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heartbeat over 160 after mdma


Mar 3, 2018
so i snorted and had mdma in water 12 days back and checked my heart rate on a friend's Samsung's pulse rate monitor and it was 142 and i snorted 2 lines and had it in water again yesterday and it was 165 on this particular night - i was smoking moderately on both nights and also had a little liquor. I had blurry vision and could not read things on my phone for some time yesterday. I did not sleep on both nights. Can someone tell me if my heart rate rising to 165 was normal or not?
To give you some more information - i snorted mdma lines first time on 1st jan this year so I'm new to this, I guess and will probably never be a regular cause I'm already paranoid because of my heart rate. My birthday is on 26th March so I might snort again then (or before if friends have a plan)
I'm a lethargic fucker otherwise, stay in bed all day watching movies

THANKS for your response in advance!!!
Don't quote me on this. I'm not a doctor.
From what you've said. Having redosed twice which you're not meant to do and having drank and smoked which does increase your heart rate slightly a bpm of around 165 I'm pretty sure would be normal. Especially as you did it twice in a fortnight. For future reference. Try not to redose more than once. Try not to redose more than your original dose. Try not to drink on mdma. Smoking is generally fine. Try and wait the bare minimum of 2 weeks and preferably wait a month or more. Make sure you know how much you're taking and if you can test it. Do all these things and check your bpm next time it should be sub 165 hopefully. The fact you were sleep deprived most likely played a part aswell
It's also highly possible there was something else in the powder/crystals - maybe a stimulant. It's not uncommon for there to be caffeine or speed added to the mix, after all, ecstasy was very often, at least in the old days, mainly used when dancing at all nighters. This could account for the increase in BP/heart rate.
So, staying in bed all day implies you're unfit which would be inline with some of the stuff you've said here. I'm not being rude, just making some observations. Heart rates can fluctuate a fair bit based on a whole random manner of things from the type of food you had for dinner, to how well you've been sleeping the last few days and even up to the kind of mood you're in when you test it.

That really is a bloody worryingly high heart rate even on mdma. Get a bit fitter mate. Also, it's hard to work out if these things are good or bad, because when it comes to heart rate you need to have some kind of baseline with which to compare. So, if my heart rate were that high, people would be sending in the crash teams, but that's because I'm pretty fit and my resting heart rate is around 52-55.

Figure out what your resting heart heart rate is, then measure yourself after a few beers etc etc. That's going to give you a much clearer picture a second to whether this is alarmingly high, or just 'unfit person' high. Again, no offence intended.