• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

A doubt about empathetic substances


Mar 17, 2015

I've read that mixing a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (SNDRI) with a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine releasing agent (SNDRA) is dangerous since this combo could trigger Serotonin Syndrome.

Why this danger isn't taken into account when it comes to substances that possess the two pharmacological properties such as MDMA, MDA, 6-APB...and others?

Would there be any chance of imitating an MDMA trip with an NDRI and an NDRA taking the correct dose of both?


I've read that mixing a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (SNDRI) with a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine releasing agent (SNDRA) is dangerous since this combo could trigger Serotonin Syndrome.

Why this danger isn't taken into account when it comes to substances that possess the two pharmacological properties such as MDMA, MDA, 6-APB...and others?

Would there be any chance of imitating an MDMA trip with an NDRI and an NDRA taking the correct dose of both?


Tried doing it hundred of times so I know for sure that imitating MDMA is not that simple as a combo of SNDRI and SNDRA, there are other strange mechanisms involved, such as imidazoline, sigma, TAAR1 agonism and and VMAT inhibition, perhaps others too.

As for the other part of the question, I think it does cause neurotoxicity in doses high enough and may cause serotonin syndrome as well, just by itself.

I'm sure others will add more scientific explanations.
Volsam, thank you for your response.

In addition, some of these substances are also serotonin receptor agonists such as 5HT2b or 5HT2a. It is interesting for me to see how other mechanisms are equally important.
On the other hand, it is known of many people who have abused MDMA for more than 1g in one night, and apart from a horrible hangover for days/months and who knows that other side effects have suffered, Very few people have died from ecstasy, and I do not know any who have suffered serotonin syndrome.

What mixes did you try, by the way? Any anecdote that you would like to add? Any particularly nasty mix?
I am so curious.

Particularly nasty mix (but extremely euphoric at times) was a mixture of 10mg 2C-B-Fly + 50mg 6-APB + 20mg 4-MeO-MiPT + 10mg 4-HO-MiPT + 800mg Agmatine + 100mg F-Phenibut (other substances taken are less relative) that I took recently. I went too far with all that and ended up in strong hypertensive condition for about 4-5 hours with very high BP, pulse and a sense that death is just around the corner. Extremely empathetic though, very long lasting and visual... At the peak I was about to run out in the middle of the night and start yelling how much I love everyone and wanting to share ALL my secrets! 8(

I definitely do not recommend this kind of mixture to anyone, under no circumstances. Needless to say, I had to take benzos to come down, although I never take them usually.

Good fun mix was with 8mg 2C-B-Fly taken with 8mg 4-HO-MiPT, 800mg Agmatine, 100mg Pregabalin, and addition of some 5-MeO-MiPT later (about 1.5mg or so).

MDMA has this deeply relaxing properties that are quite hard to emulate but addition of Agmatine and Pregabalin (and / or F-Phenibut) to something like 4-FA mixed with MDA or 6-APDB would get the best mix.
So (40mg 4-FA) + (50mg of MDA or 6-APDB) + (800mg Agmatine) + (100mg of Pregabalin or F-Phenibut) is my favorite MDMA replacement mix that on many occasions was waaay better than just molly. :p
Volsam, all these mixtures that you mention seem interesting, but I think that they do not try to imitate a trip of MDMA or some other empatogen. More than anything, because in your mixes there are strong agonists of the 5HT2a receptor and other mechanisms absent in the empatogens.

I was referring to emulate a trip of pure MDMA, that after following the information that you've provided I am aware that it is impossible.
