• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

New member, 10 days off Opiats


Sep 20, 2017
Just kicked a 10 year 110 mg methadone habit. Knowing what was in store I switched to short term acting Opiats.
last time I did this was 17 years ago. Being sure didn't make it any easier. My main issues are a horrible migraine and the not being able to sleep. Thank god i live in Oregon ?So I have ponds of great pot. That is really helping.
ive taken a 2mg zanny at night the last three days but I know that slippery slope. How many days till that becomes a problem?
Any suggestions for relief would be greatly appreciated
If at all possible I would space out the xanax and keep relying on pot for sleep, restless legs etc. Then as time goes by you can start to wean that down to a place you are comfortable with. Congratulations on quitting the methadone--what was your impetus for getting off it?