• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

How to stay awake on xannax without crashing !?


Jan 15, 2018
I like to take bars to get messed up. I was sober for months and recently have been getting 4 2mg bars every other week. But like I said im trying to get highhhh.
Except now it seems Every time i take a 2mg bar I crash for hours even if i got sleep the previous night.
Ideas on how i can stay awake ?
With bars it's kinda you either fall asleep or you stay up and don't remember it. Like you could drink an energy drink or take adderall or whatever, but you'll probably just black out, do something dumb, and not even remember the fun parts. That was my and I think most people experience with xanax.

If you're going to take them recreationally and don't want to knock yourself out I would think you're best bet is just breaking the bar into the pieces and taking them .5 mg at a time. Honestly though, as someone who loves benzos too, xanax won't really give you a high in the traditional sense. I enjoyed benzos because I could just tune out for hours and indulge in vices with no worries or cares and others will have their own reasons, but I (and I think most people) haven't found xanax to produce an intrinsic euphoria.
Dont overdose the xanax.. Split a bar take it and take the other split bar hours later.

IMO benzo arent a drug to get fucked up on. Its more of drug to help comedown on the fun drugs:)
take valium daily when you eat them busses cafeine or stims just dont wake up in jail lol the tolerance raises so quickly not even funny benzos will mess your shit up .
Welcome to Bluelight :)

Have you thought about taking less?