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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(MALT/50 mg) - First Time - Feast Your Eyes


Bluelight Crew
Sep 6, 2015
This was my first experience with MALT, and the decision to do it was made somewhat hastily. Three days prior to this experience I had actually smoked 50 mg of MET, and I think I was still feeling a bit extra hypomanic in the afterglow in the days following the trip, which is also something that happened to me when I took 50 mg of MiPT orally, I just felt very excited and adventurous for about a week or so. In this case I was just very energized from thinking about my good experience on the MET still, and I still had the desire to go back into that intense psychedelic space for just a bit with something else even though it had only been a few days. I had, however, been wondering while on the MET if the tolerance it produces would be very short-lived like that of DMT too, so I thought that this might be a good excuse to test that property as well, try smoking some other base tryptamine and seeing if the trip feels in any way reduced, so I decided to go for it.

Theoretically, if one were to try to test if that tolerance were occurring it would probably be best to test it with a substance one was already familiar with, but I really wasn't thinking that was in the moment and I really wanted to try one of the few tryptamines I have remaining that I hadn't already explored with, so after some quick debating I opted to go with MALT. My instincts told me that, if anything, MALT was probably less intense as a hallucinogen overall than MET, considering that 4-AcO-MALT is not even half as visual or just overwhelming in general as half the same amount of 4-AcO-MET for me, so I figured this might be a nice safeguard such that even if I didn't still have any tolerance at this point it still wouldn't be an overly powerful experience which I didn't necessarily need since I had just had quite a satisfying one on the MET already. Perhaps due to this foolish line of thinking, I also decided to start with the same dosage I had used with MET, 50 mg, for good measure.

My previous experience with psychedelics includes DMT, MET, MPT, MiPT, DiPT, DALT, Psilocybe cubensis, 4-HO-MET, 4-HO-DET, 4-HO-MPT, 4-HO-EPT, 4-HO-DPT, 4-HO-MiPT, 4-HO-DiPT, 4-HO-McPT, 4-AcO-DMT, 4-AcO-MET, 4-AcO-DET, 4-AcO-MALT, 4-AcO-DALT, 5-HO-DMT, 5-MeO-MiPT, 5-MeO-EiPT, 5-MeO-DALT, Ipomoea tricolor, Argyreia nervosa, LSD, ETH-LAD, AL-LAD, 2C-B, 2C-I, DOC, and MDMA. My most recent trip was three days before this on 50 mg of MET.

T-0:45 - I had been debating with myself about whether this was a good idea or not, and finally decided that I wanted to go through with it at around this time, but also decided that I wanted to supplement with a couple things to help with the tension because I already had an annoying headache that I didn't want to get worse. To this end, I took 200 mg of magnesium glycinate and 1800 mg or two capsules from a bottle of Maeng Da Red kratom I have, which for me is enough for some pain relief without any significant recreational effect other than the mildest nice body high.

T+0:00 - At 11:00 AM, I leaned back in my recliner in my apartment living room, grabbed the bong that I had filled with the 50 mg of MALT layered into a bowl of cannabis, and finished pretty much all of it in a couple of hits, though I'm tempted to say that I got pretty much all of the MALT at once. My immediate though was: "Oh shit, this is stronger than MET." As soon as I finished up the smoking I quickly put the bong down and fully leaned back to enjoy the trip; unfortunately, as is the nature of these base tryptamines for me even more so than many other psychedelics, it is somewhat difficult to remember much concrete detail from the peak of my experience especially after only one go with this particular psychedelic, but this is what I am able to recall....

When the open eye visuals first hit, they had a similar feel to them as DMT, MET, and MPT, all of which begin with a rapidly growing and intensifying wall of static sensory overload covering my entire field of vision and overlapping the environment; the effect was less complex in detail for me so far than MPT or DMT but more so than MET, and about as obviously present as MPT which is more so than DMT and MET, while also being more like MPT stylistically. The very first thing I saw was a progression of swirling gridlines pushing the environment away from me into a colorful blur, followed by the blanket I was under suddenly having exponentially more folds on it than it had a second ago that were all sliding and warping around and leaving colorful maze pattern tracers as they went, and shortly after seeing this I leaned my head all the way back on to the chair and closed my eyes to let the trip simply wash over me.

