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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(LSD / 20-35 Hits) A Birthday From Hell LSD Story (Woke Up In A Hospital)


Sep 14, 2017
(Before you read this everyone is talking about the whole situation with the Narcan well i know it doesn't sound accurate but they asked me several questions about if i had done heroin and when i was on drugs i said yes even though i was not on heroin they tried to stop the process of me dying in any way which wouldn't have even happened but this is all i remember for all i know it could have been in my head i watch a lot of COPS)

So this is my first post and i have never used this site i have just only read things on this site so excuse anything i do wrong and spelling errors and shit (not that i really care) so feel free to tell me if i fucked up somewhere.

so let me introduce myself before this story so you know who i am and how i handle drugs.

I'm 16 yea i'm young i fucking get it don't bash me for this i know what i am doing i guess. So anyways i have done a lot of drugs experimented and pretty much done everything (not so proud of that) but you get the picture so i'm pretty known as a stoner, acid head and pretty much lost majority of my friends for being a coke head and i mean a lot of coke inhuman amounts of coke let me tell you. i have partied and always been known as the young kid but everyone seems to be fine with that at party's i have been partying smoking since i was 12 and really just hung out with the wrong crowd but i'm working on it but that i am pretty chill and just pretty paranoid after doing all the drugs but mostly rock but i'l make a post on that prior to this but anyways always been low-key never talk to cops hide my shit never get caught know my rights.

The only ticket i have ever had was poss of THC and worth of 4gs nothing really and curfew i have had other police issues but i got out of them
Also i have pretty bad ADHD
and that is really it about me i want you to know but this is just my experiences and what i know and have had in my past
but onto the story. WARNING this shit is long...

Me and my friend we are gonna call him dickwad for doing this to me but we had acquired a great deal on some blotter i was pretty fucking excited since we had been friends for a while and it was his birthday so we both pitched in so me and dickwad went to our guy and got a "birthday deal" this deal with 90 for 15 hits of some amazing blotter 210ug trusted source great artwork and was not Nbombs for sure so we went to this guy and i was pretty excited but nervous for some reason i just had that bad gut feeling now hold on i know when you have that feeling it should be time to rethink but i was in the moment so i was not thinking (i'm a dumbshit) always trust your gut! So we got this from our guy and originally i just wanted to pitch in with him and get some tabs for him and me and i would go home and he would too because i like to trip alone it makes me feel better and i like to go on spiritual quests by myself for some reason but he insisted on going to this crib of course me thinking its his birthday i cant leave someone who wants to share some blotter hanging so of course i went along with it. so we start driving back and we are talking about dosages and what we are gonna do dosage wise. So i decided i would take 12 hits of some strong LSD of the strip we had and he would take 3 because he has only done it once and i have been tripping for a while now (long enough to be confident about me tripping) so we get our tabs ready and we are 10 mins away from home and this fucking idiot decided to dose right then and there and i was like yo dude we are still driving so dickwad goes "its fine, its fine we are 10 mins away" i agree but then we have an issue. He doses and we are almost on e so we drive 20 mins to get some gas and start heading back and i dosed as well prior to when he did with the 12 blots so i start to rush thoughts in my head "what if he cant drive when we get back from the gas station" etc bad thoughts already before i even feel it. But we get gas and head back by the time we are 15 mins away from home now we are tripping sack i'm not talking visuals yet but i felt like i was almost out of my body like a DMT trip but a little less i start to freak out but remain calm all i could think about was there is no way this fucking idiot can drive right now. But we managed to get home and we pretty much swerved the whole way there on these dark back roads fucking terrifying in relief we park and walk in his house by now i was tripping sack dehydrated we go to his fridge i slam water but it was so hard to like i felt like it just wouldn't go down right but still managed. We walked upstairs to his room and by now i'm fucking tripping so hard the stars on his walls were breathing and spinning! We sat there for what seemed like an hour maybe 45 mins and we were high as fuck. I cant ever understand what to explain to you but it was probably the most beautiful/intense thing i have ever seen and i have even dosed higher that 12 hits before and haven't had visual this insane i look to dickwad and say "When i start to peak don't let me do something stupid" knowing that this was going to kick my ass. So we go downstairs and look at his dog laughing our asses off he has a wolf dog and the thing is huge i don't know what we thought was so funny but man it was for some reason laughable. So then we go outside and explore his yard now i'm seeming shadows morphing his car was moving downhill and it was in park the trees were talking to me and breathing and swaying like it was windy out when it was not at all. And i lost my footing and could barley walk (i looked drunk as hell) and things seemed to be trying to speak to me this voice in my head were trying to attack me telling me "you are gonna die, you are gonna die!" i start freaking out and dickwad says to me "are you okay?" i sit and close my eyes in the grass and start to meditate telling myself it will all be okay. But things just kept getting dark and evil. I smoke a ciggerate and calm down but still had these dark thoughts in my mind i eventually just said fuck it and thought about happiness we go to his car and grab his bud and we were planning on smoking it but first we had to obviously fuck around first because we are tripping balls at this point so anyways dickwads dad is a firefighter and legit had a firetruck outside in the yard and we go up to it and go "dude lets fucking drive this thing" laughing our asses off we get into the truck but this is were things got fucked up.

