How do I search for my own post?


Jan 22, 2018
Hello! And good morning! I use my phone to access this site as I am not wanting other people around me looking over my shoulder. I am having the hardest time finding any of my can I tell if anyone is replying to them or if admin is deleting them? I would love to be able to continue conversations if my post are getting replies and to correct anything if they are being deleted for any reason! Thanks for the help!
Here's the way I do it:

If you look at the top right of your screen (when you are logged in) you will see "my profile"

Click on it.

Now that you are in your profile go to the left side of the screen. In the area where it shows your avatar you will see "Find Latest Posts"

Click on it.

Now you have a list of all your posts !

Hope this helps, there might be easier ways to do it, but this way works! :)
You could also search your username, it will pop up all the threads you've posted in.
If you are looking for your threads that you've made

Click your username

Scroll down

Click latest threads

Or you could subscribe to your threads so you get email notification
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A good time to mention that you can use [imgr=x][/imgr] to manually resize an image you've linked to, where x is the width in pixels.
Thanks, That's helpful tathra. We should make a post explaining all the little tweaks and whatnot with BBcode that are possible on this forum. I'd do it myself but don't know the code well enough yet myself. Still learning.

Edit: Found this quickly by searching Google. I think it's pretty helpful for anybody looking to understand the basics of BBcode on this forum.