At this point, the trip got a little more dissociative in nature.... I remember flashes of vast mechanical landscapes, dark factories with spinning gears of arms all reaching out to grab each other as the gears ground against each other, with a three-dimensional and virtual quality rivaling my strongest experiences on mushrooms and DMT, and stylistically more so like the former but in terms of complexity more so like the latter, particularly in terms of various geometric details of the imagery I was seeing and the wide range of color influences. At some point there was an image of a beautiful feminine entity like I would see on mushrooms whooshing around with long, highly detailed tracers alike those I've gotten only on my strongest experiences on 4-HO-MiPT, and I vaguely recall it pulling out to reveal an absolutely colossal mandala pattern that looked a lot like something I would expect from DMT, but again had a color scheme much more like I would expect from psilocin as well as some hints of stylistic designs more like LSD, and I specifically recall it being almost crushingly intense like I could barely stand the level of visual detail, but, at least for myself, more so in an enjoyable masochistic way as opposed to me actually wanting the experience to end.

During all this, I did indeed feel quite psychologically dissociated as well, but still very clearheaded aside from that fact. I was having a head trip in terms of the fact that it felt so extreme that my mind was cracking under the weight of it, but this is much the same kind of trip I can get from something like 4-HO-MET, which while intense is still not quite the same as going totally psychotic or thinking I'm living totally other lives or something, it was strong but I was quite aware of what was going on, at least when I wasn't hallucinating so strongly that I my body in reality just stayed in place as I was no longer really present. Once the really heavy hallucination from the beginning passed and I started to focus on external sensations again, I quickly noticed that the dark living room around me was completely covered in beautiful, but also darkly colored geometric hallucinations. They had a feeling to them which is something I first started really becoming acquainted with on 4-HO-DET but have noticed in other psychedelic molecules since then a well, a vibe that gives them the experience as a whole sort of a dark magic feeling for me, as it just makes the world like it is completely crawling and oozing with some kind of spiritual or magical energy to me, with every surface covered with squiggly and squirmy neon patterns of blue, green, and purple and geometric designs alike ancient magic circles and just a general perception of being in some kind of thick shadowy fog or something of the sort.... It was quite a sight to see as I started to really regroup after moving past that peak of intensity, and definitely still stronger than the equivalent types of visuals on MET and similar to those on MPT, but lacking some of the larger, more mechanical flower-like geometries that MPT also gave me.

I wasn't quite ready to get up out of the recliner right away as soon as I opened my eyes, my body felt quite heavy in a DMT-like way still and there was so much stunning hallucination over everything that I really just wanted to lie there and take it in, so that's what I did, but I couldn't help monitoring some other things about my state too. First of all, I noticed that I was not getting any tremors whatsoever, which was nice as I had gotten them on MET recently from what felt like the sensory overload even though the visuals were indeed less intense overall than this. Second, I noticed that I had absolutely no nausea or a desire to purge this time on MALT, which is also distinct from my MET experience and just a lot of tryptamine trips I've had lately, which was very comforting as I was starting to worry they were just going to become something I have to deal with all the time. Third, I noticed that there also was very little tension or body load of any kind, though there is the magnesium and kratom to consider, but I do personally feel like it was still lighter than it would have been with those things if it had started out with a heavy body load, but time will have to tell if that's accurate or not. And fourth, I noticed that I also didn't really have a significantly increased heart rate, which is nice because I did have a bit of one on MPT, but not MET. Overall, I was feeling pretty good, and was pretty impressed with the effects I had gotten so far.