So now dickwad and me and trying to find out how to start this firetruck when we somehow and i don't know how but i got "stuck" in the firetruck its this small space in the front seat and i was sitting in the drivers end and dickwad was in the passenger seat and we both said "fuck" we both try to unlock the doors and we are now stuck in this fire truck on acid in a small space and can barely breath because its so hot in there for some odd reason. I start to panic and now at this point the panicking has for some reason made me trip harder i freak out yelling "Okay bro this is not fucking fun anymore get me the fuck out of this fire truck right the fuck now" screaming now trying to unlock the door ending up flashing hard peaking and its too dark to see outside and i just fast forward for some reason i kid you not time just changed i look over and dickwad is out of the firetruck with the door opened and the whole time we were never stuck in this firetruck at all i am legit not even kidding was freaking out scared thinking i was stuck in a truck when one of the fucking doors were open the whole time. dickwad not even tripping as close to me (still tripping balls) is now getting pissed at me he starts yelling at me saying "dude if you aren't fucking okay you need at least be more quiet this shit is getting annoying" I apologize and explain i don't know how that even happened then i start getting up to get out of this thing and all of the sudden i hear people come outside (this was his dad but this isin't what i thought" so then the person comes to the firetruck with a flashlight and i thought it was a cop and he comes up to us and starts talking to dickwad asking what we were doing. Now i'm freaking the fuck out i hid my face in my hoodie and start trying not to panic and this made me look weird as hell because now this kid on drugs is in your motherfucking firetruck with your son, ignoring you by hiding in his hoodie so eventually his dad who i thought was a cop the whole time goes inside and the whole time i thought it was still a cop and he just left us alone (now after i woke up the next day we are getting to that i remember the whole conversation of what he was saying to this dad it went like this "Hey you guys like my firetruck? You guys seem to being having too much fun haha just be careful") so i panicked for nothing so then we go to the front of his house and i cant even see clearly like the world is melting my face feels like its melting off and my fingers were growing by inches i kid you not. So we smoke another cig and i lit the cig backwards and started smoking it and i ended up burning myself and the pain was so intense for some reason that i start jumping around saying "fuck that hurt" and dickwad straight up says "dude you are not okay like you need to fucking chill the fuck out or you gotta go somewhere else" panic arises now i'm thinking police were here and my own friend was trying to throw me out onto the streets so i could be murdered i thought that now i was not okay because i was told i was not and i start to scream and just start running away i just ran and ran and all of the sudden i don't remember anything being conscious at all i just like blackout.

