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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

LSD - Inexperienced - 125ug Trip Report. Mind Blown


Jun 19, 2017
So, the other day me and my friend decided to split a 250mic tab of acid. Many of my friends who had received tabs from the same sheet who had used them on different occasions had described the effects just as normal 250mic effects are typically described on websites like these, so there was no doubt on whether the dosing was accurate or not. Of course cutting the tab may have been slightly dose altering, each half was most likely no more than 140 and no less than 110. The purpose of this trip report is I wanna see if anyone else has had experiences similar to this one on similar dosing. Because it was way more than I had expected and I was really surprised afterwards

We had biked to a large reservoir with hiking trails and everything at around 6am and took the tabs at 7. We had chosen this dosage because it was my friends first time and we had heard that 125ish is a good first time dose. Previously to this, I have tried 60ug, 150ug, and 500ug. I know every acid trip is different and special in its own way regardless of dose, but I was mind blown at what I had experienced this day, mostly from the thought that it was only 125ish micrograms. We started hiking the trails that are surrounding the lake and for around the first hour and a half, we hadn’t really felt anything. Maybe a little bit of color enhancments and light body highs but other than that nothing. It was moderately warm out but also very windy, and we had a good amount of warm clothes but also not too much to be able to hold in bags. After the two hour mark we had assumed that the acid was just weak and we weren’t gonna trip too hard, we were barley high. We even debated turning around and going home, but ended up following through and continuing our journey. We got onto a trail that strayed away from the water, filled with bushes trees feilds and power lines, as well as many other awesome nature things.

That’s when we started tripping. It was very mild at first but there was no doubt the lsd was doing it’s job. Our vision began to distort and we had gotten really euphoric at times. (By the way this whole time, we had a speaker playing a variety of music, mostly folk rock, phsychedekic rock, blues, and solo guitar things. But there was a lot of other things too. And this was a great experience for my friend, because he was from the city and was used to listening to rap and pop and had never heard any of these great songs before) about half an hour after frolicking through the grassy trails and staring into the mountains, we sat down in this open trail of grass by a dam, that was narrow and fenced off on both sides, and this is where it began to get intense. I was looking at the grass, and all of a sudden it became a giant platform of lizard like creatures, that had a lot of characteristics from other species but mainly seemed to resemble lizards. They were moving around like dominos and forming these shapes and patterns which would get larger as others dissapeared, and it was incredible because every inch of grass in my field of view was doing this. It was also somewhat cool because I knew that it was grass, but it was like I was in an alternate reality where that’s what grass was.

Moving on, this was where we got back onto the trail that went up the mountain and that’s when the branches of every tree began growing and curling, and they had this warm fuzzy atmosphere around them, and they all started combining into indiscribable things that then pretty much covered my field of view. By the way, it’s like mid September, so most of the green plantation is still around, but a good amount of trees have gotten yellow and orange leaves and actually a lot have fallen to the ground. Anyway, this is when things started moving fast, everything was just flying past me as I walked, and before I knew it, I was running to the top of the mountain, with the song Skeletons, by Stevie Wonder playing, and the leaves on the ground just turned into these magnificent rows of colorful shapes similar to rectangles, but there was no true way to describe them, and they eventually transitioned to being these cute little reptilian beings smiling and laughing as they past by. These things were the only thing going on in my head and i couldn’t help but laugh til I cried, I just felt loved by these things and the song in the background was just making them do what they were doing, and at one point I felt they were actually flying inside of my body.

That all ended when I reached the top of the mountain, and the song ended. I was still running but the song and visuals had died down. At that point, my friend put his arm in front of me, stopped me and yelled my name in a very alarming tone. Thoughts were just racing through my head and it may have been the most scared I have ever been in my life. Then I looked down, and I was standing right in front of this gigantic pile of shit! I didn’t know from what or why, but it was just this orange pile of shit with flies around it in everything. It had a glowing auora that made it seem like the most vibrant and alive thing on earth, and that’s when I fell to the ground laughing. I didn’t know what the hell was going around in my head but I was laughing for a good five minutes before we began to move again. We began running down the mountain, towards the lake again, and when we got there it was like we had just been blasted into a different world. Everything was completley different. A giant lake surrounded by sand and mountains, clouds flying over.

