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Suboxone: how to get off

GiNa LyNnxx

Dec 23, 2017
Iv. Been on suboxone about a year now and I want to get off.. I'm really scared because iv heard horror stories of getting off of them.. anyone ever successfully get off of suboxone and how???? I was a heroin addict 3 years. And I currently take 1 sub strip daily,, I want to get off of subs and on vivitrol before I start working as a nurse also does it make anyone else tired?
Hi Gina, I changed your title to make it more clear. I'd offer some advice, but I've never been on it.
why in the world would you want to come off subs and get on garbage vitriol? no offense but i think thats a really dumb idea, vivitrol does nothing to help an addict its not a magic bullet you will still have ITENSE cravings on the vivitrol be ready for PAWS to come at you HARD

when all else fails you can still shoot crack cocaine or smoke it while on vivitrol because you WILL be wanting something...
I would HIGHLY recommend tapering. I was on three 8mg tabs several years back. Tapered down to about 1mg a day and still had hellish WDs for about a week. It would be in your best interest to consult your doctor (if you have one) and see if he would be willing to give you a week worth of low dose benzo to help with restless legs and sleeping. Also, keep your vitamin intake high and drink water! You are probably not gonna want to do anything for the first few days but IT WILL PASS and it will totally be worth it!
Have you ever been on vivitrol?? I know many people on it and they have no cravings whatsoever.. and yea I can do cocaine meth or whatever while on subs too. I don't want to rely on having to take something every single day to make me feel "better"
Yea my dr has me on a taper but every time I go down I feel like shit and go back to my original dose.. I hate the restless legs and being so tired ughhh I'm scared
I have not been on Vivitrol. I cannot speak to its efficacy. I loved Suboxone. If it werent for that nasty tasting orange pill, I'd be in jail or dead most likely. But dear God, the withdrawal seems to last FOREVER. Seemed like 4-5 days of standard withdrawal and then another 3 weeks of just not feeling right and sleeping poorly. Even with benzo and cannabis.
Yea my dr has me on a taper but every time I go down I feel like shit and go back to my original dose.. I hate the restless legs and being so tired ughhh I'm scared
Suboxone absolutely helps me.. it kept me clean for almost a year but like I said I don't want to stay on it forever.. it also makes me feel shitty a lot but at least it takes my cravings away.. I'm just going to tell my dr to put me back on my taper program and deal with it
I am not questioning vivitrol,, I just want to know if anyone successfully got off of suboxone and how
Viv may be a useful adjunct to other treatment, but alone it tends to be of very limited value. What kinda of treatment have you tried outside buprenorphine?

What is your current dose (8mg, 4mg or 2mg per day)?

The best way to come off buprenorphine is a taper followed by comfort meds. Comfort meds (gabapentin, clonidine, diazepam and a non-habit forming sleep aid) are VERY important when it comes to getting off ORT comfortably.

If your doctor won’t prescribe this kind of thing, find someone who will. At a minimum your doctor should be fine with giving you a sleep aid, gabapentin and clonidine, as (especially gabapentin and clonidine) are first line detox meds with ZERO potential of turning into a habit when used for this purpose.

Frankly I would refuse to work with a doctor who isn’t willing to prescribe you comfort meds, although I’m not suggesting you ditch your buprenorphine provider until you feel ready.

I’m going to move this to SL as it’s more appropriate for that forum. Quote my post if you want a quick reply from me.
The best way to come off buprenorphine is a taper followed by comfort meds. Comfort meds (gabapentin, clonidine, diazepam and a non-habit forming sleep aid) are VERY important when it comes to getting off ORT comfortably.

^^This! Its swriously something you definitely need to do. If your lucky, enough to be in a medical/recreational Cannabis-legal state, there are some rehab programs designed specifically around using Cannabis to come off of opiates. Albeit, the dosages are INSANE. THC levels through the roof

One thing to always keep in mind is that no matter how hard it is now or will be in the future. There will come a time when you no longer need any sort of "daily medication" aside from those prescribed by medical professionals. And when that day comes you will be extremely happy you got through it and your self-confidence goes up by Leaps and Bounds. Great great feeling!