Now this is all i remember being awake during the begging of the trip now i sorta wake up somewhere in his yard and i'm tripping like insane flashbacks i just hear a bike peddling and realize that dickwad was on a bike pulling up to me and says "dude what are you doing lets go" i say go where? "We are going bike riding don't you remember? Now come on lets go!" So i get on this bike and we start riding down the street and all i remember from this is we did not make it far and i ended up hitting a bush with his bike and not really biking correctly we then go back to his house me having to walk the bike back now get there and i flash again another blackout type thing and now i hear sirens tons of sirens and i saw the most intense visuals i have probably ever seen like i cant even explain it it was so insane i could not tell you what it looked like the world was ending in my own mind. I then get stuck in a time loop like if i could explain to you what i mean like time kept repeating and even when i got through the time loop and continued i would go back exactly to where i was before and it would all reset and this time loop was so scary i was crying screaming yelling help and even yelled kill me make it stop screaming over and over and the time loop was me and i was in the backyard of the house and i kept running from these voice in my head and i would hit this fence and as soon as i did i would go back to where i was this i heard sirens still ringing so loud continued for what seemed like hours in my own mind and i thought the whole time in this loop the swat team was looking for me and i had been wanted for years and they finally found me and i thought i legit was going to die i black out again and wake up this time i was in control of myself and look up i was fully on my back layed down shirtless looking up at 2 cops and dickwad sitting there next to me i think in my head "i'm so fucked" now i was repeating to myself don't do anything fucking stupid or you could ruin your whole life so these cops are asking me are you okay and an ambulance pulled up with his sirens on the exact ones i had been hearing in my loop so these cops were like "whats your name" and i start saying out loud "THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL ME HELP OH GOD HELP" over and over till one of the officers restrain me and hold me down i start freaking out and the ambulance drivers come over and assist them then the officer was saying to me trying to calm me down (thank god they were actual nice cops or id be in juvie for sure) things like "its okay man we aren't here to hurt you" "you are gonna be fine you aren't in trouble everything is okay" and i kept hearing those words over and over in my heard and for some reason it made it worse now i blackout again and have this intense flashback like a dream almost but i cant remember any of it and then i wake up in this ambulance.

This is were i got into trouble and fucked me over (whole ambulance conversation)
So they were asking me all kinds of things like name address who am i what drugs have i taken?
They ask me by list "have you done any herion tonight" is the first thing they ask me and i go yes! they made me do it?
"who made you do it?"
I don't know their names but they are coming for me"
"what else have you done?"
i just start spewing out drugs i go "i smoked crack i smoked weed i snorted meth im going to die" this is what fucked me over i was so wacked out of my mind i would say anything anyone told me to say
they start putting shit in my because they thought i was legit on herion which i was not on so they shot me with Narcan and all this crazy shit to "keep me alive" which i never really needed
at this point i was tripping so hard that i thought that girl driving was my mom and the cop sitting in there with me was my dad and start spewing out crazy shit like "mom save me help im going to die"
at this point they literally went along with it which pisses me off they were fucking with me just to calm me down now i don't know if thats a good idea but i guess it worked out
she started saying that everything will be okay me thinking my mom is here with me when she is on vacation 2000 miles away fucking cid man
Now i get to the hospital

I awake to 2 detectives and the doctor trying to figure out what is wrong with me he asks me all these questions i deny everything now because i am sobered up at least 40 percent
they all asks me these questions but i'm still tripping hard trying to figure out what i'm saying and eventually the dad i don't even live with shows up and this is the worst part
i don't live with my dad he does not know i even smoke weed (till now) and he is the most anti-pot anti-drug person on this earth like i'm telling you its bad so he is showing up here seeing me in a state of which looks like i'm on some fucked shit but now that kinda messed with my head and they all start asking me whats going on with you and they got a call from dickwad a few minutes later and by the way dickwad is 18! so he could have gotten fucked over for this i wish he would have so dickwad told the police i took LSD and how i dosed with him he told them everything even though it was not necessary so now I'm here freaking out thinking i'm going to jail or that i was fucked up and they got something from me that i had i thought they had possession of something on me at least to say. (they did drug test me and i failed for LSD THC And COC Though)

So now i kinda just fall asleep thinking i need to sober up now so i can argue this i am not in a state right now to handle this so i just fall asleep now i wake up with my dad who i fucking hate next to me i am at this point pretty sobered up i mean i still had visuals slightly and it had been like 8 hours prior to me arriving there. Now i'm fucking pissed off thinking all this shit like "Why did dickwad snitch on me" "why am i in a hospital for being on acid that is just stupid" all this shit made no sense to me we talked and talked and these detectives questioned me for hours till my dad just flat out said "i'm in custody of him do whatever you want with him i don't care at this point i don't want no drug addict in my life" me flat out saying to him "go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit" just at this point saying fuck it so now these detectives are sitting here explaining to me that acid kills people and how acid is one of the most dangerous drugs ever and blah blah blah the most bullshit thing i have ever heard in my life and now the detectives say "you can have 2 options one. We can take you down to the station and you will be put in a mental hospital for 90 days or we let you voluntarily join a rehab center and we will drop all this and nothing will be on your record me not even having a choice first of all then dad comes in and says we want him in the rehab center so then we sit there all day till they fill out paperwork for me to go to inpatient but i ended up never going to that i went to outpatient

Finally i had to go home with dad because he is my "legal guardian" and had to stay there for a week till my other guardian got home from vacation and i went back to my real home.
1 Week And 2 days later

