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Unpredictable MDMA experiences, sometimes going catatonic?

Flip Fantasia

Mar 1, 2018
I would like to help my friend understand what's going on with her body when she rolls, and whether she should continue doing so. It's been really unpredictable and aggravating for her, because she never knows when she is going to have a great time or a horrible one. I've looked through this forum and nothing sounds like her experience.

Here's her story:

She rolled several times back in her 20s (she is in her 40s now) and never had any issues. Last year, she rolled for the first time after a 15-year hiatus, and she had a great time, what she describes sounds like a typical experience.

The second roll, about 3 months later, started off well, but after a couple of hours, things changed. She entered what she described as a catatonic state: every movement--opening her eyes (they were rolled back in her head, so others - myself included - mistakenly thought she was having an amazing time), reaching for a glass of water, holding her head up, closing her mouth, speaking--took extreme effort. She was, however, wide awake, acutely aware of her surroundings (if unable to interact with them), and stayed in this state, unable to sleep for many hours.

The third roll, a couple of months later, was similar to the first--great time without incident.

In the 8 months that have followed, though, she has rolled 5 more times and 4 of these times have started off great but then resulted in her entering the same catatonic state, which she describes as feeling like she's "locked in" and having a sensation similar to endless hours of hearing nails on a chalkboard. She says that the onset is abrupt and out of the blue; she suddenly finds music, which moments earlier she had loved, jarring, and she no longer feels connected with other people. So basically she is the opposite of rolling.

We have tried controlling multiple variables--drinking/not drinking, powder vs. pressies or a mix of the two, caffeine/no caffeine, quiet vs. club environments, etc. We have tried massively reduced dosage; the last time, she had thought she was in the clear after 4 hours of euphoria, only to come crashing down hard, after taking a max of 1/8 of a pressed pill.

The supply she's using has been tested, and others have taken the same stuff with no ill effect. She talked to a friend of ours who is a doctor and he was unable to figure out the issue, or even find other examples of this happening to people. We think the pills are legit MDMA without MDA (another person in our group has a strong adverse reaction to MDA and thus would've identified this as a possible culprit). We similarly don't think they are laced with something like ketamine. She has taken pills from the same supply and had different effects (i.e., one experience is great and the the next, with the same supply, produces the awful experience).

At this point, she thinks she would be foolish to continue trying and that she needs to accept that she and ecstasy don't mix. So yes, the solution might be to say listen to your body and stop. But she loves the initial experience, especially when rolling with her boyfriend. She is eager to know what causes her adverse reaction, if there is a way to mitigate it, and if she's doing any permanent damage to her body.

If she needs to admit defeat, she would be grateful for any suggestions on what might be a decent substitute for when she is with others who are rolling.
Advice is appreciated! Or even let us know if you have seen someone else go through the same experience - so far we can't find anyone who's had the same reaction. Thank you so much for your help.
I don't trust any MDMA on the street. A few times were great. Two other times, I almost died and puked tons of stuff up. I'll probably never do it again. As the dealer told me, each batch from the chemist is different. Those words were enough to get me to stop and think, this is like rolling the dice. fu8k that. lol. I do like mushrooms once and a great while. They open up your mind. I'm done with all drugs though.
It sounds like pretty much the reason I take MDMA, apart from the nails on a chalkboard.

This kind of state is quite common, although finding it to be negative less so (although still obviously an issue if that's the case). I seem to remember slipping into this state easier when I did MDMA on a regular basis; maybe she just needs to lay off it for a long while.

What doses have you tried?
But tranced, as I'm sure you'll admit this type of state is more common at higher doses and near the peak. She experienced this after an 1/8th of a press and after 4hours of a normal experience..

My guess is either you respond weird to the comedown phase (as it sounds like this happens towards the end of your roll.). Or your experiencing the "mongy MDMA" that we've been debating about in other threads.

In a nutshell it's highly possible some of the MDMA today could contain an impurity called glycidol (among others) which is known to have sedative like effects and is also fairly toxic.

Is the MDMA you consume of Dutch origin?

I have seen MDMA open doors consitently for one girl, to unknown worlds. She would interact with others but it was as if we werent there.
this was on tested MDMA crystal, that others were all also on. This seemingly happened with consistency at each group gathering.

The most interesting aspect was when we asked her who she was talking to, on an occasion. Esoteric, she replied. Upon the come down, she gad no recollection, nor understanding of the word she mentioned.

