• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Hello, I'm new, nice to meet you


Feb 21, 2018
Hi all!

This introduction of mine escalated quite a bit so I'll give you a TL;DR:
I'm Belgian, new to drugs, most of my experience comes from coke, need advice, got thread asking for advice linked somewhere here, thank you.

If you ARE interested in more shit about my personal life, feel free to read on! However, keep in mind that I wrote this small introduction (which pretty much turned into a bloody essay about my drug experience) high as a effing kite.
Anyways, thank you for reading at least this far, if you read even further, congrats and thank you lots!

Here it comes! (I'd like to apologize in advance in case the story is somewhat incoherent):

I'm from Belgium and I recently started experementing a with bit, which is how I ended up on this forum! This far my experience is pretty limited: marihuana (my doctor tells me I have a pretty damned low blood pressure, which may be the reason I faint from smoking weed over 50% of the times I try it), I've also done a couple dips of MDMA one night, never again after that unfortunately. (I'm not sure if a dip translates correctly, but it's where you put your finger in a bag of MDMA powder, lick the powder off of your finger and then drink something like beer or whatever the F you wanna drink. Or well, at least that's what we call taking a "dip" where I live...). The one time I tried MDMA was after I tried a pill of XTC I got from a friend of a friend of a friend, .... and so on, so basically I was drunk and gave this random dude whom I had some vague connection with ?5 for a pill of XTC, you get the picture, irresponsiple af but lots of funs. This pill however didn't kick in even after 1.5 hours (or what felt like 1.5hrs at least, with the amount of alcohol in my body at the time it might as well have been 1.5 minutes). So that's when I tried the MDMA powder. I had a pretty amazing experience from it, took another dip when the high was almost over (again from some dude I vaguelly knew, not the greatest idea I know). I don't know if the high I got that time was because the XTC and MDMA kicked in at the same time, or it was because of some sort of placebo effect, or the combination of alchohold and drugs, or simply because I have no resistance, but it was a great time. Apart from those few drugs I only have experience with cocaine (only snorting, no injecting or eating or whatever). Granted, I don't have a whole lot of experience with coke either (I've done it on maybe 4 or 5 occasions in about a year, one of those times being today. At this very moment I'm high as a kite and loving life, but also alone at home because my roommies are sleeping, which is probably the main reason why I keep writing this boring af text which 99% probably isn't gonna read), but the times Ive used I quite liked it. Also, I've just made a thread
about some questions I have concerning coke here : (

I'm excited to join this community, and to learn more about different drugs and how I'll be able to handle them, but where my head is at right now I probably won't inject anything into my veins (also because I F*CKING HATE NEEDLES (is cursing allowed on this forum? I censored just to be sure thanks you're welcome thanks?) so at the moment I'm pretty much only interested in pills, powders, maybe some psychedelics (is that how you write it?), and offcourse any and all advice and tips more experienced users have to offer.

Thank you all in advance, I look forward to talking to all of you!
Hey sos123, welcome to Bluelight :)

Ha, yeah don't worry, lots of people really get into their intro - it's cool, glad you have something to say, always shows someone's enjoying their coke ;)

Hope you're playing it safe mate, not doing anything too reckless. Keep posting, reading and learning, and definitely don't get into IVing drugs if you can avoid it.

Take care,
Hi, and thanks for the welcome!

I've got a pretty big fear of needles, so IVing shouldn't be hard to keep away from, but thanks for the concern. :)
I try to control myself, so the reckless part shouldn't be too big of an issue, I pretty much only use coke when I have no access to my car, and only when I'm not in the town I live, to keep gossip to an absolute minimum.

That's good to hear then really ;)

Hope to see you around the forums. Keep it safe :)