T+0:28 - This is the first point at which I actually looked at my phone again to see what time it was, as until that point I thought holding that light in my face would just be a nuisance. I was quite surprised that it had taken me this long after smoking to feel that I had returned to this level of functionality, and I was notably still getting quite significant visual effects even though they were definitely less intense than the peak. Interestingly, I also did not really have any orgasm-like body sensations at the peak which I often get on tryptamines including the MET I just tried and the 4-substituted equivalent 4-AcO-MALT, but I did nonetheless also have a growing euphoria something like the DMT afterglow beginning to really make itself known at this point too, though as with MET, MPT, and MiPT it would prove to be more drawn out and turn into more of a full high itself than the afterglow I'm used to with DMT. For about forty-five minutes worth of this I mostly just used the growing feeling to enjoy listening to and really getting into music, especially the new Shpongle album, and thinking about life in the meantime.

T+1:12 - I got up and danced a bit at this point, which was fun, but I didn't have as much energy as I would with something like MET, MPT, or MiPT. After about ten more minutes I ended up heating up some leftover mozzerella sticks I had to fill up my stomach which ended up making me feel a bit more normal again, and that did feed my energy a bit too as I continued to dance slightly but also just pace around the apartment while continuing to think.

T+1:54 - At this point I notice that the images on the TV and the popcorn ceiling are still warping and sliding around pretty impressively if I stop to let them, though there's not much color to the movement anymore. I am impressed that it is still going after all this time, but I think this is the last time I can recall ever getting truly significant visuals from this point on other than a general warping and waving of my field of vision later on in the night as I was smoking cannabis.

T+2:01 - Nervously, I finished off the bowl in my bong that was still left over from the MALT. I did feel like there was a very slight boost in the still lingering euphoria, but no real no psychedelic effects, so I suppose either I pretty much got it all or had built up too much of a short-term tolerance by that point.

T+2:50 - I heated up some leftover spaghetti for a fuller meal, which was delicious. It helped even me out a bit more and after that I don't recall really feeling any further effects, aside from the slight tingly body feelings that pretty much always stay with me until I go to sleep that night.

And so, that concludes my first experience with MALT. In retrospect, I probably could have planned for this trip better and started with a lower dosage both for experimentation's sake and for my own safety, but I definitely had a very enjoyable experience and I'm happy for that. However, my cavalier attitude should not be taken as a sign that MALT is an experience to handle.... While it may indeed be less mental than many psychedelics I'm familiar with, it is still an extremely powerful hallucinogen and experience overall nonetheless at the right dosage, that just happens to be the kind of experience I also love and thus it happened to work out well for me. You have been warned, anyone who may be looking to repeat such behaviors as I have done....

In the end, while highly tentative, my impression of MALT so far is that it is indeed an immensely powerful psychedelic alike the other base tryptamines and especially the closely structurally related DMT, MET, MPT, and MiPT, and stylistically particularly like the first three overall, perhaps even the most alike DMT of them, though at the same still being sort of also more like psilocin is for me overall than DMT is, but also being very clearheaded and somewhat more hedonsitic and dissociative than psilocin is for me. At the moment, my biggest desire with it is to go back in for those visuals.... Honestly, while DMT is definitely more visual for mushrooms than me in most ways, I do find mushrooms to have an even more developed sort of virtual 3D quality to them which is definitely one of my favorite psychedelic visual effects, and that is basically a big part of what made this MALT more psilocin-like for me despite being more DMT-like in its visual potential overall, and I am also a huge fan of psychedelics that are extremely hallucinogenic without much a head trip alike this one was for me and certainly much more so than mushrooms, so, at the very least for me, this MALT absolutely seems like a potential huge winner. I cannot promise that it will be that great for anyone else, but I definitely can say at least for myself that I am very, very intrigued to see what else it's going to be able to show me in the future.

But, as usual, until then that's all I've got! Stay safe, travelers!

