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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

LSD - Experienced - BAD TRIP (friend acting possessed)


May 1, 2018
I don't know the dose but I tripped with my bf (both of us only taken it twice) and one of our closest mates, who has taken acid like 50 times in 8 months (we'll call him M), as well as losing the magic with md and taking other drugs within that time. So we're all tripping and we did have a guy there who wasn't but he had to leave and we were all just calm and listening to music. A couple hours in we started smoking weed (which my friend later said might have been the reason sh*t happened), but for me and my other mate smoking it was fine as we do it a lot.
So we're all just there listening to music some more hours in and then I realise M is just staring at me and he says "I want to have sex with you". Now I'm tripping so hard I'm confused af like did he actually say that, and I look to my bf who didn't hear him and then I looked back at M staring but decided to ignore it. He said it again afterwards and then I just remember this next part in gaps and so does he, where he got up and fell on me and was like "oh hi" and I freak tf out and push him off of me and yell what are you doing? My bf is really fucked and it takes him a minute to realise what is going on and I'm not sure how long it was before he got up to come between myself and M? but it was really disturbing to my trip. Even when my bf sat back down he kept getting up and coming towards me, he even undid his belt and my bf had to keep just pushing him down softly telling him to stop. Then one minute he just got up and said my name and to hold his hand whilst reaching for me so I did and asked if he was okay, whilst freaking tf out inside. He also asked who we were at one point and he couldn't be left alone with me or else he'd kept up and come towards me. I put some music on for him to try change the mood and eventually my bf moved him to another room to sleep it off and an hour or so later we found that he had wet himself and didn't remember anything. He just asked my bf what happened and thats he's wet the bed not knowing what to do and all he said was, so last night was weird. We sat with him for a bit longer trying to talk to him and see if we could reach him, if he was okay, but he was so blank, he just kept responding our questions with the question, e.g. I told him you know you need to stop taking this so much, and he just stared blankly as replied with the same thing. There was still no sign of him realising that he had done anything wrong and that was worrying to us cos we could tell he was still tripping. My bf then put him in an uber home cos I couldn't rest with him there, it was such a disruptive and out of the blue thing to happen.
Does anyone know what this kind of thing is? I feel like he's done it so much and explored his mind so much that there is nothing left, and he had lost himself. He said this is the worst he has ever been on it but you can see such a change in him from back in September when he started trying this. Now I've tried other stuff myself and had my own experiences so I'm not clueless to this world but idk where to go from here with something like this. We're gonna try to help him stop doing this and he was so guilty and sorry when we had to fill him in after. Any thoughts?

Tagged by Xorkoth
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That is freaking crazy.
First Id like to say you guys handled this like champs. You didnt lose your cool and kept him within your care as long as you could..

One thing you probably should have avoided was trying to tell him anything about doing less or what not while he was tripping.

Sounds like he was in a complete state of ego loss and probably has had some feelings for you back there somewhere for a while and they just oozed out. All you can do is keep him calm and let it pass.

This type of behavior is definitely more common with people who abuse LSD. 50 times in 6 months is a whole shit load. THat is way too much... have him read about Syd Barrett for a great example of what can happen to someone who abuses LSD.

One great way to help someone who is going through some depersonalization or bad times on psychedelics is to change up the environment. If you are inside, go outside. Take a walk, or go somewhere familiar to them and show them things they will remember.

If you cant do that, change to a different room, lighting condition, or music type. I have always found the most profound experiences laying in the light of a blacklight with music and sometimes a strobe light. It would put me in a trance and I would go to places inside my mind that are pretty hard to describe wiith words. In that state, you dont really notice time, or really anything, and have no choice but go deep inside your mind.
thanks for your input!

Yeah we only told him about doing less after we thought he had slept at our but from that we realized he was still f*cked and we sent him home. He had to be told what to do like a child, idk if he knew who he was still..

That was the scary thing, that I made suggestions to make a change somehow but he said he needed to chill like maybe he was too high to move so he was really difficult to help cos everyone was cool there and suddenly the things changed and it felt too late, he had lost himself and needed to sleep or something. He also won't be touching it for a very long time.

Definitely not going to have another trip like that! Will agree w mates beforehand on how we can change sh*t up when we want to, cheers!
Risperidone is good for stopping bad acid trips. Any benzodiazepine (minor tranquilizer) or D2 antagonist (major tranquilizer / antipsychotic) will help as well. Contrary to what the Merck Manual has to say, I've never seen hypotension being an issue there.