Another oddity was when a friend bought in Holland directly from a producer.
Ill omit details of how it was smuggled, but again tested (and confirmed as very good and strong crystal MDMA) he was sold it with a message... be careful some people never come back.

MDMA chemists are creating something wonder ful, but also very impactful. Some know much more about this than others.
I have also had hundreds of normal MDMA use experiences, but these two scenarios were distinctly unique and poignant for me when studying MDMA
After reading more it seems the impurity acrylamide can cause cerebrospinal system paralysis... Would what we see with the OP be evidence of this? It seems possible but I don't know much about that.

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In my experience, I was only able to successfully roll once. The second time (and 3rd and 4th) just felt like a horrible coke come down. I can't do upper like drugs at all. My body just shuts down.
I would guess that the problem is something unique in their own physiology. Not something to do with outside variables. It sucks coming to terms with but maybe their body is just done with the substance. I know this post is not too helpful! Just wanted to share my two cents.
From your explanation it seems to me that catatonic would not be a word I would use to describe her state, though there are some similarities indeed. I think perhaps that like said above she does not respond so well to the comedown stage of the roll. Perhaps the absolute bliss that MDMA produces leaving her could be the cause of this, some people kind of feel empty afterwards and that can cause them to become a lot more introverted. If you believe you are locked in/becoming extremely introverted, any interaction with your surroundings will take a lot of effort. But she can still interact, though with effort. Someone experiencing true (stupor) catatonia can't interact at all and is usually not even aware of their surroundings

I have experienced what I would describe as real catatonia from MDMA only once. It was when in the middle of he roll it became apparent that my then girlfriend had been cheating on me with my best friend for about a year. The traumatic impact that that revelation had on me made me go from rolling feeling good to complete catatonia in half a minute. I was unable to think, unable to interact, unable to even process my surroundings. I was completely empty and sat up against a wall for 4 hours, which seemed like 5 minutes. People afterwards told me they tried talking to me, I did not notice this. That was not only a reaction to the trauma but was also caused by the MDMA. I have had traumatic experiences worse than that one and it did not force me into involuntary catatonia (well, voluntary catatonia is not really catatonia but whatever)

After reading more it seems the impurity acrylamide can cause cerebrospinal system paralysis... Would what we see with the OP be evidence of this? (In essence similar to cerebral palsy?) It seems possible but I don't know much about that.

Might not be wise to throw around cerebral palsy too loosely =D I get that it is interesting to form hypothesis but keep in mind that this might make someone very anxious to read that, certainly when they are not very experienced and so have no idea which 'diagnosis' is plausible and which one is only very remotely plausible

@Max: I have hidden your post. Please do not hijack someone else's thread. Feel free to create your own to ask questions, that's what the site is for
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That's true my apologies. I can be cold and clinical at times losing sight of the fact that people may forget I'm just some random guy on the internet speculating when they are in a rough patch. I'll edit that now lol.

Jesus man I don't know whether that's the worse time or the best time to realize that news... MDMA is known for allowing one to only see the positive in the world so when your suddenly shown the ugliest side of humanity all you can do is retract. MDMA can't allow the negativity so you dissociate and wind up essentially in limbo. Just my take on that.

I appreciate everyone's feedback! Addressing some of the comments:

- I've seen her go through this, and we all assumed yeah, she was just rolling hard, maybe just overwhelmed, which is something I've experienced. But no, she says the whole world goes to shit. Music/noise is horrible. Touch is horrible. That's not like any comedown I've ever experienced. And it's really sudden. She now can feel when it's about to happen and warns us, at which point we sit her down or just leave the venue.
- The last few times, the pills have been tested using Marquis and then Simon's reagent
- We've been steadily reducing her dosage. The last time, with so little, it did seem to take a little longer for the bad times to arrive - but I wouldn't swear by that, and I don't know that I'd base conclusions on it.
- BlueBull, sorry to hear your story - that is rough. AFAIK her experience has not been the result of sudden, drastic information.
- The pills have all been purchased in Northern California. And to reiterate - everybody else in our group has used them without incident, and pills from the same batch produce different effects in her.

I think at this point the safest bet is for her to lay for a while, and then see if that produces better results.

Thanks, everyone! Really appreciate it.
Almost sounds like minor seizure activity to me. I knew a girl who would have minor seizures where she would just become intensely still. No shaking, nothing like a typical seizure. I wonder if this could be related to the liver enzyme that processes MDMA, CYP2D6. Some people have mutations and lack the enzyme which results in different experiences.


Is she taking any other medications?