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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

100μg LSD - First Time - Mesa Verde


Jan 26, 2018
This is one of my all time favorite trip stories, and at the time of writing this happened almost exactly one year ago. Not necessarily the best trip ever, but a pretty crazy introduction to one of the most mystical substances the world has offered me. Needles to say, I learned the hard way that I?m pretty sensitive to LSD (not that this wasn?t the best acid ever).

The night prior to my poor decision, my friend Hunter had his first LSD experience as I observed, considering whether I was ready for my own experience. I had a couple of tramautic experiences that centered around a very bad mushroom trip about a year before this, and was still fairly freaked out by psychedelics. A few enjoyable low dose mushroom trips gave me the confidence I needed to try Lucy, and see with my own eyes the sky with diamonds. Upon waking the next morning, and inspecting the LSD dropped sweet tart of space, I decided I could handle anything 100 mics could though at me (my awesome plug definitely underestimated the dose if anything). I ate the fucker.

My current opinions around psychedelics and video games are kind of ?why in the world would you waste a spiritual journey staring at a TV?, with the exception of Zelda, of course (never actually tried this, but I bet it would be awesome and a half). I don?t even enjoy playing video games tripping anymore, as I just get distracted playing with the controller usually. Regardless of how stupid it sounds in retrospect, I thought it would be fun to trip dick, and play destiny all day. Not sure how many games I got in before I started zoning out in the menus, but it was probably less than five.

Its come to my attention that destiny just ain?t gonna work at this moment, so I look for my shoes to go for walk. This took me like fifteen minutes in real time. In my head it felt a lot longer (not that that?s not ridiculous for boot scouting). Once I finally reunited my located boot with its long lost brother, we walk to living room and invite my Hunter, who spent the night, on a trip to the seven eleven. Out the door, and into Utah in January on Hoffman?s number one snow enhancer, this was one interesting walk to the sea for me. I think Hunter was just getting irritated. Never was a good trip sitter.

I felt weird. Weird as all hell, and unable to effectively describe it at the time, but this was a while ago so I will try. The typical ?alien in my body? was definitely prevalent, and I really can?t do a whole lot better than that for the head space. My legs felt very fragile as we walked, like they might shatter if I wasn?t carful. The snow wasn?t cold, but my nose was still runny. Everything was just very bright, and seemed to take for ever. I?d say I was a decently dissociated, like my body was walking and talking, but my mind just observed it without control. The snow shimmered with little sparkles of white that would absorb me from time to time, when the light hit it just right. This was a very pretty introduction to visuals very different from my previous mushroom experiences.

We?ve arrived at the seven eleven, and I need to look like I?m on this planet. Easier said than done, but I think I did better than Hunter when he took shrooms a while before this. Didn?t know what the fuck a brisk was. Couldn?t focus enough to remember. Hunter still got me one (thanks bro), and it tasted way to sweet. Drinking even water while tripping is just straight bizarre, and I?m always scared I will choke if I do it wrong. The way home I kept getting increasingly intense moments of time dilation. Everything just started to stretch to eternity. Maybe my memory would cut out so all I would remember as a reference for eternity is what I was experiencing at that moment. It was kind of scary, but I had felt it before, and kept calm. I knew this trip was going to get pretty intense, so I decided I needed to tell my mom, who was still home at the time. She was pissed, but it was better than trying to hide it and lie.

We sat as a family, and Hunter around the living room and discussed the situation, and how to proceed. I was still pretty grounded and able to communicate that I was able to handle it, but I would probably not be able to talk during the peak. She was handling the situation way better than a lot of other parents might, but still gave of some negative vibes. Hunter was very uncomfortable being in the middle of the family drama. I stared at a lot of stuff transporting my thoughts to other worlds, and upon returning would attempt to describe the nature of the headspace. I think I just kind of said random stuff that didn?t really make sense until I forgot what I was talking about. My mom, and Hunter quickly began loosing interest in my celestial anecdotes, so I had to step up my game. After a brief conversation with the floor, and than a puzzle debate with the front door, of coarse. I?m sure this freaked out my mother seeing her kid loose his mind.

My antics varied from throwing my wallet, to ruining my Newton?s cradle, to handing people the balls of said cradle, and referring to them as ?galaxy marbles?. Mixing water and my brisk into a new universe also had my attention for a bit. I?m pretty sure I was aware of how ridiculous many of my actions where at the time, and did a few simply because I found them funny. During my peak, I was so gone, I just blankly wandered into the back yard until my mom brought me back inside. Can?t believe I figured out the door locks.

I vaguely recall many of my thought processes from this trip, and remember my only goal was to successfully describe somehow a feeling that made me call it a trip. Like being transported to other universes in my mind by looking at other objects. A lot of people have tried and failed this, and I wasn?t no different. I started experimenting with more abstract communication methods, because I was convinced they were no less arbitrary than spoken words. This looked like my taking all the random stuff I could find, including my pants, a Newton?s cradle, and a wii remote, and placing them the bathroom sink. Hunter realized this strange activity before I was able to turn on the water, luckily. I decided, with increasingly cold legs, that I needed more pants. But not human pants. So I put on a sweater very incorrectly. My mom was once again concerned by seeing this.

Laying in bead with my version of pants I should where I kinda blacked out listening to Floyd. I don?t remember hardly any of my trip from there unfortunately, other than that the music sounded strangely distant. I was pretty disappointed by this, as I remembered having an unbelievable time with the same music on mushrooms. Here?s when I came back after seeing the truth, or something, and decided to write it all down. Holy shit, this stuff was wired. At one point, straight up refer to myself as god. I?m sure a religious observer would find this very offensive. Nothing really seemed to make any sense, but it was somehow still fun to read later. One of my ?scriptures? was a screenplay featuring god, and the chaos it created consciousness from. They played chess at one point.

My new found enlightenment gave me a feeling of unparalleled clarity, and I was ready to missionary everyone in the house. My mom left for work, and hunter dipped way earlier, so this was only my step dad, Ryan. He found my notes entertaining enough to text them to my mother with my phone (without my consent, not that I care). She responded with the inference that I had not yet cleaned the living room. Tripping or not, this was pretty funny. Ryan started showing me very cool music videos on YouTube that blew my fucking mind. For those curious, here?s a link to my favorite https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IGqeyQhBPMI

I almost forgot to mention why I call this trip Mesa verde. During the very long peak I kept talking about Mesa verde, and writing it down on papers I would then bus from Hunter to my mother. It became my term for what I now know isn?t called satori. In reality it is a national park in southern Utah. Why I chose this term, I haven?t the foggiest clue, other than everything just ?felt like Mesa verde?.

Eventually I went to bed, and fell asleep for maybe a couple hours. Woke up, and found some weird videos on my phone of me talking to myself while taking a dump. I didn?t take acid for a while after this rather overwhelming trip. At the time I was pretty sure I preferred mushrooms, but I now know this really just depends on the day. I do think mushrooms provide more intense visuals with lower doses than acid, but this trip was still very visually amazing during the peak though, don?t get me wrong. Two completely different chemicals, with different vibes. LSD has since given me some absolutely ridiculous times since, most of which I very much enjoyed. Thank you for reading my report.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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