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Leg and joint pain during comedown and post roll


Feb 25, 2018
Took .4 crystal molly and started getting severe leg pain during the comedown (after about 12 hours) and the next day. It was a really awesome roll other than that. Has anyone experienced this or know of any solutions?
I feel it in my hips, knees, and ankle joints, and less so but also in my leg muscles. The pain is fairly intense consistent aching.
Besides the most obvious possibility of being sore from dancing(jumping, walking, moving etc ) more than your body is used to or not being stretched out adequately for said amount of movement, the next reasonable possibility could be cramping/muscle tightness due to dehydration.

If youre able to, spend a day taking it easy. Have a healthy meal and hydrate(gatorade or something else with electrolytes) throughout the course of the day. Maybe throw a banana or some sweet potatoes(both have potassium) in your belly.

Overexertion and dehydration are both pretty common and easily remedied "day after" issues.
Or maybe it's the monster highly excessive dose you took.. .4g should not be, and is not.. standard by any means. I can understand purity is an issue in many parts of the world but relatively pure product would have most feeling shitty on that dose.

I suggest sticking to lower doses from here out.

Thought I'd just chime in here - I rarely touch chems thesedays, but occasionally temptation gets the better of me..

Regarding the leg pain after MDMA, I had exactly the same thing last week, and it lasted for about 2 days then gradually got better - I'm fine now. Never had anything like it before, extremely strange, and quite worrying.

I researched a fair bit and initially came to the conclusion it could have been something to do with age (I'm 43) and the amount of alcohol I had consumed the same weekend - although to be fair, was probably only around 5 pints throughout a day, hardly extreme. Alcohol is known to cause muscle aches in large amounts, particularly in serious alcoholics, a condition known as alcoholic neuropathy as I recall - with that said, I'm far from an alcoholic and only drink a couple of times a month, so certainly a bit strange if it was that.

Anyway, here's the kicker - I had 3 mates that did the exact same pills that weekend and on the comedown they all had this bizarre leg pain - quite intense pain in both front upper leg muscles - very weird indeed.

So, that lead me to the conclusion there might be a sketchy batch of MDMA/pills going round - or possibly something to do with having alcohol in our system at the same time - never had anything like that with using both before though, so that would be unusual too - with that said, there's little point mixing booze with MDMA, so not something I'd recommend, and of course it can add to the dehydration too, so best avoided!

I'm not 100% sure what these particular pills were called, but they were pink, and a quite big irregular shape - so be on the lookout. We only did about two thirds of a pill each and the high was really good, but clearly something's not right when four of us end up in the same boat on the comedown. God knows how bad the pain could have been had we done more!
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Most likely pain from a sprained ankle. When a person misplaces their foot, the ligaments of the foot are unequally loaded. Depending on the force with which we perform the wrong movement, some of the ligaments are torn. At home, this injury is called a sprain, but it is called a ligament injury of the foot in medicine. The first symptom indicative of a sprain is pain that occurs at the moment of injury. After a mild ankle sprain, you can walk, but it is challenging to put your foot on the ground because of the severe pain after a more severe sprain. First aid after a sprain: limit movement by securing the foot with an elastic bandage, or better yet, immediately with an orthosis https://remaininthegame.ca/product-category/orthopedic-bracing-support/knee-brace-support-splint/
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Took .4 crystal molly and started getting severe leg pain during the comedown (after about 12 hours) and the next day. It was a really awesome roll other than that. Has anyone experienced this or know of any solutions?
Yes ; also used to get extreme Charlie horse syndrome and spasms in leg muscles. Usually because electrolytes get messed up after a good night of rolling hard and easy way to just get sports drinks or amino drinks ,especially the pre workout ones like C4 or MP Essential post work out powder. All this sold on ebay and far better than plain old Gatorade. When you activate all those Neurons and Dopamine it works allot like running a marathon for few hours and same exact things happen to muscles in your legs and arms. Burns up allot of chemicals used in muscles.
I rolled allot for few years and I learned how to recuperate fast. I also learned what amino,s to load up on to really boost all dopamine released by Molly and MDA. It always worked. I tried with aminos and without and "WOW"......... what an amazing difference. :rofl: