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Console Console Gamers - Whatcha playin?


Staff member
Jun 6, 2011
This is the new What are you playing? companion thread to go along with the PC Gamers - Whatcha playin? thread. This one is for consoles...any console...super old, super new. Atari, Dreamcast, PS2, N64, Xbox One S/X. Anything.

This is a discussion thread, so have fun with it. If you want to talk about a game but feel like it doesn't really deserve its own thread, this is the place.

what am I playing? Well I'm slowly but surely working myself through the legendary campaigns on Halo Master Chief Collection. I've been having a blast even though it's fucking hard as shit at times.

what about you guys? :D
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Had an itching to play Red Dead Redemption today.

Awaiting the 2nd one to come out in October.
I played Red Dead Revolver back in the day. I loved the boss fights. Redemption isn't like the older one is it?
I played Red Dead Revolver back in the day. I loved the boss fights. Redemption isn't like the older one is it?

Not really, it's kinda like a gta style take on the old school western story, man on a mission, the reformed (Or not) outlaw, etc.
That's what I figured.

I've been playing a ton of PAC-MAN Championship Edition 2. That game is addictive as hell. If you have ever liked any form of Pac-Man at any point in your life, this is like going back to that, only you get a bunch of new creative twists that work really well.
I've been playing the newest far cry, it's pretty well more of the same, but still pretty entertaining.
I've stayed away because of all the hype, but I do admit I'm curious. The building stairs and shit looks weird too, idk if I would be into that.
co-worker got me into it.

it's fun w/ groups. don't have to use all the building but it can add an extra element to the game that makes it fun.
I've stayed away because of all the hype, but I do admit I'm curious. The building stairs and shit looks weird too, idk if I would be into that.

I've gone to the blizzard site, signed in using my old WoW email and think about getting fortnite, then again.. I read some about WoW and read about a new expansion about to be released with tons of new bells and whistles that I have to sign out, because I know i'd get back into WoW. lol

maybe playing it on a console would be better and would avoid this lol
I've gone to the blizzard site, signed in using my old WoW email and think about getting fortnite, then again.. I read some about WoW and read about a new expansion about to be released with tons of new bells and whistles that I have to sign out, because I know i'd get back into WoW. lol

maybe playing it on a console would be better and would avoid this lol

ahha...I know what you mean. I don't think my account even exists any more. Been too long.
Thats what i thought, but nope. Email still works good, haha..maybe its the song hotel California after all haha
Some dance to remember...some dance to forget

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Anyone else play Stardew Valley? I got it months ago but didn't get very far. I'm gonna restart and try to get into it.
Anyone catch any e3 so far ? Bethesda had an epic presentation. Fallout 76, Doom Eternal, Starfield, Elder Scrolls VI...

Fallout 76 looks pretty damn cool imo. All online apparently but with the ability to play 100% solo if that's what you want.

No tease of Halo 6 in Microsoft's show. Just Halo Infinite, which looks a bit lame if I'm being honest. Halo doesn't need that crap. Sigh.

edit: there is some confusion as to whether or not Infinite is officially 'Halo 6'. I think it follows the events of h5, but I mean, the game doesn't even really look like an FPS. IDK. I will update as I learn more.
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Yeah I'm really looking forward to fallout 76, and TES:6.
Finally getting around to playing Mortal Kombat X. But I'm pissed how much they charge to unlock the extra fighters.

Also playing Peggle 2 as a stress reliever %)
Of your poor and can't afford a ps4 like me get a ps3 and get tes Skyrim

it's old yet still next gen the massive world is on par with the likes of world of warcraft.

you don't need to get a ps4

you don't even need to spend more than a fiver in some places which is awesome if your hard up for cash like me and don't want to waste money this game is just amazing I could play it all day everyday.I

Games like this are the best single player has to offer I am a proper gamer to going back from ps1 I've seen the quality and quantity in mainstream games change but skyrim is one of those with its own magic and enchantment and not the actual magic and enchantment in the game it's one of those games that are nothing more nothing less than a masterpiece of art like true ps1/ps2 games and those who miss out at least in my opinion on games like this really miss out.

I've played a lot of addictive games to the only one that was more than this was world of warcraft I used to be hooked on that shit used to stay in everyday for over a year skive school to play as much as possible it isn't what it used to be now though sadly but that magical feeling of wonder in such a mysterious world is just as prevalent in this game and it your into that sort of games you will love it I never played skyrim when it first came out but when I did play it I instantly seen it for the masterpiece it was and have just saved it for ages until I finally played and played cus I knew I wouldn't be able to stop playing and even if you don't think youl like this game give it a try I guarantee most of you will change your mind though most of you probably didn't sell your ps4 like me for weed so don't make fun of me..

Cool little section btw glad I found it my psn is xXS-SHOOTERxX if anyone wants to play the last of us factions, ratchet and clank ffa or battlefield 1943 res6 and other hit me up ps3 online is still lively and best of all its free!