This next hour probably was the most intense part of the trip. We were just sitting on the rocks gazing in awe at the things around us, everything just began connecting with my mind and I was soon seeing what I was thinking and feeling what i was seeing. Everything was changing and there were way too many different kinds of visual sensations to even begin to explain. One brief example would be how the water of the lake at one point, turned into these giant lean people with alien like heads, but no faces, and they were all holding hands and dancing and bouncing. And at one point it felt like i could talk to them without opening my mouth or them doing the same. After this hour of Trippy hallucinations, we sat in the same spot looking around, but everything was kind of normal now, and we were just elaborating on what was happening and what we were doing here. It was a beautiful day out. And also that past hour also contained numerous instances of me taking off and/or putting on sweatshirts, hats, and jackets, for I felt freezing and overheated at the same time, though it didn’t even interfere with anything else, it was very memorable and seemed like a completley different part of the trip. It was kind of like flipping channels on a tv. After this we had just began our journey back to where we started, but took a different route. We still had visuals and what not but it wasn’t as intense as before, we knew we had been coming down. And eventually we were just mildly high again like in the beggining, except we were beared with the task of piecing together what we had just experienced.

There was about 4 hours of tripping, and it was a weird kind of trip because the whole time, we were still relatively aware of where we were in time and space. It was like a small piece of our brains was sober, but that small piece completley contributed to the trip. So, is this normal for a dose so small, has anyone had a similar experience?

And unrelated, would anyone reccomend this dose for a day of snowboarding, if not, what would be a good dose for an activity like that.

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very hard to read that,
can you please put line breaks in, approximately one per sentence or two.
I fell off when the grass was like lizard dominoes which was a great image but the wall of text hurts my eyes
Hey, thanks for sharing. I added some paragraph breaks for you, it'll get a lot more people to read it. As Pupnik mentioned, it's very hard to read those walls of text. But you wrote this quite well, your descriptions were vivid. Sounds like a really nice trip. LSD is so special in the way it makes the whole trip so meaningful and mental.

For snowboarding, if you tripped this hard off 125ug, I'd suggest a good bit less. When you're skiing/snowboarding you can hurt yourself or other people so you should make sure, if you're gonna take LSD for it, that you're not tripping too hard.
Good report and sounds like a good first trip! If I may, shall I offer some advice for future trips, since you seem so eager :)

I would say that, if possible, have someone with you who is an experienced user AND who respects the power the experience holds. My boyfriend is a longtime user of psychedelics, and it was really wonderful to have him as a guiding force in my first few experiences. It's also really fun to trip without him, but I probably wouldn't like LSD so much if he hadn't have spent my first few trips showing me the range of different directions a trip can take.

It doesn't always kick in as fast as you think it should. Sometimes it's 15 minutes, and sometimes it's 2 hours, you never know. Just be open to whatever happens instead of worrying "Am I high? Should I take some more?"

Also, if there are any things that you find particularly comforting (for me it's tea and my favorite sweater) have it available but don't count on wanting it.

Don't be afraid to let go. Some of the most amazing trips I've had have been when I was in an environment where I could be as silly and outlandish as I wanted to be.

Tears are okay. Crying doesn't mean you are having a "bad trip." Some of my best trips have been the teariest.

And finally, realize that you really are in control of the experience. I found myself completely alone in my house for a part of my last trip, and I got really scared. I closed my eyes and envisioned being the light source in the center of a brightly glowing orb, and concentrated on that image until the monsters and darkness melted away. Play with the visuals (if there are any). Experiment with the boundaries of your own mind. It's all in your brain, and your brain is a very powerful thing. LSD unlocks the power, but the power still belongs to you.

Take care now :D