Started this outpatient shit its so fucking stupid this place is full of junkies and crazy people that lie their asses off all day and i have no choice but to be here
its really not that bad but its a waste of my time i even had to quit work to do this!
3 Weeks In

Now i'm in IOP and i'm a week away from freedom wish me luck man

Now we are reaching the end here and this is just a recap of what i saw now i talked to dickwad days after to at least ask what he saw happen and he explain this to me
-We started tripping
-I was enjoying myself to much
-I started saying people were trying to kill me
-I took his bike and drove down the street eventually hitting into a neighbors fence and kept running into the fence over and over
-Then tried to fight him for coming near me cause he threatened to call the police then started running around his yard half naked saying "They are trying to kill me help!"
Then running away from his neighbors and woke up half the neighborhood to me running half naked around with a bike yelling Help.....
-Then telling the police officers i was superhuman and i can teleport
-And then trying to run from them.

But he is the reason i had a bad trip this whole time if i was in a stable environment this would have never happened but i mean i don't think i'm everdosing that high ever again
and the whole time screaming at a dude on a ton of acid is pretty fucked to begin with you should have done what the people in the ambulance did and just lied saying that you are here or this and that instead of just you know saying you are fucking dying. Anyone on acid after being told their is police or you are going to die is going to panic and panicking on LSD can change your whole view on reality or the situation or at least in my case.

Dickwad had called me saying that the reason this whole thing happened was not from the acid i took but infact someone stopped by and gave dickwad a vile of lsd to swig on for the both of us
so apparently he dripped a few on his tounge and i swigged a quarter of the whole thing so in reality i had injested 12 double dosed tabs and a unkown amount of lsd from that swig probaly ranging
from 20-30 hits of acid not even knowing if some of this chemical he had had 25i in it? We will never know.
Still The Best Trip Ever.

Lesson today is: never trust anyone. :?

Edit: Got some revenge Dickwad had messaged me asking for alprazolam recently so he met me at mcdonalds and i gave him some some laxatives haven't heard from him since

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Your friend is not a dickwad dude... You were beyond reckless.... That is 3 mg of LSD there if my math is not wrong.... That is 15x doses of LSD. You are 16.... You screwed up accept responsibility, integrate this trip, and learn from it. Be responsible next time. 630 mg of LSD for someone 18 yo and I am guessing experienced is somewhat reasonable even though strong. No one 16 yo or younger should be ingesting 3 mg of LSD. If "dickwad" wasn't there especially when the cops were trying to figure out what was wrong things probably would have been a lot worse.

Now you know... No reason to be ashamed... We all fuck up sometime or another. Now you can move on with your life.

What you should be ashamed of is giving him laxatives instead of xanax... He could've had a seizure and died if he was dependent enough. You should call him, make it right, apologize for being a fool that night by taking WAY TOO MUCH LSD, and ask if you can make things right. You seriously need to get your shit together... The world does not revolve around you.
Yes this is pretty much a shame post in a way. But you realize this dude told them things that were not even involved with the situation and he was trying to fight me when i was on LSD he is bigger than me and i thought he was my friend and he was the one who didn't help me at all infact he was scaring me on purpose i wouldn't have done the same thing he did i even told him i didn't want to trip with him and he encouraged me to take that amount and he told the police i sell rock and do all this other shit when he does the same? I never said the world revolves around me and anything i said was just a trans a mind fuck you could say that was not me for 28+ hours. There is police outside my house everyday because of him and he even asked me if i could get him fucking rock the day after this happened he made this happen and he snitched on me. And the same week he ratted on someone else too.
Your friend is not a dickwad dude... You were beyond reckless.... That is 3 mg of LSD there if my math is not wrong.... That is 15x doses of LSD. You are 16.... You screwed up accept responsibility, integrate this trip, and learn from it. Be responsible next time. 630 mg of LSD for someone 18 yo and I am guessing experienced is somewhat reasonable even though strong. No one 16 yo or younger should be ingesting 3 mg of LSD. If "dickwad" wasn't there especially when the cops were trying to figure out what was wrong things probably would have been a lot worse.

Now you know... No reason to be ashamed... We all fuck up sometime or another. Now you can move on with your life.

