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What happened to YOU after you quit opiates? (even temporarily long enough)?


Dec 20, 2017
The last few days have been absolutely insane after coming off a long year habit of percocet. My senses are ridiculously sensitive and tbh life is not the same in any way. Some ppl have said there is an MDMA rush but each day more feels like an acid trip because my senses are so strong right now. OPs are the only thing that I have truly had addictive problems with to the point of using anything so regularly. I guess I'm not alone considering the epedemic right now.

PS IS this just the weird part of PAWS? I kind of don't feel entirely normal right now. Do you guys think it is possible to delve back in recreationally on occasion after quitting a true addiction? Or will the cycle start all over again?
In my experience, it will get better. I've done this many times and after the WDs are over, I'm usually feeling pretty normal. I'm feeling better today, still not great but better so even 1% better is a victory. I only ever abused opiates too, never cared for anything else. Those things are heaven on earth but truly they just put you through hell. You'll level out, in my experience. I too wonder if it's something I can do occasionally once this is all said and done. It's my drink of choice. I wish I had the answer to that! I hope others chime in!
The last few days have been absolutely insane after coming off a long year habit of percocet. My senses are ridiculously sensitive and tbh life is not the same in any way. Some ppl have said there is an MDMA rush but each day more feels like an acid trip because my senses are so strong right now. OPs are the only thing that I have truly had addictive problems with to the point of using anything so regularly. I guess I'm not alone considering the epedemic right now.

PS IS this just the weird part of PAWS? I kind of don't feel entirely normal right now. Do you guys think it is possible to delve back in recreationally on occasion after quitting a true addiction? Or will the cycle start all over again?

How long have you been off the oxy? I'm a 10+ year opioid addict and been clean for a while now and I can tell you that the world "feels" different the more time you have clean. But different in a good way. I am more sensitive to my surroundings, notice things more, appreciate things I didn't before. The brain is still adjusting to the fact that the drugs aren't around anymore and it's adjusting accordingly.
I haven’t been able to use recreationally once I got a habit. (Started with percs then moved to oxy) First it was a couple here for the weekend after my last full detox, then daily again for 15 months. Been a few 48 hr dry periods but longest clean was 6 days earlier this week. I dunno perhaps some may be able to do it recreationally but I don’t know if I’ll ever have the control to not let it get out of control, because once seems to lead to allthedamntime.
unlikely to use opiates again recreationally. sounds like a minor setback. ahouldnt reset your progress.
Hey guys my habit was 1-6 percs a day for an entire year... so 20-50 was average at the end. a few days of course off them (and going through hell every time I couldn't get them jfc), but as of the last two weeks I've been able to not make it a habit and finally get past the ridiculous physical part of WD's. My dose wasn't huge compared to most people so I think it was easier to get through the withdrawal peak. I also had kratom and loperamide to help me feel normal during the parts that it was super intense. TBH opiates were the only thing I cared about the entire year. I feel like I'm just coming out of a crazy phase. They trick your endorphins totally.

PS> Endocet is the bestttttttttt lol. The tantalizing yellows tho
Haven't had a solid bowel movement in 5 years, 4 months, and 22 days. That and some anisocoria likely caused by precipitated withdrawal when I slapped on a 20mcg butrans patch with a full load of opiates on board (1500 mg oxy, 80 hydromorphone, 80 oxymorphone, + some various other get my hands on type of stuff daily). Everything else has returned to the best of my knowledge.

And to answer your question: Not for me. I can't tell you what will or won't work for you, but life just for today is so good that I don't want to use. I can't guarantee I will die if I use...BUT I can guarantee that I won't LIVE!
This my first opioid free day as I have done rapid taper from 80mg oxycodone a day to zero and I have no WD symptoms but instead I feel familiar MDMA body rush right now. Weird. And no I haven?t been using MDMA.

I am currently at a detox facility and I am grinning myself every once in a while so I wonder when fellow patients or staff start to think I have done some drugs :)
I was sick as dog for weeks after just jumping off iv morphine, surprised I made it through that.
Mr Root how did you manage to do a rapid taper detox? Did they put you to sleep? I’m interest in doing that too and am in Southern California looking for a clinic. Please let me know! Thanks
When I went into precipitated withdrawal, I felt like I was on acid. I was hallucinating hugely. Not only patterns, morphing objects and your other typical LSD like hallucinations, but also people who were not there, birds, robots, the girl from hard candy was crawling on the ceiling like the baby on trainspotting. All this plus the usual restless everything, insane sweating, INSANE, I soaked the entire bed. I was crying so much I couldn't even talk. I was shaking, my limbs started to go numb ( I think from moving them so much + anxiety). Imagine the sickest you've ever been, multiply it by 10 and then smoke some salvia. Thats what it was like.
Mr Root how did you manage to do a rapid taper detox? Did they put you to sleep? I’m interest in doing that too and am in Southern California looking for a clinic. Please let me know! Thanks
No I was conscious all the time but I didn?t had any remarkable WD symptoms.
YES Pickledlemons! Very good way to describe precipitated withdrawal. Kind of inspired me to describe it as well. This was about 8 years ago now. Doc said, "I am going to prescribe you this 20mcg Butrans. You can put it on when you get home." And I said, "Well isn't that going to send me straight to hell?" He said, "no". Now with what he was prescribing me alone he should have known that I was on my way to hell. 240 30mg roxies, 120 40mg opana, 120 120mg Avinza, and the rest of the pointless stuff like soma, nuvigil, blah blah blah. Oh yeah and an infinite refill of 200 insulin needles a month for an intramuscular once per month vitamin B12 shot. LOL. Oh yeah and he was prescribing my wife nearly the same cocktail which he had to know I was consuming 80% of. And two friends that I had were also getting basically the same. Yeah you get it.

