Mental Health thoughts on addicts in A.A.


Mar 12, 2017
so im a heroin addict and AA is known for only dealing with alcoholism ...but the NA meetings by my house suck

i really enjoy the AA meetings by my house soo much that i tell them im an alcoholic which is true but i barely drink now

i loved heroin too much to spend money on anything else besides...should i keep telling them im an alcoholic and Heroin addict

i just came back from my AA meeting and i loved it soo much..they really like me their.....any help is greatly appreciated
So, I don't know their rules per se but ultimately their mission is to assist folks in the throes of "addiction". Although I suspect in a perfect world they may prefer you attend the appropriate meeting that matches up with your DOC, at the end of the day, if you feel the meetings are helping you get better, I'd be shocked if they wanted to kick you out. Maybe before the next meeting you can show up a little early and talk to the leader and explain your concerns and take it from there. I tend to think this is a very forgiving group by its very nature. Good luck with your recovery!
I've encountered a few crusty old timers who get belligerent when people try to discuss problems other than alcoholism at meetings, but many of under a certain age have been poly drug users. If you enjoy the AA meetings and you are getting something out of it, just "keep coming back." That said, I wouldn't talk a lot about your heroin addiction specifically, i.e. don't try to make it into a NA meeting. Or find a meeting where most of the people have had multiple addictions. Best of luck to you.
My doc is also Heroin and I've had problems with both drugs AND alcohol.

While in the program, I preferred AA. Nobody has ever turned me away from a meeting because I was strung out on heroin and not reeking of booze. Nobody EVER checked me for speaking about drugs and not alcohol and since most of my meetings are inner-city meetings, I doubt this would even fly.

Those that do, like described in the post above, are not working the program honestly. If you're working the 12 steps, there is no reason for this kind of behavior.

That said - we are all addicts. We aren't perfect and as such neither is every AA or NA meeting.

Your willingness to go speaks volumes and I hope you can look back on this decision in the future with satisfaction and reverence.

One more idea - maybe once you start sponsoring other people and leading meetings, you can take the reins and make those NA meetings around you better?
^Yeah, great response!

It's true: addiction is the disease. All addictions work the same way biologically: they activate a dopaminergic chain-reaction along the mesocortiolimbic tract.

In other words, they increase our dopamine levels in key areas of the brain: the cortex, and the limbic system. The first has to do with higher thinking, our seat of human intelligence. The latter is our primitive "reward", or, "novelty" center, that which just makes us feel good.

Every addiction, whether alcohol or heroin, does this. Every addiction hijacks our brain to think we need it. When it comes to hard drugs, it's apples or oranges.
I've only been to 2 meetings, I'm in st Louis btw, one an AA the other NA. Honestly the AA crowd were more accepting than the NA crowd.
I think a lot of members who won't tolerate drug talk at AA meetings are using a drug of some type and feel threatened by the newcomer's honesty. That, or trying to discourage tweeKers/junkies from smelling up the room and talking' that jive turkey goobledygunk?
I've chosen not to participate in AA or NA anymore but the meetings I did go to it was frustrating as an alcoholic who also used drugs, I felt like leaving out that I was an addict was dishonest. The issues went hand in hand, if I was drinking I was likely to abuse drugs.
I don't think there's anything wrong with going to AA if that is what you prefer. Where I am from, many people go to AA even if their substance of choice is something other than alcohol.