• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Now that it took me 10 attempts to apply to this site lol


Jan 12, 2018
Ello everyone,

Did anyone else have to answer the random questions a million times to make an account on here? I mean some of those questions I had no idea what the heck they were talking about lol but I finally got through when they asked me what the first meal of the day is hahahahaha I almost gave up.

Anyways, my name is psychobarbie and I?m a 29 year old female. I?m a recovering drug addict of all kinds of substances that I was on for about 6 or 7 years. My main DOC at the end were heroin and meth though. I am one month away from my 3 year sobriety mark...WOOHOO!!! Doesn?t sound like much but for me that?s like deafeating the impossible. I chose to get sober cold turkey after a massive overdose that left me on a sidewalk and then in an intensive care room where I was in an induced coma for 3 days to slow down the brain damage from lack of oxygen to my brain and all kinds of other medical terms I can throw in here. Basically, everyone who witnessed it or heard about it thinks it is wild I somehow pulled throgh without any major complications afterwards. All I know is I woke up confused and scared shitless and finally told myself no matter what I?m getting sober and I?m not going back and I?m going to do it without drugs.

So here I am and you?re probably wondering what the hell im doing on a site like this after I have done changed my life around and have nothing to do with drugs anymore. Well, to put it simply, I am here to help other people who are struggling or want to have more knowledge about the decisions they are making or to just learn more myself. Ever since Ingot sober I have had this fascination with learning EVERYTHING about drugs (legal and street) out of plain curiosity, for my own peace of mind, as a reminder as to what I never want to go back to, and to be able to help people who don?t take the time to really research why things do certain things to your body, what can happen to your body, and ways to recover.

In my spare time, I work for an all natural, plant based health and wellness company. I also help old friends and new friends I have met through support groups find sobriety or answer their questions they are too afraid to ask someone else in their lives about addiction. I have helped many people on the other side of addiction find understanding of what there loved ones are going through and how they can help them. I am not an official sponsor but my door is always open like one and I am willing to play the part of it means saving a life. I still have my own struggles these days that directly relate to my past drug addictions. No life is perfect and you still have to pay your prices. I strongly believe that this epidemic going on in our country right now can only be stopped with raw and unfiltered awareness and education. Anyone and everyone can be sober if they really want to be. I am living proof of that.

Looking forward to seeing you all in the threads. Now back to trying to remember what my question was and the reason I made an account for this lol
Welcome :)

Quite a story. You'd be surprised how many of us are clean and sober here. I'm one of them. Was a massive heroin addict, but after jail rehab relapse repeat. I got tired of the life. Took nearly 10 years of my life from me. So I'm taking my life back that I've given away to the drugs for so long. It's a great feeling. Check out Sober Living there's so good stuff in there and plenty of people looks for help and such

Hope you have a fulfilling time here :D <3
Welcome! :D :)

Great story, I am also a so-called 'functional junkie' for more than 10 years (my age right now is 32) injecting Heroin or Methampethamine still sometimes once in a month or so, thus my life is now getting better, getting out of debt payment as well and trying some new Research Chemicals (RC's) now and then but I lost most friends / family / relations / other of the 90's decade so sorry for spilling your introduction with negative vibes but anyways yet again WELCOME to BlueLight.org, also don't forget to check the basic drug discussion (BDD), anything about HR (Harm Reduction), Drug Culture (DC), other drugs (OD), the dark side (TDS, if you really want to help people out then you should post or reply in this specific sub-forum of BL :)), and last but neast s few good websites filled with information that you vam traf, learn, and then pass on onto others etc. :D

GREAT site - http://www.erowid.org
Rhodium Drug Chemistry Archive - https://www.erowid.org/archive/rhodium/chemistry/index.html
DXM (DeXtroMethorphan) FAQ - https://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dxm/faq/dxm_faq.shtml
Phenethylanimes I Have Known And Loved, "PIHKAL": the chemical story - https://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/pihkal/pihkal.shtml
Alexander Shulgin's lab books - https://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/shulgin_labbooks/shulgin_labbooks.shtml
Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved, "TIHKAL": the continuation by Alexander and Ann Shulgin - https://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/tihkal/tihkal.shtml
On-Line Smart Shop (legal high's based in The Netherlands but will send to other countries and is multilingual) - <snip>
Another online smart shop from The Netherlands - <snip>

-- Peace o/
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