So I asked my pharm, "Hey my doc says this is ok...I really don't think it is. I mean it is going to send me to hell." The pharm said, "well if your doctor says it's ok then I would go with what the doctor says." I was like uhhhh whatever dude.

So I get home and I tell my wife to watch me because an animal may appear. I slapped on the patch and immediately there was a roar in my head like I was standing behind a 747. I couldn't hear anything through the roar. I felt light headed and looking in the mirror and my pupils were the size of my iris. Like an alien. So I said, "Wow I am tired I have to lay down." I fell out for about 5 minutes I think. Then I awoke with a jolt. I used every ounce of energy to get 15 feet to the bathroom. Couldn't put thoughts together. Which end should I point to the toilet? Painted the walls, floor, cabinets. Tore the patch off and flushed the toilet what seemed like 100 times. Smashed my closed fist into the floor and screamed, "I f^&king knew it! I f^&king knew it! I f^&king knew it!"

My wife was terrified she came to the bathroom door and opened her mouth. The first sound coming off her lips made me want to tear my flesh off. I wanted to find the zipper on my skin and peel it back and escape my body. I screamed, "Don't f^&king say anything...please please please please please..." She whispered, "I am going to call an ambulance." I had one complete thought, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I have been in 5 point restraints but never at a 10 out of 10 in every measurable category on a COWS scale. I thought I knew a 10 before. Past 10's were barely 1's. I had a whole new perspective.

She called my doctor. She laid the phone next to my head. He spoke in barely audible tones. He told me it would pass. He told me some other bullshit. He said I was having an allergic reaction. She called her doctor sister who said it would fix itself soon. NO NO NO. These inexperienced people have no clue! I was unable to move or put complete thoughts together. If I was I would not be on this planet any longer. I would have jammed any object I could reach as deep into my neck as I possibly could. I knew I was in for a prolonged hell. I had prayed to something in the past to help me stop. Oh I was stopped alright.

I laid on the bathroom floor for 3 days. I ate in the neighborhood of 1000 roxies over the next 6 to 10 days. Definitely more in the beginning. Hoping to catch one freed up receptor. I ate a handful early on and my wife screamed, "You are going to die." I laughed and cried at the same time maniacally saying, "baby this is like drinking a glass of water right now...it will virtually no effect." 210 over 140 for at least 3 days...yeah my bloodpressure. I could go on...I used for 2 more years just out of fear. I would NEVER detox if it was going to feel like that...and I was convinced it WOULD FEEL LIKE THAT.

My wife wore the butrans patches for the next couple years. I made her do all of her patch works in a special room that I would never enter. One time she left a piece of a wrapper on the carpet and I had a full-fledged panic attack. Everytime I felt sick I thought it was because I touched her towel. I made her wear a shirt to bed. And I wore shorts... i was on 1.62 androgel because my body was producing the testosterone of a 3 year old. I didn't want that shit touching her because I didn't want her to grow a beard. I certainly didn't want that patch touching me. We slept in that queen bed for 2 years ... miles apart.

5 years, 4 months, 29 days. Life is so amazing...so f^&king amazing. She has 5 years, 3 months and 27 days. She witnessed a miracle and became one herself.
Wow jdfisse. I read that out loud to my husband. He's been through pw and being narcaned about 25 times - he said "Yes exactly"

I also loved that both you and your wife got and stayed clean. It gives me hope. Thankyou for that post. <3
Thank you. I have been to so many conferences on Narcan/Naloxone and they speak of it as the savior. I once stopped the conference and asked them, "Has anyone here administered or received narcan before?" Not a single person in the room full of medical professionals and law enforcement had. I told them from my personal experience of having received it that they better be prepped to get punched, kicked, or assaulted. No one is getting hit with Narcan and then suddenly be reasonable and compliant.

Clean is possible. It is work. I only have to do it today...
It is no joke being narcaned. My husband has vomitted blood on several occasions immediately after administration. He also says (and sincerely means at that moment) "Let me die!! I'd pref I live in fear of it--that fear keeps me very, very cautious.