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Is It Bad To Use Bills To Snort Substances?


Oct 3, 2014
I don't snort things all that often (occasionally snorting amphetamine pharmaceuticals and perhaps once a year or so more exotic substances, never coke though as I've never done that and am not interested in it at all), but when I snort pills (or on the extremely rare occasion that I snort something else) I usually use a 20 dollar bill fresh from the ATM. I never really thought about this much, but I was thinking about how money is often said to be "germy". However, does this apply to money that comes directly from the ATM? Or is this coming straight from the bank and thus relatively "clean"? And yes, I'm well aware of the nasal damage that people sometimes get from snorting stuff regularly which is one of multiple reasons why I don't generally snort drugs of any kind. Just on occasion.
I used to use money, but I didn't care. But yeah money is dirty as hell.
Just to put things into perspective....

You are concerned about the possible contaminates that you may snort into your nostrils while also snorting other illicit substances that arguably shouldn't be going in there as well.

Next time your at McDonald, Wendy's, etc etc etc... Just grab a handful of straws and keep them at home for when you need a tooter. Just cut it up into a small convenient size and use for that period of time and then dispose of it. Money is dirty and always has been.

Are you under the assumption that the ATM prints new money or that the money deposited in the ATM is sanitized beforehand? I'm pretty sure once they put currency out into the market, the only time it returns back to the government is when they need to destroy it.
Apparently 90% of U.S. bills contain traces of cocaine. So... worse than germs, someone else has probably stuck that same bill up their nose.

Kind of crazy how drugs are so prevalent that most money is covered in them.
It really is, and that's just coke, imagine the heroin and meth
When I was using I never used bills. Not for any particular reason I just always had clean straws handy.
Especially when you think you can get straws literally anywhere
Especially when you think you can get straws literally anywhere

Exactly. I mean even psychologically speaking it's nasty knowing that someone likely use that bill up their own nose. It's not like we literally launder money.
Hell if you're in a pinch you can take a bump off your keys
Lol that's a little messy, I used to do key bumps throughout the day at work
Yeah, as has been said, a straw is a better bet. Not only because it is more sanitary but it actually works alot better than a bill IMO
Exactly. I mean even psychologically speaking it's nasty knowing that someone likely use that bill up their own nose. It's not like we literally launder money.
Lol listen to what you just said.. your worried about the bill but yet your snorting god knows what into your body.. the bill dosent go all the way up your nose.. use s strae
Grow your pinky nail long

Definitely, if I ever get back into snorting something. For some reason, I don't really like snorting these days. Taking addy by mouth is better IMO than snorting (for me, though everyone is different and apparently some people have had good results with snorting), though I realize there may be some that prefer snorting it which is fine..... just that after having experimented with it a bit snorting adderall just kinda sucks for me. I fucking hate the crash that happens when I snort that shit for me at least though my friend who snorts 50 milligrams a day or so has not had this problem at all yet snorting just doesn't jive well with my body chemistry I suppose (even though it potentiates a bit, just not worth the crash which just kinda sucks for the rest of the day IME). Never had a good experience with snorting addy, prefer taking it as it is meant to be. To be honest, the only reason why I even snorted adderall..... ever is that my friend who takes it said that "snorting it is better" and "potentiates it" and "has better euphoria". Tried it three times, as my friend said that "snorting it is more powerful and more euphoric" and he'd often rail some before going out..... more "powerful" for me, yeah, more jittery..... and more euphoric, hell no for me, for him maybe but not for me...... for me, snorting adderall sucks ass. Just eating it "as prescribed" gives a way better mood lift and best of all NO CRASH, well not zero exactly but minimal and no big deal. Tried snorting addy three times, shitty crash on all three. So, three strikes..... and snorting pills is OUT for me.

The only thing I'd snort is research chemicals that I do rarely and will just keep a straw in my pocket in case the opportunity arises. Not worth growing my pinky for something I do like once a month or less.
Well yeah, it's not great to sniff things with bills, usually straws are better, but I mean that's hardly your biggest concern. Not judging or anything, I think many of us have done it before :p :)
Good on you mate, a little trick, take a lighter and melt one end slightly, it will give you a slightly larger end to help suck up your drugs.