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Do the effects of MDMA change post SSRIs use


Oct 1, 2017

I have been prescribed SSRI for the first time to treat a moderate depression. Since this is my first time taking them, I would be interested to hear how other people experienced taking MDMA again after they had been tempered off their SSRIs.

Thank you!
I never attempted to take MDMA during my use of SSRIs (as prescribed) but I did partake of it several times before and after. I've noticed no difference in what I get from MDMA but I wasn't on SSRIs for too long (at most 5-6 months). I eventually stopped taking them due to side effects and distrust of the doctor I was seeing. I'm not a doctor but I always advise looking for any alternative to SSRIs. In the case of depression I think there are better ways to deal with it. I've struggled with it off and on myself most of my life and I'm here to tell you I was just as depressed on them as I was without them. At best, they made me numb to it, but they didn't fix the underlying issues.
Hmm. That's kind of an odd question when you first start an SSRI. Planning ahead to the day, probably years down the road, when you can roll again.

I can only add that my first MDMA experience was while on sertraline 50mg. I'd never heard of any E-blocking abilities, so instead started some fights (ok, whine and sulks) about getting ripped off. Later on, after I'd been off sertraline maybe a year or two, had my next encounter, and seemed to roll just fine, no different from the friends who never stained their brains with the shrink's quackery.

Yeah, there are better things out there than SSRIs, but even though they're not helpful for many, they're not harmful for most. And they don't appear to destroy the ability to respond to E in any way.

I agree they def. won't help you "work through" issues, if that's what you need; though they may help you plow through them. Or, you're one of those where it's not issues to begin with, it's your brain. Only your shrink pretends to know for sure.
I was on an SSRI for about 9 months several years back. I feel it has impacted my ability to fully experience MDMA, but I cannot definitively say this as there are so many other factors to consider like fast taper off, taking MDMA while on the SSRI, the ongoing lack of proper MDMA in my area, etc. But, coincidentally, my not feeling full effects anymore happened around the time I stopped the medication, so...