• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The Apocalypse Is Near, Some Thoughts On Surviving


Oct 3, 2014
As you are all aware if you have been watching my threads and others who have similar gut instinct about modern society, shit is about to hit the fan within the lifetimes of many people on this site. Within 50 years, over the course of time, things will gradually deteriorate. Ultimately, there will be no more society as we know it by 2050 or so. There will be a phase where people will literally murder one another in broad daylight over cans of spam in the supermarket and even over live cattle, swine, chickens, goats, and anything else that can be eaten right in broad daylight for mere survival as civilization as you know it will collapse within the next 30-40 years or so. And if you have a farm that includes cattle, swine, horses, goats, or any other large and potentially large and edible animal, forget about surviving intact unless you are heavily armed so begin stocking up on weapons to protect yourself and also begin educating yourself in hand to hand combat. When shit really hits the fan, it won't even be just the livestock that they are after. Cannibalism will become widespread. Packs of indiscriminate "human hunters" will begin wandering the streets not only to search for loose livestock but also to eat other human beings. Some people will have no ethics, and this is what will bring rise to widespread cannibalism. If you have any sort of livestock, I suggest hiding and moving to a remote area. Breed them and hide out from when shit hits the fucking fan, because this is coming by the 2030s in its early stages. By the 2040s and especially by the 2050s, society will completely collapse and to many folks you would be just as good of a meal as the meat of cattle, swine, or consuming mutton.

The best bet will likely be to hide from the masses during the worst of it. In fact, it will be best to start stocking up on canned goods. Then, hide these goods and when the time comes, travel to a highly remote location and simply wait things out. During this time (e.g. est. 2038-2045), mass chaos will occur and most firearms will have been discharged. At this point, survival will come down to hand to hand combat skills not to defend your wallet but to avoid being someone else's dinner. I already am a second degree black belt, but I have begun educating myself by reading and watching YouTube videos on the topic as I believe that only the strongest will survive to see 2050. In some lucky cases, perhaps a goat, cow, pig, or some other form of livestock happens to be around and can be killed and fried up (sorry vegans and vegetarians, it will be necessary or otherwise you'll end up being someone's meal once shit really hits the fan in the 2050s). If no livestock is around, many humans will hunt other humans and eat them. Cannibalism will become rampant and widespread across the globe by the 2040s or early 2050s.

In 2010s, people complain about Tesco and horse meat. In 2030, everyone complaining will be spearing loose horses with sharpened sticks and frying them up simply to survive. The ones that aren't fast enough to ride will be dinner. I suppose Tesco was ahead of the day then as shit will hit the fan. Thank fucking God they weren't cannibals, but believe me during the 2050s, the cannbialism will become widespead. Yes people will cook other humans just like humans now cook pigs and cattle Yes, there will be human being eating HUMAN BEINGS in 2050! FUCK THE CANNIBALS. But as a human in the 2010s you must prepare yourself to avoid the cannibals and other horrors that face humanity in the end of days that is coming in the 2040s and 2050s.

Also, I feel that prayer is important. Now that we are in the end times, I pray every night to our Lord Jesus Christ. If you do not believe in Jesus, that is fine. Simply pray to the supreme energy of the universe. Simply pray to something every evening whatever your religion is. I feel that all religions connect to the same essential energy. Ask for protection and luck in order to get through what is coming in the 2030s, 2040s, and 2050s. Believe me, you'll need it. I don't want to be anyone's dinner. Pray to God not only for yourself but for humanity as well.

Oh, and get used to reading by firelight. Since obviously there will be no electricity. I estimate that the power will permanently go out for the "great darkness" of humanity sometime in the 2030s or 2040s. Depending on where you are. In some regions, in urban areas, the power may remain on until the 2050s or 2060s. However, don't get to secure. If you don't have much money and live in a metropolitan area, you will need to leave or be hunted. The wealthy are the most evil human being among us, and they will turn to cannibalism the fastest when shit hits the fan. Rich people have no empathy for the most part. They only care about themselves generally speaking. So, they would have no aversion to hunting and eating the less fortunate in urban areas. They also would use their resources to stock up on weapons to "hunt" people when shit hits the fan in order to eat them.

Leaving urban areas would be advised. If you must stay, it would be best to hide in subways or even sewers. Anywhere that will get you away from the psychopathic "human hunters" that will troll through the streets. I strongly recommend leaving any major cities while shit hits the fan. Stock up on canned goods, hide in caves outside of cities. Then, as time passes and one has heard through the grapevine that things have "settled down" in the cities, perhaps return. However, return cautiously and beware of human "hunters". Still, it will ultimately be possible to return if one waits until most guns have been fired (thus no or few potential bullets being fired from factions in the upheaval nor will most of the cannibals have guns any longer as they will have already used them by that point, though some cannibals may continue to use home fashioned bows and arrows or sharpened sticks to go "hunting" into the early 2100s so one will need to remain alert) and fewer or no "human hunters" stalking the streets. At this point, when the cannibalism and chaos is no longer an issue as the population has been reduced due to the cannbalism as well as the mass chaos, humanity may begin to come together and become more "advanced" due to the "bottleneck"
effect. Essentially, this means that all but the strongest and smartest will surive to see 2050 or 2060 and most will be either killed or be someone's dinner even. However, the people who survive will be highly advanced. I believe that this wil truly pave the way to the advancement of homo noeticus and will give the human race prominent psychic abiities. Oh, and the cannibals will get bad karma somehow I bet. Just saying. So, don't be a cannibal when shit hits the fan. Fuck the cannibals. Avoid them. Those who surivive the 2040 and 2050s without becoming cannibals will pave the way for the advanced human civilization that we will one day become, and we will become a spacefaring race. However, believe me, no matter what, do not be a cannibal when shit hits the fan, just saying. Very, very bad karma will come to the cannibals.

