Name change...question not addressed in sticky


May 23, 2013
The initial mod post didn't I don't want a new account under the same email. I want the username of another user that hasn't signed on in like a decade or something. The name is very similar to mine. I want to retain all my posts and history. I feel I deserve it for contributing my drug experience and scientific expertise to this board and this person that has the name I want is never coming back.
^Donate money and you can change your name. I've actually never really liked that concept, nor agreed, but I understand the utility of it given that Bluelight largely relies on donations to stay afloat. Its a sweetener to thank you for your donation.

I feel I deserve it for contributing my drug experience and scientific expertise to this board and this person that has the name I want is never coming back.

I've moderated and spent a fuckload of my time on Bluelight, so I have been allowed one name change (and a change back, and then back again). Simply posting on Bluelight doesn't entitle you to anything. :\ Maybe you should volunteer to become a moderator? There are often positions available, but you need to be aware that you have to have been contributing consistently and usefully to that forum (generally speaking) to become a moderator. Spend a bit more time in your favorite forum, why not? :)
Do I get to keep my join date and number of posts with the donation and name change?
^Yes, its the same account just a different username.
So presumably you want the guys name who spelt 'dreamer' correctly?