• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

New Kid on the Block


Feb 17, 2018
Hey guys,

This is Reggietsfree.
Been snooping around here for a while off & on.
Found some awesome information.
I survived the "Disco, Powder Cocaine & Crack era.
Went to about 7 treatment centers & tons of 12 Step groups.

After 2 failed marriages, family stress, and a zillion jobs...I experienced a something quite supernatural obtained & some semblance of clarity and got sober about 16 yrs ago.
Yet, I suffered an auto accident in 2011 and then began an off & on journey with Lortabs, Percocet, & Norco 7.5.
Some tramadol...
Currently I'm attending a Pain Clinic, which is starting to act real bitchy...They cut my Norco 7.5 down from a 90 day supply taken every 4-6 hrs to 1 freaking pill every 24 hrs!:? Never failed a drug screen nor called them up begging/jonesing for more pills! Honestly, I've seem to hit the wall with the Narco...they still eliminate some pain...but the euphoria has drastically waned...:(

I was taking 5 - 7.5 per day before this last script ran out about 2 weeks early...I'm 56 yrs old and 6'4 & 300lbs.
Is this too much?
BTW...catch this irony--I'm a Substance Abuse Counselor working towards a Social Work major set to graduate in Dec 2018!
I partied my way through my parents tuition dough about 38 yrs ago...A rare window of opportunity opened about 4 1/2 yrs ago for me to fulfill a lifelong dream of going back to college. I'm most grateful & humbled...some windows never open...others never open again.
Other than this pain & opiate debacle...life is pretty good.

What has been you guys experience with Pain Clinics?

Hey reggietsfree, welcome to Bluelight :)

Great intro, sounds like you've been through it all.

Sorry the pain clinic has cut back your dose, but I'm not surprised as the purpose is pain relief not daily euphoria ;) If the pain is still decently managed (sounds like it is), the dose is probably about right. If not, you need to have an honest discussion with them.

Take care,
I'm content with being sans the euphoria...but I'm not trying to be a martyr for pain.
I'll be speaking with them next go around.
I have the greenlight from my Primary Dr. to evaluate other pain clinics.
My druthers would be a 100% pain-free body...but it is what it is.

Thanks for the welcome.