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Advanced Opioid Chemistry: 3,6 esters of morphine analougs, and advice concerning6MAM

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Sep 20, 2017
Hey there bluelight,
I have some pretty advanced questions concerning hypothetical synthesis of 3,6 esters of morphine analougs.
When SWIM removes Morphine from its Sulphate salt base into its alkaloid form using a solution of water MS and NAOH => sodium morphenate(p:s) + water + ? sodium morphenate being insoluble in water if memory serves ne correctly?.... The precipitated Na-Morphenate can then be filtered out of the solution using standard lab filter to collect the solid and discard (not really discard; save, so I guess its pseudo-discard) Na-Morphenate then needs to be dissolved into x, and I cant remember if x= HCl acid, ether, chloroform or whatever else.... jowever to continue, we re-obtain the morphine alkaloid by dissolving in an appropriate solute. Add NaCL+ammonium hydroxide and obtain morphine hcl + h2O + NaOH/Cl + N + H? where am I going wrong here.

for hypothetical reasons lets say it works, refluxing then with GAA=6MAM?

can nicotine be retro-synthesized back into nicotinic anhydride?

I have some more VERY specific questions concerning my chemical equation(s), and conversions into mols, 22.4L@STP=1mL H2O@STP=1CCwater@STP=1 mol or avagadros' # of molecules..... right? or am I suoer rusty? Please help!!!!
I don't know shit about chemistry, but I've always felt that out of all pharmacological research - opioids are WAY behind the times. It's pretty freaking sad that morphine, the first real manufactured drug, is almost 200 years old and we have nothing better.

Do you think these analogs will have superior efficacy versus the natural form?
Hey OP- welcome to Bluelight first of all.

You may want to read the Bluelight User Agreement though because:
1- we don't swim here. Despite common misconception, it actually offers absolutely no legal protection whatsoever. Not in investigations, prosecutions, nothing. Only thing is achieves is to make your posts difficult to read and annoy your fellow Bluelighters.
2- synthesis discussion is prohibited here.

Sorry man, would like to help you more. Props to you though having a productive hobby....be safe.

I dont know much about chemistry but this looks like OP is trolling:

1. dissolve morphine sulfate in a NAOH solution
2. Let sodium morphenate parcipitate
3. Filter morphenate and discard the solid chunks
4. Dissolve morphenate in HCl acid, ether, chloroform or whatever to get morphine alkaloid
5. Add NaCL+ammonium hydroxide
6. reflux with GAA
7. ???
8. 6MAM
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