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Awesome, awesome! Thanks for sharing Kaleida! As always... :) I think this is the first report I've seen on base MALT (not many about the whole family of -MALTs actually). Sounds similar to the other base tryptamines, that is to say, great! I'm curious what it would be like orally.

My friend and I decided we were going to do a little dissociative chill night tonight, the disso in question will be DCK (which I used to think was boring but the last time I tried it it gave me a pretty magical experience). I'm thinking I am going to bring a base tryptamine to smoke during it, it would be either MPT or MiPT. I have DPT and DiPT also but they're salts, the MPT and MiPT are freebases. I haven't tried either yet by any ROA, well I ate 20mg of MiPT and had a very light but pleasant experience but I didn't really see its true nature, it was pretty threshold. Given it will be with 1-2 good friends, and with a dissociative mixed in, do you have an opinion on which would be better? MiPT seems like it might be more suited since it seems to be pretty euphoric.
You're very welcome, happy to contribute as usual, and I'm very glad you liked it. :) I've seen a couple of very short reports on MALT on Reddit, but nothing that I can recall describing actual psychedelic activity from, other than the high provided by sub-threshold amounts. I knew it would be great if pushed far enough, it's hard to imagine that any sufficiently active base tryptamine wouldn't be, with such an immensely active pharmacore to work with... and yeah, it was definitely similar to them overall, at least in the way that 4-substituted tryptamines and such are similar to each other, and I'm increasingly delighted to discover that the same interrelationships don't hold up between two base tryptamines and their equivalent 4-substituted tryptamines, like how this was definitely more active for me than MET despite 4-HO/AcO-MET being way more active than 4-AcO-MALT for me. As usual, it's an exciting time to be a psychedelic enthusiast. :D And yeah, I wish we'd see more reports too, and I really wish I 5-MeO-MALT would come back now too after this.... 4-AcO-MALT is one that I will certainly at least be writing more about myself in the not too distant future, and I know of one person at least who is planning to try 4-HO-MALT soon. I'll probably try this one orally myself too at some point with moclobemide, when I'm more used to it.... I think it could actually work pretty well given how similar it was to psilocin for me, it would probably make a pretty good more typically 4-substituted tryptamine-type trip in the right contexts.

I remember you talking about deschloroketamine being boring before, glad you've gotten to see a new side of it. :) I never got to try that one myself though it does sound interesting, I'd love to have a short run with it if it ever came my way. Well, I'll say first to remember that I have only taken MPT and MiPT once each, without a friend being involved, and without also being on a dissociative, so take my advice with a grain of salt.... That being said, based on my one experience with each so far I would say that there was a pretty clear distinction between MPT and MiPT for me that would probably be the most significant factor of all in this scenario, and that was: MPT is a more psilocin-like trip, whereas MiPT is a more LSD-like trip. Don't get me wrong, they're both like both... but it's about the overall leanings. And they're both pretty euphoric for me for the record, both creatively stimulating and such, and arguably similar overall compared to a lot of things especially when smoked I'd imagine. But, for me, MiPT was one of those trips where the visuals are present but not overwhelming, even when they're completely opaque they're brightly colored neon and inviting and cartoony, and the headspace that accompanies it is deliciously hedonistic, ranging from high sexuality to simply total bliss with any sort of sensory input like a good LSD trip, and though the sensory visuals are less in full focus there are still a good amount of LSD-like visionary hallucinations to spice things up too. On the other hand, MPT was one of those trips where the visuals are so powerful and dominating as to be completely unavoidable while at the same time hard to pay attention to because of the introspective overload, which at first will be dissociative but afterwards just inspired inward thought, but when you do notice the visuals they'll be utterly extreme, definitely the kind of thing you'd be looking for if you were truly craving psychedelia as opposed to just looking to see some fun shapes and colors.

