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does cbd alter thc high?

There's absolutely no question that it does. For me it reduces the brain foginess and makes me a lot more functional. It does take away euphoria for me usually when the THC to CBD ratio is lower than like 4:1 though. It seems to make it last longer sometimes too. I only see value in it medicinally, or if you're having a bad high it's good to have some nearly 0% THC bud on hand with high amounts of CBD to abort the trip. It won't stop effects but your heart will stop racing and you'll calm down hugely.
Salutations LucidSDreamr,

...when smoked together...

SMOKE is a major self-vilifying factor translating as multi-intoxication best serving a bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist agenda, which is why e-Cigs and vaporizers altogether ended up at the same level during the 2014 COP6/FCTC event held in Moscow - champion of all democratic values... My expectations are that the 2030 UN agenda shall leave no room for any of those options, it's all "evil" and the sin industry grows increasingly hungry. More human flesh needs to be converted into plastic money, so they just won't do a thing to help us. The Hippocratic Oath of doctors "do no harm" was forgotten long ago, during the Victorian era when John Warnock needed a translator simply to run his Cairo asylum in Egypt...


Does cbd alter thc high?

For all practical purpose i'd consider those 2 as mutual/complementary moderators of each other with a niche "Sweet Spot" residing away from extreme man-made (X or Y) assymetries, eventually available someday when cannabis is truly liberated...

To me this graphs below echoes the long twisted story of mari-caca:


Leafly: How to Help Consumers Understand the Amount of THC and CBD in Their Cannabis (2017-Nov-29)

Notice how the 2:1 (and even 3:1/4:1) THC:CBD selections have been relatively ingored so far?... It's some good hint where the ~2 % of "troubled" cases came from for the last few decades IMO: e.g. artificial mercantile unbalance meant to boost a "buzz" driven market in priority, despite its side-effects - not to mention having so much more left to discover and appreciate.

Good day, have fun!! =D