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Spiritual Realisation while watching Downsizing


Nov 6, 2017
Downsizing, reveals something about the nature of our ignorance. I had a realisation, which isn't obviously complete but a very narrow realisation of the fact that became clear to me at that point which was that we are all downsized... the real people are in another plane which is yet on earth but in a higher frequency and the real SELF is waiting there watching over all this, waiting for us to wake up... nothing matters anymore except that which is the Truth...

this is how we really are structured:
physical being - gross body
surface vital (life force) being - life energy, force, desire, prana
surface mental being - thoughts, ideas, imagination
subliminal - subtle physical
subliminal , true vital,
subliminal true mental
Psychic being - the true being, the real individual Soul
Spiritual person/ SELF / the ONE
Intuitive streaks , light mind, overmind
Superconscient, Transcendent, Supermind

The method to realise is - purification of body, vital , mind - refinement of body - making it more refined and pure, more conscious

realisation of witness consciousness above mind
realisation of inner being
realisatoin of psychic being
intuitive mind
descent of the supramental consciouness
I'm not convinced. I've read too many stories about purified beings going off the wagon. For instance it surprised me to discover that the Buddhist community has the same kind of child moslestation/pedophilia issues as the catholic church does.

In all my years (65) of knowing spiritual seekers and my own feeble attempts I have yet to get the impression that we have a higher self somewhere. As Frank Zappa said. "We is what we is and you are what you are". I think Popeye said something similar. We are not fallen creatures at least not in anyway that any other animal is. Nature made us and nature is violent and flawed and has its own (likely unconscious) agenda.

Personally I feel that when we "awaken" we come to the realization that is earth is not the place to be and we choose not to procreate and force any other beings into this situation. That's about the most we can do. Any psychic gifts that a person has I've found came free at birth and needed no extremes of purification to realize.
hi Cosmic Trigger,

It is a new birth, which i have had not over 9 months but 9 years...

and a new birth yet to come...

new body, new consciouness ,new perception , new constructions , destruction of the old constructions which don't allign with my inner soul truth.

this is not a question in my mind, a vision seen in the mist, its an experience, which more conscious then your moment to moment or shifting mental space..., the way some people put is that it comes with a stamp of its authencity, when all questions are put to sleep, mind is put to sleep, a higher stuff/substance in a wider and more subtle vibration , more refined than just the physical or lower mind waves, is experienced.

this particular experience i had was when i was watching the new Downsizing movie, and all of a sudden I felt a 'Spiritual feeling or sensation in my heart and my mind' which basically pointed out that this Soul that I am is not this body, and this body is almost like a dress, because there was Spirit that had a taste of destruction about it, it wanted to destroy my current egoistic conception of myself.

All that we worry about is real, yes we are all real, but believe me when you experience the NEGATIVE higher reality, or some kind of ineffable or nirvana, then You and this world becomes unreal in the sense that it is not what it seems to be, although real, because it is still based on the One Transcendent reality, the Truth that holds this illusion, the Real that is body of this unreal.
I'm not convinced. I've read too many stories about purified beings going off the wagon. For instance it surprised me to discover that the Buddhist community has the same kind of child moslestation/pedophilia issues as the catholic church does.

yea well this is quite true, that desire rules human mind, it is only when we go deep within and connect to the divine light, or when we go above the mind and seek guidance from higher being, that we can be sure of staying in control of our desires, or in a way to transform them.

but the key is to be in constant touch, being vigilant, because desire has many hidden and subtle ways, even through knowledge, it is quite insistence, it hides but never dies, unless we have managed to make the connection between us and the higher self permanent, then we can't be sure

As they say .... about that famous indian sage, who seemed to be as pure has a swan for 30 years and then all of a sudden in a moment the goddess seduced him...
In all my years (65) of knowing spiritual seekers and my own feeble attempts I have yet to get the impression that we have a higher self somewhere. As Frank Zappa said. "We is what we is and you are what you are". I think Popeye said something similar. We are not fallen creatures at least not in anyway that any other animal is. Nature made us and nature is violent and flawed and has its own (likely unconscious) agenda.

