Mental Health Meth Psychosis years after heavy use


Feb 28, 2012
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has been dealing or have dealt with this. I am currently going through it and I wanted to know how common it is. I also have a friend who has residual side effects after years of use. With me it's just major depression and anxiety sometimes. It used to be worse but it's getting better. But I think I might've developed a delusional paranoia disorder and I was wondering if anyone ever heard of ppl getting that from meth use? I used for about 5 years and last time I used was almost 2 years ago.
If you're concerned, get yourself checked out. Two years of sobriety may not be enough for depression, but delusions are usually associated with short-term effects. Many people have delusions while on or coming down from hard stimulants, but you're saying this was a whole two years ago that you used.

Stimulants are generally speaking very hard on the brain. They can cause permanent, residual symptoms. I can't think of where I'd be if I ever did meth.
I think my boyfriend is going thru something similar. Its been almost 4 months that hes been parinod, delusional, hearung voices, violent outbursts cause of the voices (he couldnt hear them all clearly and he would get aggrieved and break and throw things). He is a crystal meth user (approx 5 yrs). Weve been togather for about 7 months but I've known him for probably 3yrs. Usually he's very sweet, quite, loving and caring but this state of mind he's in now us very similar to scizophrania. He think (he believes) everyone wants to hurt him somehow, including me. He wont eat food that he didnt prepare himself, use opened hygiene products if already opened, etc. He keeps anything opened locked up. He has broken every electronic device (tvs, cell phones, speakers, xbox, etc) because he believes cameras or voice recorders are watching him. And voices would tell him very false untrue things about me cheating and working with someone to turn him in (he thought I was a CI or being blackmailed). He got so bad a week ago that he almost killed himself. Hes been baker acted and is being released today. His mom and visited him yesterday and we both agree he still isn't well. I dont know much about drug induced psychosis but I've been researching alot (that how I seen this). Good Luck to you, just wanted share this story with you.
Thank you very much. Yes, Meth can cause havoc on the brain. I also have a friend who experiences fear and paranoia which came out of his stimulant use. It's a very scary and tough place to be. Mine is not as severe as some of the things I've heard of dealt with before while on the drug.
JSYK, medications greatly help though. Things like antipsychotics and benzos are great for ppl who are anxious and/or paranoid because of stimulant use. I know I messed my mind up a little with my use and the only thing that will help is me continuing to remain free of stimulants (amphetamines + meth).
I wish you all the luck.
I recently changed my meds, risperdal helped somewhat. But I switched to trilafon, hydroxyzine and klonopin and they have greatly helped with many symptoms of anxiety, delusion and paranoia.