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Continuation of new user needing advice


Apr 17, 2018
Okay it's me again from http://bluelight.org/vb/threads/843588-Relatively-new-user-to-drugs-need-advice

It's confirmed, I'm definitely getting the ketamine, I just face one problem; basically in the other post I talked about coke not working and feeling it go down my throat, I've read online two different things, some people say you DON'T want the drip because that means it's going down your throat and is bad, some say it's good cause it's going in you??

Everyone says like "just get it in your sinuses" no clue what that honestly means, where are my sinuses in my nose, how far, what angle, and is a ?5 note not a good idea?

So yeah how tf do I snort the ket right, how far do I put the note, where, how hard etc.

I mean coke in your stomach is better than coke on the floor, but ideally you want it to all be absorbed in your nose. When you snort it you want it to stay in your nose almost like you congested. I think you really don't want to put the straw/bill to far in because the farther in you go the easier it is to snort it into your throat. Same with snorting it you don't want to inhale it too fast or too powerfully. I'll put a bill just barely into my nostril, close one side, and breathe in at a constant, slow rate. You'll feel it in your nostril if you did it correctly.
is a ?5 note not a good idea?

A 5 note should be fine for ketamine, it's not like cocaine which works best with 100 notes or higher. =D

Yes, generally if you feel it in your throat, you sniffed too hard. Try sniffing lightly so it just goes in your sinuses. Look up your sinuses on some anatomy web page if you're unclear about the anatomy.
Chop your coke up really fine good coke will stick together a bit but as fine as you can and NEVER use bank notes use a short straw or a piece of paper you can get hepatitis c from bank notes and money is filthy think of all the hands of people who been grabbing their balls or scratching their crack their who toached that money then your putting that shit up your nose never share what your snorting with either it?s not a good idea
Chop your coke up really fine good coke will stick together a bit but as fine as you can and NEVER use bank notes use a short straw or a piece of paper you can get hepatitis c from bank notes and money is filthy think of all the hands of people who been grabbing their balls or scratching their crack their who toached that money then your putting that shit up your nose never share what your snorting with either it?s not a good idea

QFT, never use money to snort anything, and never share straws/what have you. As many here know snorting anything causes microlacerations in the nostrils. Not only does this wear down the septum over time, but it allows for viral infection to occur.

ALWAYS use your own straw, ideally take it out of the paper/plastic yourself so you know it's clean. If you don't have an extra straw, tell your buddy to get their own! Straws can also be made easily from a scrap of paper (index paper works best) and a piece of tape. Just roll it into a tube of appropriate length and voila. No excuse for using unsanitary gear.
I like to crush my drugs with platinum bars and snort them out of silver spoons.

When snorting just breath through your nose steadily and slowly, like you are taking a long deep breath. You don't need to violently suck through your nose to get it in there, a brisk and long breath in will work fine.