After all, this is necessary for the internet, and plenty of people die from either electrocution or fires caused as a secondary effect from faulty wiring or electrical appliances.

How about the vast majority of recreational drugs - particularly those with significant overdose potential and significant medical uses? Basically all opiates, definitely tobacco, we should just have driven the tobacco plant to extinction as soon as we understood that smoking causes lung cancer.

I mean really, no offence but I just cannot see how anyone advocating the complete removal of the internet as a solution to the problems it causes cannot see the absurdity of this position... Especially on this forum, where the primary topic of discussion is about something that many governments would like to see effectively, unequivocally removed from existence and from discussion (just to be clear, I am referring to recreational drug use here). So because something has the potential to cause harm, or facilitate harm in new and sometimes frightening ways, whether that something be a previously unknown technology or something else, we should just ban it, delete it, destroy it, just make sure it doesn't exist and can't be used by anyone? Because that policy has worked so well in other areas, right... why not apply it to the internet as well.

The internet is a central nervous system for the human species, facilitating reliable, rapid communication between all corners of the globe. If you truly want to destroy it, you are advocating the sudden, potentially catastrophic or fatal isolation of remote communities, individuals who live alone who might be unable to leave their house because of sickness, old age, or other unavoidable circumstance. The communication and sharing of knowledge that the internet allows is an unrivalled enabler of rapid scientific advancement, and a frustrating hindrance to the efforts of totalitarian governments and state-run propaganda worldwide to suppress the flow of information and control the image they project to both their own citizens and the world.

Additionally, say the internet was, somehow, destroyed instantly and overnight... following the inevitable ensuing chaos, what do you anticipate will happen next? That we will just go back to doing everything over the telephone? Move on to some weird steampunk iteration of morse code? More likely we will set up something very similar as quickly as possible. Perhaps this Internet 2.0 will be far more heavily regulated, social networks will be banned, and all traffic will be run through state owned data-centers which come down on trolls with an iron fist... as well as political dissidents, people with controversial viewpoints, and eventually just whoever threatens this dystopian nightmare which you indirectly advocate.

Cue the next wave of hackers and cyber terrorists and smart, frustrated, technologically savvy individuals who work to break through these global firewalls, open up this new internet to everyone again, rich and poor alike, and bring down the new surveillance state which arose from the ashes of the first internet... and if we are lucky enough to come out the other side unscathed, we'll be in a situation very much like we are now, except with a new era of brutal oppression and death on the already chequered tapestry of human history. If we're unlucky on the other hand, perhaps centuries of stagnation, slowed or suppressed scientific advancement await... or potentially even further regression into a new dark age as yet more "dangerous" technologies are suppressed, banned and forgotten.

These are the futures you are indirectly advocating for... So please, think through the absurdity of such statements before thoughtlessly calling for the sudden and complete removal of what is in fact a vital technology to modern human society.
Just because there are issues with the Internet doesn't mean we should throw out the baby with the bathwater. The Internet is one of the pivotal technologies of all of human history. The ways in which it has changed the way we operate are many and profound. I don't just mean the way we operate in our minds, I mean in our daily lives. The Internet enables SO much more than just instant, anonymous socializing. But even that socializing is fascinating. The simple fact that we can instantly communicate with people in China, or insert whatever country is on the opposite side of the world for you, is staggeringly profound... in fact I would venture to say it's leading to average people actually feeling more of a sense of kinship to "others". Bringing the world closer to a single community. Without the Internet we would not have the opportunity to actually connect to people from around the world. These people would remain mysteries except for those who happen to know someone, or who have actually visited.

Also, everything Vastness said.
Trolls have be born and become influential in our lives all because of this "wonderful" technology.

I can't see trolls as a bad thing really, they are annoying like mosquitoes but they can't bite unless you react to them. Some pop in and teach us how bad our spelling is, they can't see content unless it's formatted in what they view as correct. Some just like to poke at us to make sure we know what we talk about and some are just unaware of their mental issues but feel incapable of being wrong. Trolls make us rethink our ideas from other perspectives and sometimes they are nothing more then an opportunity for us to grow past being easily frustrated or hurt. "Nothing puts a skin on ya' like a good trolling"!

There are life lessons to be learned to be able to socially interact with each other, often a troll is just someone who hasn't learned them despite being allowed out without supervision.

The internet has allowed bullies, criminals, religious people and governmentl to use cyber space to inflate their issues exactly the same as everyone else. Restricting use of any tool because I don't agree with someone is the mistake we have made in the past. We can see this now but only thanks to the open access of the internet.
The thing with the internet is that most people live two separate lives, one would be online and the other in real-life. I don't agree with the internet and personally would erase any trace of it, it gives you the oportunity to create a person based on your imagination same to be said to personality. Now you would argue me with ~But wait, isn't his fault, blame it on population/people~, no, is both side fault, two things that shouldn't have been created. You only talk about socializing and meeting people, see? this is where the people fault take it in the middle knee because they are too weak and have to justify, full of false identities also a movie which is called ~Equilibrium~ saw it back in.. guess was 04'-03, a interesting scene which you can view it or not your problem. People forgot to live because of the internet, forgot to socialize outside, they all are sheeps. Kids nowadays spends time inside their home browsing or whatever the fuck they do, playing games watching depressing serials instead of taking the fuckin hopscotch or bumping around through neighbors for a aspirin short long story you got my point. Is a generation of failure that was and isn't meant to survive, just to have a taste. There is a thing, called adapt which all retarded beings have the ability to have it and use it against them thinking is positive when instead they go with everyone in the same row and read the same page. No one is smarter or inteligent than you, IQ isn't real, is a false view gived by an eye for the reason to be different, but you lie yourself, you created your own reality based on your creativity this is where most people go wrong with the internet and not only, you created a world which you master and crafted because you aren't accepted including yourself or your crew.

This been said, let's take the subject to another topic or level call the coin whatever u color pick. People stays on social medias because they feel alone, they feel isolated. If you think that destroying the internet would affect everyone because you wouldn't say your opinion anymore to be heard by maybe few people then the problem is with yourself. There would be still riots/wars but only for those who live to see it & you didn't picked up your life with the right elbow( Not saying I did from start but progressed throughout time) and balanced the social circle, there would be still riots/wars but only for those who live to see it.A world will still turn & spin
Would you also push a button to destroy all motor vehicles, because of how often people die in road traffic accidents?

In fact, how about mains electricity? After all, this is necessary for the internet, and plenty of people die from either electrocution or fires caused as a secondary effect from faulty wiring or electrical appliances.

How about the vast majority of recreational drugs - particularly those with significant overdose potential and significant medical uses? Basically all opiates, definitely tobacco, we should just have driven the tobacco plant to extinction as soon as we understood that smoking causes lung cancer.

These are the futures you are indirectly advocating for... So please, think through the absurdity of such statements before thoughtlessly calling for the sudden and complete removal of what is in fact a vital technology to modern human society.

No I wouldn't get rid of the above as I don't see them ruining the fabric of society. TV would probably go, though.

It may be absurd to you but I think it's absurd that you think the internet is a "vital technology". I am not advocating for the removal of items that can be bad for the individual, I just believe the world would be better off, overall, with no internet. No biggie, I'm just a bit of a Luddite that thinks things were better previously.

And before you get all hot and bothered about my opinion, I do realise we can't go back and that there isn't any way that what I have suggested is possible, I'm just putting it out there that the internet is more bad than good.