What you should be ashamed of is giving him laxatives instead of xanax... He could've had a seizure and died if he was dependent enough. You should call him, make it right, apologize for being a fool that night by taking WAY TOO MUCH LSD, and ask if you can make things right. You seriously need to get your shit together... The world does not revolve around you.

read my last post
I am going to double post now, but your friend handled the situation right... He did not have to follow you and be there the whole time the cops were there. He did not have to risk himself informing them what happened so they knew how to take care of you right. He did not have to talk to you to tell you what happened afterwords. Really you are being really ungrateful... After a trip like this I am surprised you have not humbled yourself to the fact of how insignificant you are. The cops, ambulance, your friend, and even your father just want to make sure you don't hurt yourself.

It is your paranoia that caused the bad trip, your fears, your anxiety, and general misconceptions. You need to stick with this in patient unit.... You need to find a proper therapist. You also need to avoid psychedelics until you mature a bit. The fact you call this the "best trip ever" is fucking stupid. It may have been strong, but it sounds horrible.

My best trips are around 100 ug where I do not have visuals or a lack of control of my grip on reality, but instead allow me to figure out what causes me to become so distracted that I detach from reality and to practice mindful breathing holding infinity pose and letting my mind let go of all thought.

Accept responsibility as this situation is no ones fault, but your own. Other external factors may have caused it, but your internal mindset is what screwed you over. You need to look into set, setting and substance in relation to planning a trip as even with what was obviously a very good setting your lack of understanding of your own internal set and your irresponsibility with knowing your substance and what you can handle is what got you into this. Again this is no ones fault besides your own.

Also welcome to the site... Stick around... Learn... You need it
I am going to double post now, but your friend handled the situation right... He did not have to follow you and be there the whole time the cops were there. He did not have to risk himself informing them what happened so they knew how to take care of you right. He did not have to talk to you to tell you what happened afterwords. Really you are being really ungrateful... After a trip like this I am surprised you have not humbled yourself to the fact of how insignificant you are. The cops, ambulance, your friend, and even your father just want to make sure you don't hurt yourself.

It is your paranoia that caused the bad trip, your fears, your anxiety, and general misconceptions. You need to stick with this in patient unit.... You need to find a proper therapist. You also need to avoid psychedelics until you mature a bit. The fact you call this the "best trip ever" is fucking stupid. It may have been strong, but it sounds horrible.

My best trips are around 100 ug where I do not have visuals or a lack of control of my grip on reality, but instead allow me to figure out what causes me to become so distracted that I detach from reality and to practice mindful breathing holding infinity pose and letting my mind let go of all thought.

Accept responsibility as this situation is no ones fault, but your own. Other external factors may have caused it, but your internal mindset is what screwed you over. You need to look into set, setting and substance in relation to planning a trip as even with what was obviously a very good setting your lack of understanding of your own internal set and your irresponsibility with knowing your substance and what you can handle is what got you into this. Again this is no ones fault besides your own.

Also welcome to the site... Stick around... Learn... You need it

I was having a good trip till you know he tried to beat my ass for enjoying myself i bet even if you were on 100ug and some dude you knew that could kill you with his hands was trying to fight you you would still freak out infact after this whole thing if he would have just said take a breather you are fine this would have never happened but the fact he tryed to scare someone on lsd on any dosage is idiotic
Yes this is pretty much a shame post in a way. But you realize this dude told them things that were not even involved with the situation and he was trying to fight me when i was on LSD he is bigger than me and i thought he was my friend and he was the one who didn't help me at all infact he was scaring me on purpose i wouldn't have done the same thing he did i even told him i didn't want to trip with him and he encouraged me to take that amount and he told the police i sell rock and do all this other shit when he does the same? I never said the world revolves around me and anything i said was just a trans a mind fuck you could say that was not me for 28+ hours. There is police outside my house everyday because of him and he even asked me if i could get him fucking rock the day after this happened he made this happen and he snitched on me. And the same week he ratted on someone else too.

You don't have to say the world revolves around you... You say he fucked up your trip? What about you fucking up his birthday? He probably said more than he should have to the cops because he was on 3 hits of LSD... Notice he is not in jail, hospitalized, or arrested.... He did not do wrong. You did. Once you accept that you can understand why you did wrong, avoid repeating those mistakes, and start doing right.

The first thing would be apologizing to him and doing right by him as all I can tell was he tried to help you and you bit the hand that fed you. Who cares what he did to someone else that is not your business especially when you have this immature bias against his actions because of how he responsibly tried to handle your irresponsibility. He probably was "fighting" with you because he wanted to restrain you so you didn't hurt yourself. Try putting yourself in his shoes... It is called empathy.