So, personally I would say that MiPT seems a lot more suited to a social environment for me, but, given that it's just you and one or two other friends, depending on your relationship with these friend and how deep they like to go with psychedelics in general and what sort of mood they're in, I could definitely see MPT being a fantastic choice for some truly heavy but comfortably short-lived balls-to-the-wall psychedelic tripping, which I have to say I would imagine could be particularly intensified and smoothed out by the dissociative effects as well. So, that's basically what I would say it comes down to.... If you're looking to trip hard, MPT, and if you're looking to mainly just also be tripping while having fun, I'd say MiPT. But they're both awesome trips that will probably inspire a lot of discussion both about themselves and other things as well in good company. :)
Nice, I think MiPT it is. :) I was leaning that way anyway. I also want to take MiPT at maybe 90mg orally out in nature sometime. I've read several really awesome-sounding reports of it around this level, which involved intense spiritual euphoria and vibrantly altered hearing and visuals.
Awesome, I hope it goes great! :) Yeah, I read those reports too, it does sound pretty tempting.... That stuff about MiPT being more background for me definitely mainly applies to the 50 mg I've taken too, I pretty much expect that at a higher concentration like that it's going to ramp up to the point of being completely overwhelmingly visual just like 4-HO-MiPT and (for me) 5-MeO-MiPT, but I'd guess maybe the best of all of them from what I've seen so far. And yeah, I did get the slightest DiPT-like audio distortion effects from 50 mg so I'm not surprised they come out at higher doses, and I was already starting to get a DMT-like abstract emotional entity interaction too, so I'm sure the sky's the limit as far as that's concerned....

Base tryptamines are pretty great. :) I'm definitely excited to use a lot of them in several different contexts.
Wow this stuff sounds pretty good. For someone who sadly has never tasted dmt before and also sadly cannot get MPT (isomer of DET) so illegal in USA, would malt be a good tryptamine to get a feel for what a dmt experience would be like?
Like when you smoked it did you kind of fall out(have to lay down) like most do on dmt?
Thanks for the awesome report :)
Well, first of all you're quite welcome, and thanks for the compliment. :)

Second, I can actually say that every single base tryptamine I've taken so far, either smoked or orally, has had some of the same body heaviness as DMT, and it's one of the little things about them that's making me really start to fall in love with them; the onsets can be very intense, but still, nonetheless there really isn't any anxious push to do something about it or even just get up and move around, you pretty much just veg out while the extreme trip completely engulfs you. Notably though, this does mainly apply to the hallucinogenic peak.... With DMT, the trip is over so fast that by the time that heaviness is passing you're basically already sobering up but for the afterglow, but with the rest of these molecules for me there is first an initial DMT-like wave of internal hallucination and heaviness followed by a slower re-emergence into a world that is still significantly psychedelically altered for a bit longer and comes with the same sort of post-peak excited energy that other good longer-lasting tryptamines provide, though variably depending on the molecule in question of course. That's yet another reason that I'm really falling in love with the synthetic base tryptamines specifically now, and MALT was definitely no different in either of these ways, though lower on the energy rebound than some....

And third, while I would say that these base tryptamines are definitely all highly unique from one another just like different 4-substituted tryptamines are and so on, I would also say I definitely think MALT could potentially give you a good taste of what the DMT experience is all about, if it did give you this hard of a trip too at least. Superficially, it does resemble psilocin more to me as I said, whereas something like MET reminds me of DMT more directly, and I have some suspicion that like psilocin MALT may end up with a heavier focus on the hallucinogenic overload and dissociation and less though not absent focus on the interactive style of DMT, but particularly in terms of that visual intensity, the way the trip flows overall, the clearer headspace for that intensity, and the aforementioned body feelings, I do think MALT will very much show you what kind of things you'll be dealing with during your typical DMT trip, and would be willing to recommend it for that purpose.

