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Lsd fucked me up


Dec 7, 2017
Hell members of blue light... this is my first pay on here so please spare me. Well, I’ll just come out and say it. I THINK LSD has fucked me up. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been a little wacky, but I could function socially and my wackiness even made me more appealing to people (I think). After taking LSD a few times though(biggest trip was 300 mcg and previous trips were maybe 90 mcg), and smoking tons of weed chronically, plus doing some mescaline, plus some mushrooms, I can’t hold conversations and I have social anxiety, I constantly do things alone, but when I’m alone I want to be with people, and when I’m with people I want to be alone. I’m still smart, I can put together good essays and can do all my homework, but I usually have to do it alone and can’t do any kind of group work. When I talk, it comes out slow too, which makes me think my thinking has been slowed down. It’s hard for me to relate to people... I hardly feel any emotions... and the emotions I do feel tend to be somewhat intense. I used to be very socially awkward when I was younger, then out of willpower I worked on myself, and became a social butterfly and someone that could talk to almost anyone. I was the student body president at my school and gave great speeches. I feel like I am a shell of what I used to be. Also, the trips I had were after a loved one in my family passed, and I wasn’t ina good place. Does anybody have the same issues? I keep these thoughts locked up in my head and don’t really express them... hoping I can find some answers here or atleast some people that relate. Thoughts?
Hi and welcome to Bluelight! Were you using LSD or mescaline frequently? I knew someone that got kind of screwed up from taking mescaline daily but after she quit it, she was back to her old self. I'm going to move this to Psychedelic Drugs and they will be able to help you better. Hang in there!
try to go for much lower consumption, the damage is not permanent, but it is obviously screwing with your ability to engage with the world and if you do not cut back it will cut you back
LSD it has been a year and a half... mushrooms it has been about 5 months... mescaline I have only take. Small doses and last time I did that was probably about 2 months ago. Weed I haven’t smoked for 3 weeks now. I’ve drank enough alcohol, smoked cigarettes, and taken ibeuprohen frequently tho. Always drinking coffee too
LSD it has been a year and a half... mushrooms it has been about 5 months... mescaline I have only take. Small doses and last time I did that was probably about 2 months ago. Weed I haven’t smoked for 3 weeks now. I’ve drank enough alcohol, smoked cigarettes, and taken ibeuprohen frequently tho. Always drinking coffee too
Settings are crucial, you should have been aware of that. Are you a social/alone tripper? If you want to overcome negative trips, you have to process them in order to maintain the balance
I feel like this with my hammering of drug use.
abstinence is obviously best, you know, endurjng the boringness of life.
Of course, this might be hard.

So be careful about your usage, try to limit it, reduce etc.
Seriously, i suffer the exact feelings you describe, but i do find, when i increase my breaks, get bsck to exercise, etc, i feel a lot better.
A good idea having a break from weed, I can usually tell I'm overdoing it when i start getting all weird and edgy just talking to people. It can really enhance and maybe even induce social anxiety IME. Possibly the biggest detractor from cannabis in my book.
I don't mess with LSD after a truly horrific trip. Took a panic attack coming up.. hyperventilation the works. Psychosis... dragged to hell. Crying like a baby and shaking with fear.

I think maybe I have underlying issues, not a nutcase but just bot one for psyches
I don't mess with LSD after a truly horrific trip. Took a panic attack coming up.. hyperventilation the works. Psychosis... dragged to hell. Crying like a baby and shaking with fear.

I think maybe I have underlying issues, not a nutcase but just bot one for psyches
Underlying issues can cause difficult experiences, but as shady stated above, set and setting is crucial. Plan ahead and make sure no difficult situation can arise during the experience
Very true mate. A sitter would have sorted all this out. Set and setting were as good as they could have been apart from no one being there to talk me down. Microdosing shrooms is as far as I go with psychs these days. The juice just isn’t worth the squeeze if you get me.
Hi Bud. There is a lot of hope for you, especially if you are young. If you do not know what BRAIN PLASTICITY is, you should look into it a little bit. Pretty much is that your brain can get caught in loops. In an example I heard, when kids are told they are not as smart as others, they begin to believe it and it actually creates a disastrous self fulfilling prophecy. This can apply to things like anxiety, etc. It's going to be difficult at first and it may not be the answer you want to hear, but you need to think constantly positive. Don't read horror stories about drug experiences or anything. Always keep it positive, always. Tell your mind where it needs to go, don't let it control you. Brain Plasticity is a scientific fact, in that it is always changing and adapting. Start telling it to rewire into positive feelings.

Please be prepared to be patient. I have fucked myself up on MDMA that took me 3 months to recover, and a year to feel completely normal. For the whole first month I could barely breathe and could not take a deep breath in. Be prepared for it to take a bit for recovery. I would also completely abstain from any drug use. You need to let your brain go back to normal, and it may take some time. Hope you feel better man.
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Damn man I can relate quite well... Always kinda goofey, but people liked that in me, because I was always finding joy in the littlest of things. And now its been it's been 3 1/2 years since I started doing weed, alcohol, lsd, shrooms, mdma, peyote, and now just recently speed, which was the worst drug experience ever for me. didn't sleep for 3 days.. And since I started (age 15) I slacked in school so much that I've barley turned in homework, and failed in year a school, so now I'm struggling to get through senior year.. which is so embarrassing to me since my brother was valedictorian, and my father who has a very high IQ and is very good mathematics. I have so many moments where I just say to myself "what the fuck are you doing" because ill make the worst decisions and feel like a worthless piece of shit, just for the sake of pleasuring myself. So now as I sit failing my last year of school, I am constantly paranoid, shaking at times, breathing has become difficult, and now I am completely socially retarted. I have no drive left, and find myself starring at nothing for minutes for no reason. At least I'm not alone I guess...