Good luck! And keep your head up. Youre making the choice to live sober!
Well said. Despite how delicious the idea of just getting over it all already can be, it’s mere illusion. Not a very useful form of wishful thinking, but very understandable when someone engages in it. Like I said, it’s quite the delicious thought.

Recovey stuff isn’t a sprint or a race, it’s a developmental process and long walk to freedom (as they say). Sometimes things process quickly, but that is rare. More often it involves slow, small consistent steps in the right direction. Often there are mis-steps, but that just relates to how important cultivating resiliancy is in terms of setting oneself up for long lasting recovery

Getting stuck thinking about the past (shame, regret, guilt, romanticization) as well as the future (wishing things were different, focusing on distance goals at the price of shorter term, more important steps necessary to achieving those long term goals, etc) is a well know trap most people come to know well in early recovery.

I didn’t mention it earlier, but something else that is important during getting off ORT and throughout recovery is learning how to engage your time and energy exploring healthy, creative pursuits. It’s basically a form of self regulation, it just tends to be healthier than using opioids to self regulate given your circumstances.

Tapering, detoxing and early recovery are AMAZING oppertunities to explore your most meaningful passions. Cultivating these and filling your time with positive, creative pursuits that leave you feeling fulfilled is an incredibly useful way to spend you energy during these periods (and frankly throughout life).
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TPD makes some excellent points. You will have plenty of time for hobbies and passions. Plus a keen sense of determination if you apply the same "addict" tendencies to those healthier ambitions. By that I mean, problem solving (i.e. how can I get X dollars to keep me from being sick today. As bad as that might sound. Its actually true), dedication, inner peace (by means of accomplishing a goal rather than substance induced), etc. Not to mention the excess money you will have (one of my motivating factors for becoming sober). I dropped my golf handicap into single digits by using my extra time, energy and money to really hone my game. After having spent 25 years trying to get to this level of play....when I finally got there it seriously felt like I had just "used". Kind of like a "runners high" experience if you will.

The list of POSITIVES of being sober is endless. Looking back I sometimes think, "how in the world did I justify doing all that stuff? Oh yeah. I was high. All the time." And I laugh about it now. Im really pulling for you Gina. Sounds like you got a good head on your shoulders!

One more thing. And for some this is a great tool. For others....well...not so much (myself included). But AA/NA meetings have helped ALOT of people over the years. I would definitely try to find a meeting or two. Just go and check them out. Worth a shot. Plus free coffee lol. If you dont think its your cup of tea then so be it. Just a thought.
Iv. Been on suboxone about a year now and I want to get off.. I'm really scared because iv heard horror stories of getting off of them.. anyone ever successfully get off of suboxone and how???? I was a heroin addict 3 years. And I currently take 1 sub strip daily,, I want to get off of subs and on vivitrol before I start working as a nurse also does it make anyone else tired?

Why do you want to get off Sub now? When you say it makes you feel shitty, shitty in what way? What dose are your strips? I think they now come in 2 mg, 4, 8 and 12, so one strip could be any of those. Now that I've asked all those questions, I'll give you my experience. I've been on it for ten years, because it kept me stable. I tapered from 2 mg all the way down to 1/4 mg every other day, but when I tried to go any lower I hit a wall and went into severe withdrawals that just wouldn't end. Went back up and the next time tried going without them for about three weeks, because I used them up way quicker than I was supposed to. Because I don't have any connections where I live, my only option to substitute and try to keep the w/d at bay was kratom, which I took at a low dose, just to keep the worst withdrawals away. They worked, sort of, but didn't make me feel normal like the Sub does. So now I'm back to 1/4 every other day, and if I use them up before I'm supposed to, because they don't really hold me but I don't think my doctor will raise my dose any higher, then I take 2 kratom capsules in the morning and 2 at night until I get my Sub filled again. Which is not the best solution, but it's what I've come up with for now. Sub gives me energy and makes me feel like I can take care of things, but kratom doesn't. I just want to lay in bed and do nothing. I have a lot of other health problems so wanting to lay in bed and do nothing is how I am most days anyway. Anyway, I don't know if that really answers your question, but that's been my experience. Welcome!