Though, I will also add that I increasingly think that pretty much any psychedelically active base tryptamine would be able to show you a decent approximation of the DMT experience.... They're unquestionably all wonderfully impressive and powerful hallucinogens. :)
That would make all base tryptamines illegal in the USA wouldn't it? I've never had the slightest problem getting them but caution is always a good idea. I think you could theoretically get prosecuted for any tryptamine that is a 4-HO and a base, due to them all being analogues of DMT/4-HO-DMT. Technically.

I did that MiPT last night, along with DCK... stacked the peaks. I ate 40mg of MiPT, decided against smoking it which I kinda regret. I didn't really experience the unique action of MiPT, as the DCK combined with it to form a fairly wild dissociated space. For a bit I couldn't socialize and we had on some later Jerry Garcia stuff where he was playing acoustic and talking to some people in a room, I felt like he was on the porch with us playing for us and hanging out, it was pretty cool. Then later after the dissociation peak dropped off I conversed a lot. But next time I'm gonna take MiPT by itself in a different setting.

I'd think MET would be the best choice for getting a feel for what DMT is like. Most people say it's the closest. Honestly though DMT is unique.
Sounds pretty interesting. :) I could definitely understand not really feeling like you get to experience the MiPT's signature though. Did you actually get significant psychedelic visuals or was it mostly just mental effects combined with the dissociation? Not being able to socialize sounds like the peak for me when the DMT-like heaviness is there, but afterwards I got super social, to the point that I couldn't even wait to come down to write the report because I just wanted to tell everyone about it; were you feeling anything like that while conversing more? Yeah, I'd definitely try it without a dissociative next time (except maybe nitrous, hehe) if I were you though, it really was a beauitful psychedelic with a unique signature all on its own for me.

Yeah, MET would honestly probably be my top recommendation for technically most DMT-like, but they all truly are unique, I really wouldn't say that MET is that much more like DMT than MALT is, or than MPT is.... It really depends on what effects you focus on; MET for me literally feels the most like DMT's vibe as a whole, for instance, but MPT and MALT were both more hallucinogenic on the level of DMT for me, despite being artistically more distinct from it than MET, so I would more readily compare them to DMT than I would MET in terms of actually having a trip on the same level of intensity, though they're all quite intense. It's a tricky subject as usual, but as I said, I think they'll all really give a great idea of what the DMT experience is like, they'll just do it in their own ways with their own little slices of psychedelia....
It was mental and not visual, but I don't get visuals much anymore after so many years of psychedelics. Once in a while I'm surprised but usually it's minor and I don't notice them, even when I'm tripping hard. I don't honestly care much about visuals, for me it's about the mental and emotional augmentation. It also had a very euphoric body feeling, and put me in a humorous and witty state of mind not unlike that of 5-MeO-MiPT or 4-HO-MiPT (surprise surprise!).

Next time I try MiPT, I want to take a lot of it and be in nature, maybe by myself.
Ah, I gotcha, I was mostly just curious because I'm still trying to gauge just what a regular visual dose of MiPT might be for the average person; I would expect that 40 mg might be just a little too low for me too, but not totally inactive. You may not get many visuals normally, but this is a very close analogue of DMT, so I probably wouldn't bet against anything.... All of the base tryptamines I've actually gotten visuals on have been ridiculously visual so far, pretty easily shattering records for my most visual psychedelics period. It's funny how it works that way too.... I actually feel that my visuals on psychedelics in general have gotten stronger and more complex over the years, especially in recent times after experimenting with a whole bunch of different substances, but I'm actually completely in love with psychedelic visuals, both abstract and structured, and consider them to be pretty much necessary to my top favorite psychedelic experiences, though not sufficient as I do need a good headspace and euphoria and such mixed in too for it to really reach that rating, but so maybe my visuals are really just intensifying because I'm filtering them through a feedback loop of focus in the same way that you may be tuning them out by not really placing much importance on them.... That's certainly an interesting area of thought.