But prepare to avoid them and fight them off, as they will be literally everywhere within the next 20-35 years. I am a sociology graduate, so believe me I know what I'm talking about here. I see where society and the human race is going when I speak of these things, and I wish to spread the word to help others to prepare for what is coming. There are people who claim that I'm a "paranoid doomsday theorist", but this is nonsense. I am RIGHT. Just as no one believed gallileo when he said that the moons of Jupiter moved. I am right when I make the unfortunate announcement that human civilization as we know it will collapse within all of our lifetimes and there will be bands of survivors fighting off groups of heartless cannibals that stalk desolate streets for "long pork". Yep, that will be just real life by the 2050s. Get ready. Shit is going to hit the fan. People who aren't ready when it goes down will probably either starve to death or be eaten by the cannibals.
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So let me get this staright, when shit hits the fan, shits going to hit the fan? I'm unsure how many fans will be hit with shit but according to your post its clearly multiple fans getting hit. This is a large cause for concern indeed as dark times lie ahead if that many fans are being hit with shit....
^Dark times ahead, but if only you learn to read by firelight, you might be able to give yourself a legup. =D

Why 2050 landsunknown?
I don't think it's totally inevitable that shit will fall apart in the relatively near future, but I do think it's likely since we don't seem to be able to change our behavior. I think you're being a little doomsday about it, and the 2050 date is speculation for sure, but eventually it seems quite likely there will be massive starvation, which would probably end up causing people to eat each other, eventually.
I guess I am fortunate then, that my dad, who grew up during The Great Depression and was convinced the collapse of society is imminent, taught me survival skills as a kid. Living in Florida, I'd probably load up my sailboat with as many supplies as possible and try and find an uninhabited island, perhaps in The Bahamas or somewhere in the Caribbean, away from shipping lanes and strong currents that might bring interlopers. All I need is a map, a sextant and a view of the sun and stars. Prob doesn't hurt that I love seafood, too.
I don't think it's totally inevitable that shit will fall apart in the relatively near future, but I do think it's likely since we don't seem to be able to change our behavior. I think you're being a little doomsday about it, and the 2050 date is speculation for sure, but eventually it seems quite likely there will be massive starvation, which would probably end up causing people to eat each other, eventually.
Indeed! Those who can't learn proper lessons from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. I feel like our current age is being divided by those who are using having unlimited information at their fingertips to their advantage and those who use the technology to ignore life further. Times will change that's what times do but who knows if its for better or worse. It can't even really be said whether our extinction would be bad! Were an invasive species which is hurting the home of all other species... Intellect does not cure apathy unfortunately!
I guess I am fortunate then, that my dad, who grew up during The Great Depression and was convinced the collapse of society is imminent, taught me survival skills as a kid. Living in Florida, I'd probably load up my sailboat with as many supplies as possible and try and find an uninhabited island, perhaps in The Bahamas or somewhere in the Caribbean, away from shipping lanes and strong currents that might bring interlopers. All I need is a map, a sextant and a view of the sun and stars. Prob doesn't hurt that I love seafood, too.

Could I book a passage with you? An island devoid of other humans sounds like paradise to me right now. I promise to stay on my side of the island! And since I can't even kill spiders I wouldn't pose a cannibal threat. ;)
unfortunate timing. in 2010, i would have eaten you. i?m tired now. by 2050, surely too tired to run. will read by firelight.
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I looked for a video clip of the scene from the 1993 movie Alive where the guy says, "You have permission to eat me," (or something to that effect) but alas, I couldn't find one.
I guess I am fortunate then, that my dad, who grew up during The Great Depression and was convinced the collapse of society is imminent, taught me survival skills as a kid. Living in Florida, I'd probably load up my sailboat with as many supplies as possible and try and find an uninhabited island, perhaps in The Bahamas or somewhere in the Caribbean, away from shipping lanes and strong currents that might bring interlopers. All I need is a map, a sextant and a view of the sun and stars. Prob doesn't hurt that I love seafood, too.

Always figured I wouldn't want to survive end times but your scenario sounds pretty sweet.
Always figured I wouldn't want to survive end times but your scenario sounds pretty sweet.

For me it's less of either wanting or not wanting to survive and more to the point that a choice wouldn't be an option.