65 years is a long time, but it has taken us much longer to get to where we are right now, you may be on the brink, you may not be on the brink, you may not seem to be progressing to your self, you faith may dampen, this mundane mechanical truth or law of life and death , pain an sorrow, carried on by a momentum of million years may make you feel that there is nothing else, no other way, no real release or liberation, no real true Reality which is not a dream which is not a fantasy of the soul, but it only takes a moment of pure aspiration, and a leap of faith, to crossover ....
Personally I feel that when we "awaken" we come to the realization that is earth is not the place to be and we choose not to procreate and force any other beings into this situation. That's about the most we can do. Any psychic gifts that a person has I've found came free at birth and needed no extremes of purification to realize.

yes we do have that awakening, but there is also another awakening in which you dont care about earth or yourself, but you know that there is that which has brought you here and there is a purpose behind it all, every event is exactly how it 'had to happen', slow evolution out of inconscience is the way it has been going on on planet earth so far, but there is a realisation of a higher truth , dynamic, impersonal person, the god of all the gods , the infinite, and then you lose yourself in that, and find utter peace, healing and love that heals your life's pain, and more than that it makes you understand 'why it had to happen' the way it did...

Psychic gifts are all in our reach, some have it naturally because of their body or structure of their substance and frequency, other have it in their psychic being that has developed in the past lives, other can work with a method and training and develop a Psychic Being - Evolved Soul, The Mother said it can take up to 30 years to develop this and that is 30 years of sole consecration to this goal of connecting to your psychic being.

Others find a higher way - not just Psychic - but Spiritual, where Psychic is Soul Evolution, Spiritual is the Self or the One, and connecting to that your Soul Being will also start to develop, but reaching the Soul is very important unless you want to escape to a nirvana or some nihilistic non existence of the buddhists...
A thought - God's have Upsized... we are smaller but in a real world, Gods are the ones who left for the comfort of the heavens, man lives to create something above Heaven on Earth...
There is nowhere else but here in this present moment. You can't get anymore into it or out of it than that.

Ask yourself... what do you think you're going to get by believing in this theory? Why do you need it?

Keep asking why until you hit bedrock. Keep asking why until you reach something real.

That realness is you and it's all there is. There's nothing above it or beneath it.
There is nowhere else but here in this present moment. You can't get anymore into it or out of it than that.

Man lives in a seven-fold ignorance. Ignorance of the subconscious being, ignorance of cosmic being, ignorance of timeless being, ignorance of superconscient and superamental being, ignorance of existing in time and space as always infinitely in future past and present at the same time... ignorance of his transcendent absolute being...

just because you flow from moment to moment doesnt mean that the past has disappeared physically, or that the future is non existent, you can also have an experience of being in multidirections of time at the same time, where lines point to inifinity, you can also enter the vital plane the life plane, the higher mind, superconscient....

the One being, the cosmic being and his many individualities is the truth but we live in an egoistic personality, narrow and shallow.

unless you break out of your mental consciousness, this narrow egoistic consciousness, this illusion based on a reality, then you still have a way to go, we all do... and yet there is more, more and more, becaus the truth is that there is only one, to think that there is a separation between me and you even physically is a unreality carved out for evolution of egoistic consciousness.

i've been hearing a lot about mindfulness and stuff ,but that is just the first step, there is infinity beyond, immortal, eternal, timeless, in-all-time - in future, present and past, in universal being, in transcendent being, in subconscious being, in the apparent inconscient being, in the subliminal being.... in the superconscient being, the supramental layers,....

The Life Divine

Chapter XIX
Out of the Sevenfold Ignorance
towards the Sevenfold Knowledge

ALL EVOLUTION is in essence a heightening of the force
of consciousness in the manifest being so that it may be
raised into the greater intensity of what is still unmanifest,
frommatter into life, from life intomind, from themind into
1 V. 1. 2 X. 67. 1 – 5. 3 IV. 50. 4.
Towards the Sevenfold Knowledge 755
the spirit. It is this that must be the method of our growth from a
mental into a spiritual and supramental manifestation, out of a
still half-animal humanity into a divine being and a divine living.
There must be achieved a new spiritual height, wideness, depth,
subtlety, intensity of our consciousness, of its substance, its force,
its sensibility, an elevation, expansion, plasticity, integral capacity
of our being, and an assumption of mind and all that is below
mind into that larger existence.....