But so yeah, I definitely get preferring those other effects like mental, emotional, and physical highs too, and I do find all of the MiPTs to be particularly equipped for such things. :) They're pretty fascinating molecules, good for pretty much any kind of memorable psychedelic tripping really.... I'll certainly be very much looking forward to hearing about your nature trip as well!
Yeah for me, I guess there are only so many times I can see a bunch of kaleidoscopic fractal displays before it just seems sort of like watching a screen saver or something, beautiful but not engaging or interesting. For me, I've noticed a steady decline in visuals over the years. When I first started tripping I had WILD visuals, and I was so fascinated by them. Nowadays I almost don't even pay attention to them if I do get them. I guess maybe it's just because I don't pay attention to them, hence I don't work on increasing them?
The screen saver metaphor is a good one, it's not really how I view my own relationship with psychedelic visuals but I can understand why it would cause you to eventually just ignore them if you did see them that way. And yeah, I definitely think that could lead to them declining in strength all together.... It actually for me correlates with how I had to overcome my moderate HPPD symptoms; when I first got them I got a lot of anxiety and depression thinking I had broken my brain from them because I could never stop seeing them, so I had to slowly learn how to ignore them no matter how prevalent they were until they actually started genuinely disappearing on their own, and now I have no HPPD problems at all and can still go back and forth easily between not looking for that stuff while sober and totally letting the visuals be unleashed while tripping. I find that the brain is good at that kind of stuff, filtering out irrelevant information... so if you think of something that way, that's probably how your brain will categorize it and filter it from then on.

Personally, I think of psychedelic visuals as more like works of art.... I feel that I could just watch new streams of visuals forever and never get tired of their beauty, meaning, and uniqueness. It does help however that I am a highly artistic person, and was doodling fractals in school while growing up long before I ever knew anything about any psychoactive drugs; the way being completely overwhelmed in intense psychedelic visuals feels to me, I honestly imagine it's what some people get out of things like meth and heroin because I just cannot possibly imagine a more euphoric and hedonistic state for myself, and believe me I've tried to find some. In addition, it's probably worth noting that I get all kinds of psychedelic visuals easily, both the raw sensory kind and the imaginative or dream-like hallucinations.... When I'm going for an all visual trip it's really not just about seeing fractal displays, though that is a recreationally important part of it for me, but rather it's about going so deep into hallucination that it's like I've passed completely over into some kind of magical spirit world, a truly completely altered reality that I can see reflected in the chaos all around me. So, that's my perspective... and I think thinking of them like that was probably what has allowed them to develop further over the years, as those complex psychedelic hallucinations really do seem to have sort of a "deeper down the rabbit hole" feeling to them for me, like each trip is just a story that picks up where the last one left off, always getting more profound the deeper you search....

Yeah, visuals are great, definitely my personal favorite way to lose my mind. :)
Yeah for me, I guess there are only so many times I can see a bunch of kaleidoscopic fractal displays before it just seems sort of like watching a screen saver or something, beautiful but not engaging or interesting. For me, I've noticed a steady decline in visuals over the years. When I first started tripping I had WILD visuals, and I was so fascinated by them. Nowadays I almost don't even pay attention to them if I do get them. I guess maybe it's just because I don't pay attention to them, hence I don't work on increasing them?
I totally agree with what you said this and i have the same issues. What I first took LSD I was 14 and it was absolutely insane it was like looking through a kaleidoscope, just melting walls everywhere it was great. Then i couldn't find LSD for like a decade a did mushrooms alot and eventually did a few nbomes which seems to have given me a little bit of HPPD, while killed my visuals a lil. So yeah I would be at looking for whatever is the most visual out of all of the base tryptamines.
Honestly, I think you pretty much can't go wrong when it comes to looking to base tryptamines for visuals. A couple things, like DiPT and DALT, may be punishing on your wallet to do it, I'd probably recommend something with a methyl in it to be safe... but really, they're all going to be monstrously visual once they reach their required dosage for visual activity. That's what my experience would suggest, anyway.... They've all got that DMT style, which is so freaking powerful that even when it is reduced from DMT itself it still often easily surpasses most things.

