Vyvanse, Adderall XR or Provigil? for multi day endurance races


Jan 15, 2018
Hello all, I am first time posting here. I have been a ultra distance athlete for the past 15 years and recently started doing ultra distance canoe racing; ie; 340 miles straight with little or no sleep. the races are often times like an obstacle course and require us to run, portage and carry the canoe, and of course stay up all night paddling for a couple days on end. it is well known that most of the top 30 ish finishers in these races are using some PED. I have heard people talk about Provigil and Adderall XR and Vyvanse. Last year, on day 2 of a 3 day race, one of my team mates offered me a Adderall XR 20mg and HOLY MOLY! I was suddenly wide awake, powered up and was able to deliver peak performance for about 5 hours straight. it was truly magical and shitloads of fun. THAT STUFF REALLY WORKED. We continued taking the Adderall XR 20mg every 8 hours for the next 24 hours until we finished (top 10 out of 200 teams) I think we ended up taking 4 doses over 2 days. another unexpected benefit was that I didnt feel the 100+ degree heat as much as I normally would - interesting.

The trouble is that all my competitors are so competitive, that they wont help a brother out with any personal experience or advice lol. So my question is has anyone had any experience with Provigil, Vyvanse or should I just stick with the Adderall XR 20mg? and are we taking it in the appropriate amount? should we increase? decrease? How long could we take it for safely over several days like this? Any help is appreciated
Either the vyvanse or adderall are going to be more helpful imo. Provigil won't really do as much for energy, though a small dose in addition may be of benefit. However you really should try them out beforehand to compare as reactions to either can vary quite a bit. Also, too much stimulation and your performance could as easily suffer as benefit, which is why trialing different amounts can also be essential.
Make sure you're eating and staying hydrated. I see some cramping in your future on that addy if you don't lol.
Adderall vs vyvanse is going to be personal preference. I have an adderall RX and it actually makes me feel amazing whereas vyvanse makes me moody and not feel very good.

Either one of those would work well as you experienced and that dose should be effective. If you need it, take it but I'd try to stick to the lowest dose you can and potentially set dosing intervals to keep you from popping them too much if you build a tolerance which will happen.

As stated, make sure you are consciously staying hydrated and getting enough carbs and electrolytes as you can forget easily.
cool thanks - definitely staying hydrated. if not, then you die (which has happened to someone I know)
Manage your blood pressure and heart rate as well. Don't wanna overexert yourself like we used to hear about with people taking speed in dance clubs and stuff. Since you're an endurance athlete it may be worth looking into EPO though I have no experience with any protocols or safety guidelines to take with it. It can be very dangerous if misused.
As mentioned, EPO will increase surely increase your performance in endurance competitions, although you have to know that dehydration will be more dangerous if you take it as your blood will be thicker due to the increase in red blood cells, and if you loose too much water it will be so thick that your heart will endure stress.
Myo-inositol trispyrophosphate will increase the efficacy of your red blood cells yielding a similar but less dramatic performance enhancement to EPO.

GW501516 and SR9009 will also increase your performance by directly stimulating some pathways that are activated by training beyond what it is possible to achieve with training.

Know that all compounds mentioned are gonna cause positives if you are tested.
Only EPO can be taken in a way that will not be detected.

As Adderall and Vyvanse all these other compounds can have serious risks and must be researched extensively before deciding to experiment with them.
The other compound that would really shine here is ITTP. Do 200mg injections a couple times per week and you'll see your cardio capacity increase by 50% or more
It seems my opinion is going to be in the minority here but honestly I would choose the Provigil (Modafinil) over the others, or, ideally, Nuvigil (Armodafinil).

The others are "hard" stimulants, and while they will have a much more direct affect on your cardiorespiratory output and hence, likely, performance, that will come at a cost which is the risk of overexertion and any associated damage that comes with that.

Modafinil/Armodafinil on the other hand while no doubt (in my opinion) they do have some affect on blood pressure and heart rate, multiple studies have shown that this impact, especially when compared to harder stimulants even like the ones you mentioned, is minimal, and whatever is going on to provide the excess stimulation is happening "upstream", so to speak, and therefore (in my experience, at least) this results in a much more natural feeling, and more sustainable stimulation with minimal if any aftereffects and without at any point feeling like your heart is going to explode when you're really pushing it (as I would imagine might happen when really pushing it while wired on legal speed).