Edit: No you had a bad trip... You were scared, anxious, worried, paranoid, and afraid the whole time. Just because you are having "fun" does not mean it is a good trip. It is what the end results are that matter and if they are beneficial to your life or not. Obviously this trip wasn't except in the fact it revealed your irresponsible usage to your concerned father and got you into an in patient unit where they can handle this.

I am going to let everyone else guide you on this as I am a very harsh teacher when it comes to situations like this. I have no sympathy.... I blacked out 5 days on clonazolam and had to figure out what happened from neighbors who I burnt bridges with in that time and find my dog that luckily one of my neighbors had told the police to call my parents to get them to pick her up as she wasn't safe with me at the time... She could've easily gotten out if I had left the door open and run out into the street. So again don't act like you are high and mighty as right now you are on a fast track to rock bottom and soon you'll end up like one of those junkies you are trash talking now maybe worse.
You don't have to say the world revolves around you... You say he fucked up your trip? What about you fucking up his birthday? He probably said more than he should have to the cops because he was on 3 hits of LSD... Notice he is not in jail, hospitalized, or arrested.... He did not do wrong. You did. Once you accept that you can understand why you did wrong, avoid repeating those mistakes, and start doing right.

The first thing would be apologizing to him and doing right by him as all I can tell was he tried to help you and you bit the hand that fed you. Who cares what he did to someone else that is not your business especially when you have this immature bias against his actions because of how he responsibly tried to handle your irresponsibility. He probably was "fighting" with you because he wanted to restrain you so you didn't hurt yourself. Try putting yourself in his shoes... It is called empathy.
Look believe me i see where you are coming from but i'm not saying at all i was in the wrong at some points infact you are right i was the main problem but i have been in this situation before and it has been worse and i took care of it i gave him water put on family guy and told him "look there is no one here at all looking or coming for you i promise" and he was fine and he was on boomers a strip and he was freaking out worse than me i asked for water he did not even bring it he just said i'm insane and need to calm down when i was legit asking him for help what kinda friend does that?
Look believe me i see where you are coming from but i'm not saying at all i was in the wrong at some points infact you are right i was the main problem but i have been in this situation before and it has been worse and i took care of it i gave him water put on family guy and told him "look there is no one here at all looking or coming for you i promise" and he was fine and he was on boomers a strip and he was freaking out worse than me i asked for water he did not even bring it he just said i'm insane and need to calm down when i was legit asking him for help what kinda friend does that?

One who is tripping, does not know how to handle what was going on, and did his damn best to stop someone on 3 mg of LSD from killing themselves who was asking to die.... If he went to get water you probably would've walked off before he got back. He was probably worried he would not find you and was afraid to leave you. You need to really analyze this shit from the outside perspective... Not from what you wanted, but what you needed. I will come back and post, but this will be my last one for now. I am willing to help you change your perspective, but that can only happen if you want it to change. You can continue thinking the worlds out to get you and you are alone, but that will only cause this to happen again. You have family, you have friends, you have a community, and you are apart of this Earth we all live on together. As I said it is not just about you, what you want, and everything you. The world does not revolve around you.
One who is tripping, does not know how to handle what was going on, and did his damn best to stop someone on 3 mg of LSD from killing themselves who was asking to die.... If he went to get water you probably would've walked off before he got back. He was probably worried he would not find you and was afraid to leave you. You need to really analyze this shit from the outside perspective... Not from what you wanted, but what you needed. I will come back and post, but this will be my last one for now. I am willing to help you change your perspective, but that can only happen if you want it to change. You can continue thinking the worlds out to get you and you are alone, but that will only cause this to happen again. You have family, you have friends, you have a community, and you are apart of this Earth we all live on together. As I said it is not just about you, what you want, and everything you. The world does not revolve around you.
Like i said nothing revolves around me but i was overnice till he started threatening me i was asking nicely bro please get me some water and he wouldn't this was before i even started freaking out bad so he caused the bad trip nothing was wrong till he started his shit obviously cause he was tripping to but goddamn he seemed fine.
You are not listening to me at all.... He needed to restrain you. Fuck you wanting water to needed to be restrained in the moment so you didn't go hurt yourself. Read my posts again. Each one at least twice if not 10x as you have completely missed the point.

