• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

New and need help


Sep 18, 2017
Hey guys, so 5 years an addict. I was on tramadol at first then any pain killers I could get and the past 2-3 months on oxycodone 30mg. About 7 pills a day. To be honest I think those oxys were fake and there was something stronger in them. They crumpled up before i would even get home. Anyway this is my day 4 on suboxone. First 2 days were hell. I don't know if u threw myself into precipitated withdrawals or not but I had bad withdrawals. Day 3 was a bit better. Day 4 which is today is better than yesterday but I'm still sweating and have zero energy. I'm doing this on my own with no doctor. Anyway... I maybe took 16mg of sub my first day. Maybe a bit more. Now I'm not really counting. Just break the pill in small pieces and take whatever is there. Today I took maybe 2my. Or 3mg. Don't exactly know how much to take. If i take even a little too much I will get a panic attack. I've taken them before and never ever took even 4mg throughout the day. I'm a female. 25. 5'5" .110pounds. I want to get off subs as soon as I can but I'm still having slight withdrawals. Who's Robert and how can i get his help?
Not sure who Robert is, but if you are looking for help in getting clean (on then off subs successfully) then try Sober Living, link here. You will find a lot of threads that discuss people who are using subs to get off one substance or another, as well as many people who can give you suggestions on how to best do this.

Peace- grsh
Hey there sadlittlegirl, welcome from all of us here at Bluelight :)

It sounds like you're struggling a little with what to do there, and it sounds like you need a bit of help. Can I suggest you start a thread in sober living with much of what you just posted here? You may also find it really helpful getting a doctor involved, but I appreciate there may be reasons why you don't want to.

Good luck!