• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

How does Metyrapone work?

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Why would you be a troll? for the same motivations as any other trolls on any other forum.

Assuming you aren't one, and genuinely are somebody who doesn't understand what they are talking about (I'm willing to entertain the possibility, just about, at this point, since some people do take these gene tests and then start panicking and worrying about every single possible point mutation in their entire genome and looking for medical 'solutions' to what they see as the source of the problem, making wild leaps of imagination) My point wasn't that the specific drugs mentioned were bad choices, but fucking with corticosteroid levels, ACTH levels, CRF etc., tampering with the HPA axis in general, is a really, really bad idea, it is downright dangerous, overdoing something like that could kill someone. And also, with glucocorticoid receptor ligands, be it agonists or antagonists, the body adapts, for example people who take corticosteroids have to slowly taper off, if they have been used in significant dosages or for any length of time, or worse, both. Because the body gets used to having an artificial steroid level boost and their adrenal glands become hypoactive as a result. Suddenly stopping would then result in an addisonian crisis, which is both unpleasant and potentially fatal.

The opposite, hypercortisolism is known as Cushing's syndrome, and it too, is not pretty. Risks of diabetes, osteoporosis, memory/cognitive impairment, facial swelling and a host of other nasty symptoms.

Also, assuming you have excess circulating cortisol would mean that ACTH or CRF levels are increased is not necessarily correct, because when cortisol levels become high, this exerts a negative feedback on ACTH and CRF secretion.

And you are correct BTW, in that CRF release induces ACTH secretion. I had meant to word my prior post the other way around, and accidentally typed the two in the wrong order. Mea culpa on that one.

Seriously though don't start fucking with your HPA axis, the results won't be good, I guarantee that much.
so people with anxiety shouldnt take SSRI?
people with cancer shouldnt take anti biotics or whatever it is they take?

Why cant I take cortisol antagonists? and why cant you atleast help me out and explain to me so I can understand it better and which drug would suit me the best? If I didnt have anxiety for such a long time as I have almost 10 year I wouldnt give the SNPS a second thought at all. But I do have anxiety and it its so bad I cant ignore it.
No im not F#cking trolling. Why would I be?

Because as predicted, you've ignored all advice up to this point and now you've decided that it's cortisol that is the problem, not CRF1, or CB1, or NMDA or whatever else. And now you've come up with more desperate grasps toward a problem you are underequipped and undereducated to respond to.


Every time someone suggests something, you ignore it. You also seem to not want to do any of your own research. It makes you seem inexperienced and unwilling to cooperate with others here.

But if you had an Overactive CRF1 (which I think I have) would that induce more ACTH release then go in a cricle and just go higher and higher , does that make sense? So if my CRF1 keeps activating (due to mutations in the gene) and stress keeps buildin up then ACTH activates and that Activates CRH release and CRH further activates CRF1 and then CRF1 again activates ACTH and then it just goes in a circle and goes higher and higher, does that make sense?

No, there are other regulatory systems in place to stop those sort of endless feedback loops from happening.

So what I want is a Glucocorticoid receptor antagonist right?

No, you need a therapist. Messing with glucocorticoids is going to have a severe impact on your body - cortisol helps regulate everything from blood salt levels to the storage and utilization of glucose to immunoregulation. You could end up damaging your immune system or otherwise. Steroid synthesis can be especially fragile; overuse of exogenous steroids can lead to your body becoming dependent on them.

Ketoconazole and the other -azoles are antifungal drugs, no idea why you'd want to use those. Ketoconazole specifically is suspected of causing liver damage with oral usage.
Spironolactone can act as a feminizing agent as it disrupts the natural production of testosterone.
Mifepristone has similar effects and shouldn't be used long-term as it is also an antiandrogen.

a glucocorticoid antagonist would decrease all types of cortisol?

There is only one "type of cortisol", cortisol, the other compounds are different steroids.

There also aren't any miracle drugs that reduce cortisol levels without causing other severe side effects. The best way I know of to lower cortisol levels is by de-stressing, take a vacation and practice some mindfulness.

Why cant I take cortisol antagonists?

If you have depression or anxiety the doctor does not prescribe topical antifungals you'd use for athletes foot.
Because there are no drugs that are approved for that purpose, every drug you listed acts in a diffeent way and simply has decreased cortisol levels as a side effect ... ketoconazole is an antifungal, not a cortisol blocker.

But I do have anxiety and it its so bad I cant ignore it.

So go seek treatment on first principles for your anxiety
, stop with this backseat geneticist crap, it hasn't done you a lick of good so far anyway.

I'm going to close this thread down later today if there are no further objections. This is a waste of everyone's time and is starting to grow old really fast.
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You can't say we didn't try. There have been pages and pages of suggestions here. (That's part of what makes it seem like a troll thread.)

Please, seek treatment from a psychiatrist or psychotherapist specialising in CBT or mindfulness/awareness therapy. Or consider using Cannabis if that seems more your style. Either way, I hope you can find some relief eventually.

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