• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

What biological things in the body can cause anxiety?

If someone takes a large dose of cortisol or its derivatives in tablet form, it's not the most likely outcome that it causes anxiety. Usually it causes mood changes (depression/hypomania) similar to bipolar disorder.

Just some more information on this: The term for when you have too much cortisol in your body is Cushing Syndrome (or hypercortisolism). It is a rare disease, and commonly misdiagnosed because the symptoms mimic many other diseases. Cushing Syndrome affects everything about your life, from your appearance (round, "moon face," "pot belly," and fatty lumps around shoulders) to your health (high blood pressure, headache, and bone loss) to your emotional state (mood swings, depression, anxiety, and loss of muscle control). This is a chronic disease that can and should be treated! If you suspect that you have this disease, ask your doctor! If untreated, this can lead to diabetes, hypertension, and more.

Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cushing-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20351310