At least, I can say that about tryptamines.... I can't really speak much about comparisons to the phenethylamines, since I know the NBOMes are supposed to be quite visual too. I have tried DOC once so far though, which I know is supposed to very visual for many, and it was definitely impressive for me, but nowhere near the methyl base tryptamines except MiPT in some ways, which is the least visual of them for me but again still more visual than most things.

The base tryptamines are really blowing me away right now personally as far as the visuals are concerned.... I can at the very least say for myself that they were exactly the kind of thing I was looking for in this way and I think likely to remain some of my favorite psychedelics for it for a very long time.
Thanks for sharing this enticing glimpse into MALT, a substance that I was itching to know more about. :)

This was my first experience with MALT, and the decision to do it was made somewhat hastily. Three days prior to this experience I had actually smoked 50 mg of MET, and I think I was still feeling a bit extra hypomanic in the afterglow in the days following the trip, which is also something that happened to me when I took 50 mg of MiPT orally, I just felt very excited and adventurous for about a week or so. In this case I was just very energized from thinking about my good experience on the MET still, and I still had the desire to go back into that intense psychedelic space for just a bit with something else even though it had only been a few days. I had, however, been wondering while on the MET if the tolerance it produces would be very short-lived like that of DMT too, so I thought that this might be a good excuse to test that property as well, try smoking some other base tryptamine and seeing if the trip feels in any way reduced, so I decided to go for it.

Keep in mind that cross-tolerance between multiple tryptamines can be much less than tolerance for a single molecule. For example, I found that even with a ridiculously high tolerance to 4-HO-MiPT (you remember that story I'm sure, lol), 4-AcO-DMT was relatively unaffected.

During all this, I did indeed feel quite psychologically dissociated as well
but also being very clearheaded and somewhat more hedonsitic and dissociative than psilocin is for me

Curious, how would you define dissociation in this context?

Anyway, my curiosity about MALT has increased tenfold. o.o
Thanks for sharing this enticing glimpse into MALT, a substance that I was itching to know more about. :)

You're very welcome, happy to share as always. :) I share your curiosity about this substance too, someone had to write something about it at some point....

Keep in mind that cross-tolerance between multiple tryptamines can be much less than tolerance for a single molecule. For example, I found that even with a ridiculously high tolerance to 4-HO-MiPT (you remember that story I'm sure, lol), 4-AcO-DMT was relatively unaffected.

That's a good point to remember, and interesting that it holds up even in a more extreme situation such as that. Thanks for sharing that. :)

I really don't think I'm going to be using these things more than once a week from now on after my latest trial. Differerent molecule or not, the psychedelic state in general definitely does feel a bit more special to me when I'm not in it quite so often....

Curious, how would you define dissociation in this context?

In simplest terms, a loss of awareness. When I closed my eyes and leaned back into the peak, I was not experiencing those strong visuals as if I was fully cognizant and flying through them.... They were basically just a background event happening in a void, and I only really began to recognize them fully in retrospect once I really started emerging from the state.

The same thing happens to me on high doses of mushrooms, but when I am in that state on them I will also have things like racing thoughts and disorientation going on, which causes whatever remaining awareness I have left at any given time to be thrown into chaos. On MALT, on the other hand, there really wasn't any mental chaos.... Just a pure dissociation and then a slow re-entry, somewhat like the one time I did ketamine, but with an extra intense emotional vibe shared with DMT.

Compare it to EPT, which so far did not cause either strong dissociation or disorientation for me.... Pretty much just normalcy all around.

Anyway, my curiosity about MALT has increased tenfold. o.o

Glad I could help out. ;)
Yummy experience (and a yummy name, MALT :D) and sounds like a very worthy chemical to explore...8)

Thank you for the contribution Kaleida, it was fun to read, dosage noted as well! :)