• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Newbie on forum, oldie in chemicals...a bit worried


May 20, 2018
Hello, peoplez!

Been interested in mind-bending stuff since I was 16...Tried everything till 23, and decide what I like was speed (amps, not meth, way too powerful for me), MDMA, 2CB, ketamine, cocaine, alcohol, LSD and hash...Not marijuana since it makes me delusional and paranoid...I have relapses in drugs...I make a decent break, sometimes for couple of months, sometimes a year, and then I start rolling again, every weekend or every two weekends. And I've been on a long roll so far for couple of months where I take some speed every weekend or every two weekends. Recently found some speed, kind of pinkish in colour, very grounding/concentrating/euphoric, very hard to shake off, addictive stuff...I do it every weekend or every two weeks combined with other stuff listed above...About 0.5 gram a night, maybe less...My hangovers were pretty much okay until lately...It's like I'm walking in a haze, getting kind of nervous about small stuff and sounds are a bit off...No histories of mental illnesses, not in the family...Now I'm 41, so I'm guessing my body is not young as it was....Anyway, I had a question about this...Is it true that residue of substances get accumulated in your body somewhere and start making trouble long, long time later in your life?...Kind of a scare for me, but I don't believe it's true...
Reasonably healthy, excercising irregularly, reasonalby thin and muscular man wondering...
Hey NarcoMutt, welcome to Bluelight :)

Drugs like that don't accumulate in any appreciable way, though any heavy metal residues and certain somewhat toxic things left behind during the manufacture of the drugs could potentially. It's not really a well researched or documented area though I'm afraid.

If I had to make a guess as to your present condition with more hangovers and a fuzzy head, I'd say it's simply because you're using too many drugs too often. Try to take a nice long break (a detox) from anything for a few months, and see if things come back to normal. That's what I would do, anyway, plus eating healthily, sleeping plenty and exercising regularly

Good luck! :)