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Am I the only one that likes doing my drugs alone

I'm an introvert and like solitude. Alcohol sometimes I like to be in social situations, but yes I too lke to do my drugs alone.
Dude I have my best times on drugs alone. Nobody to do or say anything or any reason to be conscious of someone else around you at all.
Alone time means me time, and me time means drug time.
9 times out of 10 I prefer to be alone. Even if just at home with my wife I go into my home office to take them. Like others, I appreciate the effects much more by myself. If I?ve taken something and a friend turns I?m I?m not happy to see them ? Inly drug I tend to take in public is Valium, and that?s only to take the stress away from being out in public. The downside to that is I care less about hangovers so tend to drink a lot more than if I hadn?t had a Valium.
You are absolutely not alone my friend! I'm on 600mg DHC right now because my wife is away on a business trip. I love doing opiates alone, stims alone, benzos alone, weed alone....

I feel you there brother, once this DHC kicks in, I'm gong to grab a hip flask full of bourbon, pick up a pack of cigarettes and walk the streets of London.

Now I LOVE getting high with my wife, it's a beautiful thing - we met through BL for fuck's sake haha - but here's something about that blissful solitude of just you, your chemical and the experience.

On which note, I'm going to put my headphones in and go and smoke at the bottom of my garden.

Take it easy brother

Haha sounds good :)
I like doing drugs by myself too. I don't mind doing drugs with good friends but would never consider doing them in public places (except mdma). I feel more like in control when Im' tripping / rolling alone and I dont need to worry if my friends flip out or them giving me bad vibes for whatever reason. I's just so more carefree to do them alone.
All depends on the mood i'm in and what type of journey I want to go on. Want a good time and memorable will spend it with friends taking MDMA, LSD, Shrooms, Joints and Beerd etc. If I want to chill and go on my own special journey throughout my mind I will take LSD, Shrooms, Heroin, Any type of opiate tbh just preferably Heroin and plenty of benzo's if its just me time. Not exactly altogether but usually at least one or two at a time. Careful about my dosage two, there is nothing worse than over doing it amd completely ruining your buzz. Stay Safe, Peace, Mr.Heffo94.
Not sure if I prefer doing chems by myself.... or have just become accustomed to it. Times that I have indulged with best mates I have had some of the biggest life-changing experiences for the better - yet have also had it go the other way. I think subconsciously I indulge alone more-so to make sure my friendships stay intact should there be an episode of psychosis or something similar - though know I don't enjoy myself quite as much doing alone. Bitter sweet....
It depends IMO...some drugs are socially oriented, like stimulants, empathogens & (I would argue) cannabis, while others are more enjoyable while solitary, like opiates.
I would prefer to do my drugs alone too tho. There were times when i invited a friend of mine to take some meth hits with me, he's a newbie and he fucked me up with many questions about my rig and so on. And he keeps on asking "hey are u high?". Thats fucked up my mood so bad.

So im always better alone
It definitely depends on my mood and the drug, but I kinda also like taking most of the drugs alone. I usually consume downers, because as you say opioids and benzos are great for relaxing on the couch watching TV or listening to music. Even if I consume uppers, I almost always take them with at least one downer and while doing that it really depends on my mood if I need / want company or not.
Like a lot of you guys, i prefer benzos/opiates alone. However, relatively low doses of opiates can give me energy and make me more social which is great at work and often makes talking effortlesss. I don't think getting fucked up alone is worse than doing it in a social setting. If anything, getting rid of your using friends is one more thing to worry about if/when one decides to get clean off a lifestyle habit.
I actually can’t smoke weed with company, it’s a whole thing. Anything else is fine, generally.
I really like eating mushrooms alone out in nature, and I love to go super deep into a k hole which is generally not the greatest idea to do with ppl around, also not very sexy