Also my math was wrong. It was 30 doses
@Tacodude you say some stupid shit sometimes, regarding him selling his friend the laxatives as xanax "what if he was dependent and had a seizure and died" or whatever you said. Uhhh I'm pretty Damn sure someone who is talking xanax daily in high doses knows what the fuck they will look like whether they are footballs, bars, etc. They would not get it confused with some damn laxative pill. Think before you speak dude.
Ovo dependencies can create desperation and if someone you trust pushes that it is good it could happen. Plus my points are more than valid. We can't judge the op friend as obviously there is some misplaced bias. This kid could've easily walked into traffic and died if his friend didn't stick with him... Don't call me out on one comment that's not even the main point of the discussion to discredit my opinions. The OP needs to grow up and accept responsibility for their own actions and choices not displace it and blame it on everyone else as if the world is here to cater to their every need. They need to be responsible and make sure they don't get too intoxicated to get their own water. Seriously he blamed his friend for taking the dose before driving home as settled him off, but imagine what his friend thought when the op decided on 12x210 ug tabs=3.02 mg of LSD. It was irresponsible of the OP and completely unfair to put the blame on someone who made sure he didn't get hurt...

Edit : I'll add take your own advice ovo... I think before I type... Do you??
You'll be dead shortly at your age and recklessness once you start IV heroin.

I stopped reading at the point where you took 12 hits of new untested blotter and a friend that hardly trips was given 3.

I have tripped balls in my life and would never start with more than 1 of a new blotter.
Read more ,Also those paramedics were stupid as shit...who that is wide awake and hysterical with giant pupils requires Narcan?...damn u really do live in a small towm
Read more ,Also those paramedics were stupid as shit...who that is wide awake and hysterical with giant pupils requires Narcan?...damn u really do live in a small towm
lol true that who can't tell when someone is frying?
Still The Best Trip Ever.

What? You could've gotten yourself killed with your insanity during this trainwreck of a trip. You became delusional to the point of thinking people were trying to kill you. In your delusional state, you tried to fight your neighbor and didn't even remember it. Then, you began disrobing and ran around half naked in a panicked and delusional state shouting out for no logical reason. You thought you had the ability to teleport and ran from the cops. To top off this horrible trainwreck, you wound up in the hospital which is horrible in and of itself and due to your delusions gave the doctors false information where they administered medications that you didn't need. This could have resulted in very dangerous medical procedures being performed when they aren't necessary. And then weeks after this experience, you got dragged off to rehab and still won't be able to leave for a week. I hope that when you get out, you wouldn't even consider doing something like this again.

Also, 20-35 hits of acid (with 210 micrograms on each tab nonetheless)! When I took one hit of acid that had about as much as was on what you took, it was the most intense (and also difficult) drug experience that I ever had in my life. I can't imagine anyone taking 20x that amount without completely losing it and possibly putting themselves in serious danger, which is exactly what happened. Just consider yourself lucky that you didn't seriously injure yourself during the experience and obviously don't engage in this kind of reckless behavior again. You seriously put yourself in danger.
Read more ,Also those paramedics were stupid as shit...who that is wide awake and hysterical with giant pupils requires Narcan?...damn u really do live in a small towm

not believable

no matter how shit a paramedic is this just sounds like a big fat lie. no-one would mistake too much acid for tiny pupils respiratory depression heroin
not believable

no matter how shit a paramedic is this just sounds like a big fat lie. no-one would mistake too much acid for tiny pupils respiratory depression heroin

Also doesn't quite add up that somebody could have an acid trip this bad and then post on here saying "still the greatest trip ever", unless they were being sarcastic? You never know I suppose though. Also when you think about it the whole thing the whole bit about the paramedics doesn't make sense. I wasn't thinking of it at the time, but it does seem pretty much impossible that even the worst paramedic could confuse someone on 20-35 hits of acid with someone overdosing on heroin.

Of course, there's always the possibility that the paramedic got the job with phony credentials or something. Shit like that does happen, but there's no way that an actual paramedic would ever confuse someone overdosing on heroin with someone on massive amounts of acid. Even as a layperson who knows absolutely nothing about anything medical, seeing the difference between a person on psychedelics versus opiates couldn't be any easier. They're essentially polar opposites of one another, and you couldn't really find two drugs that are more different.
The paramedics could assume the poly usage of uppers and downers explained the system possible pcp... Better to treat without anything and blame the person stating they have what they don't for liability rather than risk it making one's own judgement.... At least I'm sure administration sees it that way.