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What Song Fits Your Current Mood vs music makes life beautiful

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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QzEwx4BoYI0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

[hey, this is how you embed videos at BL with BBCode, can't insert HTML :) - CFC]


^ couldnt access that link but posting an eponymous, retro video; with bad, pixelated non HD quality for good measure ;)

My mood. Shitty as always but fucking grateful to be lucky.

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More like makes my current mood interesting.

I really understand what it means to be the architect of one's own moods now. However that really isn't helping me be what I would consider a skillful architect yet.
hehe Yeah that needs skills training, always found it difficult to understand the people who believed hyperbole because they were gullible enough to buy int to it, without enough thought/feeling to be aware of truth and significance... and especially crazy, how that blamed is mainly everything outisde their(our) own mind <3


I found again, something precious and unique that's been with me the whole time. I lost it myself, but anything but, found it on my own.
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